Why the fuck do women prefer that thing on the left?

Why the fuck do women prefer that thing on the left?

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b/c women are all pedos and lesbians

They don't.

They prefer the right but feel like they don't deserve it so they cope by saying muscles are gross teehee and assume he is too alpha to be nice.

He's way more attractive and most probably way taller than that roided gorilla on the right. Cope harder.

young girls do, because they are immature still, there is a whole psychological explanation as to why they like boyband soft fags. women over 25 prefer the right 98%of the time and those who dont are fucked in the brain

Women have always liked pretty boys, men have never cared

Women prefer somewhere in the middle of the two.

Think Brad Pitt fight club.

Social status > anything

If you’re a faggot I guess he would be the more attractive one yeah.

What about a combination of both?

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Do they though?

IRL grills prefer the left... although less gay looking version of the left.

They don't also left is ugly as fuck also shitty filter

nah he cute af u jelly bro


Young girls prefer twink looking males because they're less threatening and they're emotionally "intriguing" because they're young and volatile. Adult women prefer the bearmode because Males like that are more stable both mentally and in life.

Only if the left is taller

they want to cuddle with the thing on the left while being rammed by beast on the right

I'm a girl ( yes yes I know) and it I prefer the guy on the left but I'm still young so I still don't think of him as a potential life partner. We tend to go from fuckboys to actual life partners as a we age and as that happens we start liking guys on the right more.

the truth, most women wants muscle but dont admit it.

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Why would you want to attract women over 25?

left is closer to a woman than right
right is more intimidating
she doesnt know what she wants, shes a woman

They'd go for right. The left one very likely isn't into girls, almost every guy I came across who put that much effort into hair dye, piercings and other accessories has been exclusively gay.

shit, man, good question, didn't think about that
I actually attracted my wife at 16 by being a cuteboy, and then I turned into bearmode man, 25 now.
i guess if you don't marry your high school sweetheart you're NGMI

The right will marry the one on the left and vote for the reversal of women's rights, based.

Because various people prefer various things. No need to seethe with anger towards women, even if you're getting rejected. Don't be an incel, user-kun.

unironically the guy on the left is probably way more fun to talk to and takes girls on better dates

>mfw turning 24
>no hs relationship
>girls my age are used goods and fat
So where's the middle ground between attracting 18yr olds and not looking like a fag?

ottermode, low bodyfat, clean shave, nice masculine clothes, good hair and you're golden

Left looks like you wanna attract zoomers.

Attract them with being fit and having money and status.

They aren't fat (yet) well maybe in burger USA. However they are either used up or 'career women' who basically only go for other dudes with great careers to get a very strong financial position in life.

Now instead of attracting women you're attracting men.

I'm in the states unfortunately.... and they are absolutely fat.
Basically spot on though.

I I usually trim but I guess I'll try it, now I just have to figure out how to meet them outside tinder

I dont

It's inherent narcissism. Women prefer effeminate men because they're a reflection of themselves. Remember that Freud said the human libido is bisexual. Also remember that Western society has always focused on feminine beauty rather than masculine. Look at the Statue of David or any other pre industrial artwork. The men are painted lightly, with gentle features. Facial hair wasn't even popular until Europeans started seeing the men in India with full beards. Look at the most popular bands right now and see how they dress and look. You're not going to find big ass veiny men.

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Would fuck that cute twink on the left
no homo.

wtf leave ugly ho


I want the guy on the right. I want to hold his hand. I want to cuddle with him and fall asleep with his arms around me. I want to go the the gym, make gains with him, and take his (protein) gains. I want to show him off to my family and friends. I want his love.

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Shut up bitch

in fact, all women loving justin bieber (baby mode) or david bowie
and, gay men and gay man trapped in a female body are loving chris hemsworth

The thing on the left isn't going to beat them to death over dirty dishes


>Why the fuck do women prefer that thing on the left?
What makes you think they do?

>Yas Forums
Stopped reading there.

>Remember that Freud said
Lmao at you, uneducated burger, do you still believe the Freud fairy tales?

Pretty boy who knows about makeup, hair, and womens fashion who is also very gentle and listens to her stories. Probably not afraid to cry in front of her too
Impatient and angry meathead who punches holes in drywall and throws empty bottles at her when she doesnt have dinner ready soon enough

Less alien, no expectation the relationship will last, glamorized in their magazines and tv shows.

Safety matters a lot to women. If they feel unsafe their sex drive seizes up.

>Pretty boy who knows about makeup, hair, and womens fashion who is also very gentle and listens to her stories. Probably not afraid to cry in front of her too
so she's basically into females with a dick, traps so to speak

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They don't, grills do you fucking child. Once you get out of high school, you will understand

The left one looks like peak narcissism and all the cunts that fall for him will cry about muh toxic relationship muh abuse afterwards. Dumb cunts deserve it for being blind on both eyes.

Bullshit, the Ancient Greeks built the framework that western civilization hangs on and they had heroes with massive beards and huge muscles.

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They dont

bro, you forgot to say no homo, classic mistake

The right is a roid abusing chinlet with shit nipples. The guy on the left is literally gorgeous. Are you all blind to attraction or coping with shit faces?

Not but what's wrong with Freud? We have a book in our living room written by Sigmund Freud and I am interested in reading it sometime in the future but now you got me curious

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Because the guy on the left is better looking aside of his stupid haircolour.

Read about Karl Yung. One of the people that scientifically proved Freud's theories to be wrong.

It’s all about the lack of presence in media. A teen idol think seems cool until you see his persona IRL.
Right will dominate a room just being there. Left will disappear in the crowd. Not to mention the personality disparity that comes with differences in psychical form

because the guy on the right is gay, and the guy on the left is gay too
so what the fuck?

This is a man. Women aren't this self aware and don't have this kind of foresight