CBT: Corona keeping old fucks out of the gym edition

School gym is so empty these days, it’s not so bad dudes

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nice bod, routine? how long you've been at it?

Yeah, I noticed the thots and the old people were gone today. No waiting for the squat rack. It was bliss.
But yesterday, some crazy bitch was using the assisted pull up machine to do some kind of leg press. Bitch pushed her dory shoes into it and walked away without cleaning the machine.

You're a fucking health hazard to yourself and everyone else.

shut up boomer

i kind of plateaued losing fat so I am just maintaining for a week or two and then getting back to it. This shit is dumb i feel fat and small at the same time.
5’8 158lbs

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No routine and about 5 years now. Gym’s just for fun, focused on research now

Good for you user. That leaves you plenty of time to work on those babby wrists/forearms

>live at the one apartment building in the world that has a solid gym - actually squat rack, free weights, etc
>work from home so I basically get it to myself whenever I need it
>some dumb fuck in China eats a bat
>Putin and Mohammad bin Salaman get bored and decide to start overproducing oil
>every O&G company starts doing layoffs (I live in Houston)
>every other company in Houston is now switching to work from home
>my gym is now full of SIR new years comic-tier retardation every day

If I get COVID I'm coughing all over the gym equipment to keep those fucks out.

left is skelly me about 18-19 y/o and right is me today a few months from turning 21. I still haven't hit 1/2/3/4 yet but i also kindof want abs for summer. Should i just cut and say fuck it save strength gains for later or just keep bulking another few months

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Definitely do not cut and nice shoulder gains bro

you didnt even lift

Baby everything, i recognize this alien headed chink from previous cbts, dude has the skeleton structure of an 11 year old

nice try corona chan

I'm gonna say it, I can see some additional muscle mass between the two pictures but to the general public you look untrained. Work on getting your lifts up and the muscle will follow

bro I wished I had that muscle mass, but no, I had to be a retard and cut as a skinnyfat, so now I gotta start from scratch with 15kg curls and 30kg barbell rows, it fucking sucks! I'm eating alot, so hopefully I'll gain something. Could you give any advice about that?

I would say if you’re already lean eat at only a slight surplus for a long period of time. Dont let yourself fall for the bulk meme and get fat as shit. Actually track your calories and be aware of your macros. Carb timing can make your workouts much better i have found. Make sure you sleep lots and drink a lot of water. As far as in the gym. Make sure youre doing the most volume you can handle high rep too. And lift with intensity.

5’11, 187lbs

Reposting here since the last thread is dying

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>corona virus please spread to me and everyone else cause at least my ego won't be torn apart

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thanks brah, no worries, the bulk ain't no fatty shit, I'm just eating slightly above maintenance, when before I'd eat way below maintenance. It's all good, thanks for the advice.

Fucking nice tits. So juicy.

Unironically this post. Feels fucking bad man. Pretty shit here, too. Worked for years to get an international transfer to Asia. Was over there for fucking 6 months, came home for New Years to Burgerland, and got stuck here. At least my company is keeping my visa going so far, but friends of mine have gotten fired. Of all the fucking years.

70 inches, 154 lbs

Did a physical fitness test this morning. 63 pushups, 73 situps, and a 13:25 two mile time.

Beenat the gym fairly often since the new year, already seeing the improvements

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when did it become acceptable to post on this board at 5'8?

Post body


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10lbs down. keep cutting or nah? I'm 159ish

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There's already a CBT thread you fucking attention whore

5'7 nearly 5'8 manlet

Dude 10 minutes from my house caught corona, at least im a antisocial fuck and only speak to a handful of people at the gym.

5'10 205lb

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Looking good kings

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Eat my ass I didn’t see it

Thank you kings

Imagine talking to anyone at all

from 17 years old to 19 years old.
I was on and off with the gym, really inconsistent, but it was better than whatever I did before, (nothing)
I go 3x a week usually, PUSH x2 and PULL x1 and do 3x5 on squat at the start of every session. I also have a pull up bar at home I do lots of reps with which is how i justify only doing 1 pull session, I'm just really lazy and never been crazy into it, i only wonder what I could do if I cared about my diet and optimised my training. I am working on it though. “No man has the right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training.

"It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable.”

I went from 61kg to 68kg and im currently 179cm tall.

1rm: 260lb squat
290lb deadlift
155lb bench

Really aesthetic and really small waist.
I think your physique looks good, especially your arms
progress is progress no matter how slow it is."Never discourage anyone who continually makes progress, no matter how slow." -Plato
You could probably cut and gain muscle if you optimise your diet and training.
Insane chest insertions and muscle development, chad shit.
You got a better pic than that? Nice stats on the fitness test btw
You got really good shoulder to waist genetics + small hips, which makes your physique look good.
Id say carry on if your performance hasn't been hampered and the only thing holding you back is the fact you want to cut.
really nice chest, arms shoulders, decent level of leanness at such a high bodyweight, defo aesthetic bro.
Shoulders looking good bro

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4 days out from end of cut

Mirin lads

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>Id say carry on if your performance hasn't been hampered and the only thing holding you back is the fact you want to cut.
so carry on cutting?

Rate me bros
5’10, 170ish

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if you feel good right now, whats stopping you?
Carry on if you feel good and your performance in the gym hasnt gone AWOL. Only you can know the answer

18 yo, 187cm, 2 months into SL5x5
enjoying my invulnerability to the virus mirin arms

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very hot I mean aesthetic bodies guys keep it up


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>tfw my head is the same height as the shower head.
You frauding manlets are making this too easy.

More like 4 weeks dude, cmon you know you can go further than that.

Stay jealous of my 5’9” 185 lbs frame, you fucking cuck

Fucking sick physique

Which dudes in this thread are non-natty? Feel like we need a disclaimer, makes me feel bad :(

You’re like 5’7, dude. The door looks like a whole ass building next to you lmao.

You sound like you need to compensate by trying to find faults with someone else...I truly feel sorry for you, bro. I hope you get through whatever is troubling you :(

>he doesn’t know the manlet meme

Shower heads are 6'9" and beer bottles are 6" if he was standing up straight it would probably be around 5'9" he just looks short because he has very broad shoulders and a huge fucking head.

Me at 175lb 5'9" as well.

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I can but im not trying to go to single digit body fat. I'm cool just cruising around 12-13%.

post bulge

Nobody in here looks like they’re frauding buddy

6'1 feet, 76kg, currently doing recomp after a life of being a fatass and slimming down in the last few years.

Probably the greatest body I've ever seen on Yas Forums, if I can reach half of this I'll die happy.

Also insane

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Kawaii @3@


What mode am i?

5'10 , 164 pounds - just starting focusing on arms 3x a week

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You’re too kind user wtf I’m sure you’ll get to 200% of mine

youve posted the same fucking pic for 2 years now, or you've made zero progress


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Are you new here?