Not impregnating mixed race cuties to create genetically superior babies

>not impregnating mixed race cuties to create genetically superior babies

if you want your kids to be fit and good looking give them diverse genes

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No, rabbi.

What do you get out of making these bait threads?

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mixed race people don't have superior genes outside of fringe issues like sickle cell anemia or the inbreeding disorders that some groups like the amish, or some jews have. Even within very specific racial categories like determining between germanics, anglos, slavs, nords, etc., there's enough genetic diversity that increasing the diversity of offspring isn't going to make an difference in fitness.
In other words, just let people have sex with who they find attractive, and stop making up fake reasons to support your personal tastes.

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If I can find a cute half-Jap girl, I'll go for it, but I ain't goin for no darkies

white people are going to die out anyways, why not at least choose which genes you're gonna mix with? black people have superior abilities in strength and conditioning due to a mutation of the ACTN3 gene. better that than say, mexican or some shit.

>nooo rabi im not gonna race mix
>sees japanese girl
>oh its ok when its japanese :)

>fuck a nigger goyim
>get herpes goy
>enjoy your AIDS and nigglet baby.
Thanks rabbi

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well ya see hyperboreans etc

I just don't find negros attractive, it's got nothing to do with Yas Forums shit

>he doesn't realize black people dominate sports for a reason

This just proves white people have shit genetics

>you will NEVER look like this
holy shit i didnt come to Yas Forums to feel

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which sports? Table tennis?

and yet they are the most desired. Why's that?

go spend some time in a tanning bed

>genetically superior


are you retarded? you get more DNA from the mother technically, also RENT FREE


Ultra dark cocoa or nothing.

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Post body

imperialism. next question please dum dum

I only want to have sex with each different race then I can settle down with a white girl. I just need an Islander and an American Indian.

>you get more DNA from the mother technically
yes, very technically, in ways that don't really matter

And be dumb as fuck

i mean she can get the dick but i'm not nutting in her

cope, please have sex

Another mutt fitness unrelated thread that the fucking tranny jews jannies WON'T DELETE.
Clown board.

i'm mixed and my iq was tested at 139 on the wechsler scale :^)

man fuck off


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and yet you're on Yas Forums. go do something useful with all that IQ

lol imagine not knowing basic world history


is that strength and conditioning thing true?
i'm black and my cardio has naturally been godlike my whole life

This board has been lost to south american spammers.

yikes are you too new for that? gb2 reddit you're trying to hard
what i'm sposed to do bitch, cure cancer? i got the day off, i'm allowed to shitpost with the rest of you

im already dark
no im fat

god damn it my mom is lightskinned, why wasnt i

Looks like most retards don't understand what genetic diversity is.
Having more gene flow is good for genetic fitness.
look at what OP said again >diverse genes
yeah you will never be a girl you homo
It actually speaks more about the conflict in culture.
Odds are that people that grow up with AMWF parents probably get more love and nurturing, because thy basically have two moms.
Asian women however are subhuman and culturally don't understand what loving your child means .
Same reason why WMBF children will be more successful, because they will have more money. Whereas most BMWF children will be raised by a single spiteful mother.

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>im already dark
well then the next step is hormones and breast implants. Start growing your hair out too

The image implies that it does matter which parent is which race, all I'm pointing out is the difference or point they might be trying to imply is actually the opposite of what they intended.

How very ****** of you user

I'm too old for that, fucking mutt. Go suck nigger cocks in the ghetto where you belong with your fellow sub-human scum.

i mean it doesn't necessarily apply to cardio, although it does allow faster recovery and better strength & mass gains. people with the mutation actually have a slightly worse baseline than those without it at endurance training, but that difference goes away quickly as both genotypes train.

that whole "nigger genetics" meme that Yas Forums loves actually has some basis in reality believe it or not.

go find a cure for corona virus u lazy fuck

>genetic diversity

lol retard

oh no he did a meanie racism :^( now i know he's REALLY a guy who has been using this website for a lengthy period of time.


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>im already dark
are you a girl(actually)?

No, it doesn't

Is your mother white ?

I feel like mutts turn out either very beautiful or extremely ugly. nothing in between.

>more likely to have sex
really makes you think

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I feel bad for people who actually believe this stuff.

>he doesn't read fitness research

Read this with your disgusting eyes you rootless, I will sooner die than betraying my race and family like that.

Now so me a favour and Neck yourself.

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Are you acting like you do?


before anyone says it no the intelligence wasn't on the x chromosome or mitochondrial dna ya dingus

I have a weave and hormones, can't afford implants though

no shit dumbass. i'm not here to educate you if you don't know what i'm talking about. if you can refute what i'm saying go ahead. otherwise get on google and familiarize yourself

well implants are usually bad anyway. If you do get them, get them in korea. Also hip implants are probably the best thing you can spend your money on

No ty, pale is more beautiful, also that girl is full on make up

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Hybrid vigour only works to counteract inbreeding. Also weird how you went from mixing makes superior genes to "it's all cultural factors" in the same post. Very weird user, are you a genetic determinist or not? Or maybe you don't have any principles and you flip flop to fit your narrative?

>you would fuck that but not this

news for you

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I only like pubic hair on girls with mommy bodies.

Didn't Alucard kill this bitch?

>more likely to have sex
get bent incels