So, how're you dealing with corona outbreak?
My gym is closed
So, how're you dealing with corona outbreak?
My gym is closed
By drinking coffee.
Is that good for you?
Is coffee good for you?
post more please holy fuck the hair gets me on so hard.
With gyms getting closed, what are the best routines/exercises for working out at home? I have a pull up bar, but that’s about it..
Goddamn I fucking like girls so yummy
Convict Conditioning and the like are good places to start. Pavel's stuff and a few other Dragondoor books have routines too. Obviously just torrent them, but go on Amazon and see what else gets recommended from there.
My gym will only close when there's a case in the city.
dumbbells. i have power rack at home but moved to a city. i dont want to drive 50kms.
20+ cases in my city.. Gym is open.. Yesterday was the busiest day in a long while. Events with 100+ people are cancelled. So I guess my gains are safe.
Oh God damn imma need sauce Bois
pussy hair unirocally makes me wanna hit it raw
My gym is closed as well, I bought some dumbbells earlier today. Never give up!
Yup, still got it
It’s so good like that.
who is this?
>hairy pussy
If hairy pussy is a turn off you are objectively low t.
low test
My gf cant grow pussy hair, feels bad. Ever since I was a wee lad hairy pussys have made me diamonds.
and you're high test
I started going to the gym this year and now I get a text saying it;s closed until April
I have a chinup bar at home but that's it
Never ever ever going to make it
>gym is open but has less people
>public transportation is empty
>less traffic
>bosses closed the office and I get to work at home now
Based Corona.
Maybe don't date a 12 year old then.
I'm looking forward to seeing how COVID-19 goes in the US.
Their access to healthcare over there is pathetic.
Fucking saved. Gym is closed so might as well go home and COOOOOOM
literally built and bred for respectable white gents
What the fuck do you even say to a bitch this hot??
Hello my nig care for some wonder bread?
>wee lad
made me laugh thanks
Anytime fren
hi i don't usually do this but i thought you were cute and wanted to say hi.
I don't really like the look of wild bush but the texture feels better when pumping
You’re going to lower your blood pressure to avoid corona?
>boomers and zoomers are almost nonexistent in my gym
>few who are left are wiping down equipment feverishly before and after use
>go in at 5 pm, peak gym hours usually
>have squat rack all to myself
>or so I thought
>guy approaches me mid set
>"Hey buddy how many more sets you got? Or do you mind if I work in?"
>start coughing hard
>"Yeah man! *cough* You can work in if you'd like, I'm working up to like 265 if that's cool with you? *Cough*"
>He's visibly scared by my coughing
>"Nah man that's ok I'll just come back later..."
>he walks away
Mad lad, fuck, I'm doing this going forward
My gym is doubling down, told old people to come in more often. Working out boost immunity.
>confirmed case at office
>Just got the call that that the office is closing for a month
>left my work laptop there
>interview for next position up was at 10 AM tomorrow
Yeah this is going to be a fun Friday
It's Sunday user
I cum as much as I can with out my dad knowing....I was rubbing my moms panties on my cock in garage sniffing them and licking them unaware of the home security system in the garage I felt ashamed but she been keeping them layed on on her floor with a cam pointed towards them
I’m completely fucked, gyms are closed for at least a month. Goodbye all my gains, I don’t believe you can replace heavy diddlys or squats.
This. Covid has truly blessed me. A part of me hopes I get symptoms so I get a comfy two weeks off work to lift and read
who is this
Not as much as vodka
Dont really give a fuck.
My gym is not closed yet, though they might close the uni starting next week (uk) so they might close the gym. In that case id just go to another one
What if they close all gyms? That's what's happening in my town and country.
just wait for when she hits puberty
my gym is taking measurements
I was out for two whole days?
been doing calisthenics so idc
I work at the gym, both as a personal trainer and general sales asso. My boss literally laughed at the idea of closing down the gym because of the virus.
None of my appointments for pt have cancelled either.
My college is cancelling the only 2 classes i was taking this semester since they were kin and studio classes and cant be completed online.
How is my college closing down but not my gym? Lmao
Not too worried about lost hours/income since my bf works from home and makes 4x my income and can support me.
Im mostly worried over access to the gym. I cant go more than 2 days without going or i get antsy
They're all different women, coomer.