A routine? what? Lol, nah bro, we just go in and hit everything

>a routine? what? Lol, nah bro, we just go in and hit everything

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>a routine? what? Lol, nah bro, we just roid and pretend we lift

They look better than most of the skels and gynosaurs on this board

post body

Alright, so can I suck you guys off or not?

>what? Lol, nah bro, we good thanks

ok but ill still let them raw me and spit on my hole. this kind of body is perfect

this is such a retared mindset
I know a lot of people who do/did this
they never made gains, they also never counted thier macros
imagine thinking you can get away with that and still make gains

fat fucks

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post body


>Never counted calories
>Never stick to a workouit program

Cope more

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Nice bros. Now post your feet/cocks

but for real what is so hard?

Want to gain weight just eat more lol and increease carbs, wanna lose weight jsut eat less lol and cut carbs.

Am I too based for this world?

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i dont mind the spam, but man why do you tilt your head up like that in every pic? it looks terrible, cant possibly be your best angle.

You still have to lift on roids retard


Yeah but you are a nigger though

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>haha bro you still have to lift
You can put in 1/5 of the effort and still look better than anybody without roids. Cope

Is it somebody else pretending to be this faggot or is he actually retarded and posts himself all the time? Anyway niggerlet with a baby face

Nooooo you cannot do that
You must do deload every 4th full moon to 73% of your 4th rep max there's science behind lifting you cannot just dick around the gym

>Lol, nah bro, we just go in and hit everything
yeah thats why you look like shit lol haha

It has been proven that a guy on roids puts on more muscle doing no physical activity than a natty lifter

Disgusting bellybutton. Absolutely yuck!!

we can tell, you're Ottermode
you need to get big.
also this probably took you 2 years lmao
imagine the time you could have saved


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LeBron, what the hell are you doing? Go back to the plantation.


it took me 1 year
ottermode?? bruh nice bait lmao I LITERALLy have a v-body keep coping

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said the wristlet

Ok skinnyfat

skinny fat? No amount of coping will save you from your delusionalism

No matter the coping techniques, it won't change the reality. There is a lean guy that posted body and there are you, pathetic, weak and fat dyels that can only criticize and hate from behind a screen.

These guys definitely don’t roid, and if they did it was a year ago. Look at their nips, these guys have higher bf and no visible tissue behind the nips. CLEAN

Like nigga open your eyes hahaha

>wait, you squat more than once a week?
>three times a week?

how can you still walk lol? i squat once a week and the doms mang, anyway ive been lifting for about a year, i squat almost one and a half plates so yeah pretty good
>wait you've only been lifting for 4 months and you squat 140kg? for reps? what are you on that's just not natural, it's gotta be dangerous man! just go up like once a month at most man!

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yeah and they look like it too


Not to get to their size


This is ottermode though? Not saying you don't look good but this is very typical ottermode

well u niggas look like shit

That’s why they look like shit

if these guys showed up in a cbt or progress thread they'd get praise and some constructive criticism. why the hate?

seething routinefags are just desperately making excuses as to why they don't hit everything.

Willful ignorance draws ire, no matter the subject.

Yeah, you are lean congrats man.
Comeback when you OHP more than 40lbs.

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You have a chest and abs and that's it. And your lack of lats gives you an hourglass figure that matches your girl legs. Peak ottermode, but ottermode nonetheless.


No matter the cope, the reality is tripfaggots will always be pathetic attentionwhores cause daddy didn't love them


>yeah, that's what it looks like you do

retarded natties spotted

you look like a faggot and on top of that you're a nigger. fuck off.

I don’t think anyone is stupid enough to finally make the move, buy gear after researching, then injecting it for 12-15 weeks without going into a gym. You just don’t end up in that position

That pic is posted on fit all the time, user is trying to rustle your Jim jams

seething cuck.
these guys are natty

i squat 3 times a week, 1.75 plate. You gotta live it