17 years old

>17 years old

Attached: Annotation 2020-03-12 213126.jpg (883x889, 245.82K)

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his shit's gonna be fucked when he's 30

Looks weird.

no kidding

imagine the feeling of being a freshman and looking like that though

>while the others took practice SATs I took real AAS

lol this image is haunting. Stay off drugs kids.

His checks looks like a burn victim

looks like a 5th grader drawing of a "muscle guy" and the anatomy is all fuckedup

LOL this beef jerky lookin ass

chest* jesus

looks like shrink-wrapped ground meat from the store

you're so absurdly overpowered compared to everyone else though. one of those times when it actually makes you look like a fuckin weird alien

Sent me into orbit.

except he doesn't even look good

And still getting picked on because ours four feet and still a kid and incredibly freaky looking and also obviously very susceptible to image critiques
t. really good bully back in the day

>mfw mom makes me do homework

Attached: Annotation 2020-03-12 213610.jpg (880x883, 163K)

Attached: Annotation 2020-03-12 213837.jpg (901x898, 180.55K)


why are bodybuilders obsessed with biceps
>whole body looks like melted shit
>bicep juicy as fuck
every single time

This dude is legit 4'11.

>once you stop giving a shit
body dysmorphia makes him want to be a freakish golem, he's giving more shits than almost anyone lol

that kid is more delusional than a 40yo trannie


serious question bros, did lifting affect his height? or did his leanness?

>telling a bunch of people who are not going to have horrendous complications at age 24 to ‘cope’
lol, good one m8

how is that cope, look at the fucking pic, body looks like stretched out skin on no muscle at all

lifting? maybe.
roid cocktail every day? yes, definitely affected his height.

Hes 4'11" and on a ridiculous amount of gear

according to his insta he has been getting pose coaching since 2017 so the kid has probably been juiced up since 14 at the earliest. literally child abuse

>Hes 4'11"

Fuck, it's so over for him

It's gonna be fucking hilarious when this drug abusing roided retard realizes that height is an important feature when he's older, and that he went for bodybuilding out of vanity like some retard.

his leanness fucked him up
lifting doesn't make you shorter, it will only temporarily compress your spine (in a non-harmful way) if you squat, deadlift, and OHP heavy
being at an extreme deficit is the real damage for a kid going through puberty
I'm willing to bet he'd be 5'6 right now if he fuckin ate

I like that thought. So what would be the ideal motivation to be fit without any body dysmorphia?

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thats what I guessed, its one thing to eat to get bigger from the same size, but when your entire body is in "GROW GROW GROW" mode, seems like limiting cals is not good for you.

yeah absolutely, i did a weight cut once when i was 14, felt like fucking torture
lost around 25lbs through dieting for a boxing match, and i wasn't even fat to begin with
it was just a terrible experience to lose all that weight when my body was growing
now, at 20, i can drop 30lbs like it's nothing

i really guess that your body desperately needs the nutrition when it's in peak puberty mode

what freshmen are 17 user? HS or college?

asian cope

He already has the signature baseball cap pull low. He's probably as bad a Bradley Martin.

>16 years old

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strength dysmorphia

looks like he has reverse pectus excavatum

Even if you assume he is able to harvest every possible benefit from that experience, it's not even close to worth it. Giving up your ability to perform in the future in order to make memories now is incredibly dumb. The best time of your life is right now, that other stuff is over. It might as well have never happened at all.

>17 year old 4'11 freshman who looks like a weirdly inflated whoopy cushion

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How does this guy infinitely look better than the OP?

arnold was juicing at 16/17, you should go lecture him. do you often judge other peoples choices? maybe you should tell us how to live our lives

pectus carinatum

With a body that lean why is his face still chubby? How come he doesnt get the jeff cavaliere facial aesthetic?

Guy is 5'3, though, he probably isn't going to be growing much taller. Will probably hit 5'4 or 5'5 max unless he hits late puberty.

Which blows, but at the same time, it's pretty much whatever. It's a salvageable height (if he gets a lil taller)

Still has that baby fat.

He'll man up after few years.

What's wrong are those roids making you a bit emotional? Maybe you are just irritated because you haven't milked your bitch tits in awhile.

That's not what cope means afaik, cope basically means "you're saying this as a coping mechanism for your own insecurity"

He's still wrong, probably is a 4' 11" melted plastic action hero himself

You lift for body normomorphia


Look at them titties

the magic of lighting and angles.

heres him in an IRL situation looking small as fug


Right, the rebuttal here is that the ones who are criticizing the steroid kid have no reason to cope as they won’t have aforementioned complications

>turbo manlet
>hangs out with niggers
>small as fuck irl
Roiding for that

Why does he look like a fucking balloon

His physique isn't even that unbelievable for a 17 year old, the reason he looks so weird is because he has the face of a 12 year old

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He's gonna be dead at 30

Large amounts of water retention from probably taking dbol.

Lil Hercules/10
For sure his endocrine system wont shut down
For sure he wont need dialysis at 25

Why does he have so much loose skin? Was he overweight before? Why is everyone hating on this guy? Someone post the before picture, I think he looks fine physique wise and since he’s still young the loose skin from the weight loss will eventually go away and he’ll look good.