Meat is not necessary for a Yas Forums diet and will only cause you an early death due to disease. Deal with it.
Meat is not necessary for a Yas Forums diet and will only cause you an early death due to disease. Deal with it
all of those things would also be fixed by getting rid of chinks and niggers
>Deal with it.
Okay. I need to buy some ground beef anyways. Make some stuffed bell peppers
>Blaming it on the meat
Vegans endless propaganda:
Actual news headlines reflection "real life":
>Another vegan infant dies
Then why do vegans always try to imitate meat and season the shit out of everything that they eat?
These dickheads who constantly post their fucking shitty opinions on social media are so wrapped up in their own sense of self importance it's fucking laughable, like why would anyone give one single shit about your fucking worthless opinion? No one cares what you think you dumb vapid bitch, literally no one.
Post some proof of your claims. There have been like 10 such cases during the entire history of the world and only because of preexisting conditions of the children.
Meanwhile you have millions of people dying DAILY due to the consequences of eating meat, cardiovascular disease and cancer for example.
Because we enjoy flavor, unlike meat eaters who like their literal shit encrusted, diseased rotting corpse flesh
>you have millions of people dying DAILY due to the consequences of eating meat, cardiovascular disease and cancer for example.
Everyone dies you vegan imbecile.
>Oh look at that pathetic meat eating normie!!
>Dead at 99 years old
>Obviously the meat killed him!
Veganism is an aggressive toxic Anorexia cult for white women. Just starve yourself to death and be happy. Nobody is going to force you to eat.
>Physicians committee for responsible medicine.
It's a vegan troll farm. And you are a vegan troll. Starve yourself to death in peace, we don't need to "save" us from healthy ancestral food.
Does this bitch seriously think that meat isn't food? How the fucked did carnivore species survive for millions of years then?
The species Homo are frugivores you retard.
HIV started by fucking niggers. Notice how v*gan sub-humans always lie in the first sentence. They're just incapable of lying. HIV has nothing to do with eating chimps. Someone just fucked a nigger.
You come into contact with and consume a lot of shit every day no matter what you do
>antibiotic resistant viruses
Isn't that like, all of them idiot?
>>Incapable of lying
Nigger vegans are fluent in lying. It's their native language.
holup antibiotics kills bacteria. Antivirals kill viruses
>this is your brain on rotting flesh
Women on social media need to shut the fuck up
Dear Nicola Mulholland,
I'm gonna keep eating meat, you fucking bitch, you can complain all what you want. I would pay to eat a steak in front of you and see the tears roll down your face.
>Anorexia cult member
>Started by eating chimps
>which is why only the gays have it.
Kek dis bitch tarded
veganfag is really stacking up the (you)s itt
Vegan lie:
>Modern chronic diseases are caused by animal foods humans and their ancestors have eaten for two million years!
>Modern disease is caused by eating sugar, flour and vegetable oil. All plant-based products.
People need to eat more meat.
Unless you wash your hands like a surgeon before you touch your keyboard, it has shit particles on it.
Sorry friendo
>Listening to a woman ever.
Holy fuck this bitch is stupid
>After all 'hmmm bacon' is a valid argument
Enjoy your prion disease
Enjoy your anemia
hiv literally started because a nigger fucked a monkey
Is there a difference?
Post body. Lemme see thise plant based gains. Convince me.
I unironically look forward to a carnivore/omnivore vs vegan war.
> There are vegan pro athletes, olympians, mma champions
> There are no carnivore equivalents
Because the carnivore diet is a meme, nobody but neckbeards and brain damaged jung fanboys actually buy into it.
Still less likely than everyone quitting meat.
Even if the carnivores would be useless (which I doubt) the omnivores will still obliterate the vegans without breaking a sweat.
Ones a monkey and the others an ape
> Omnivores with their higher rates of heart disease not breaking a sweat
sure thing cuckie
>dudes who had high end, nutritious diets of excess beat dudes defined as "peasants" who subsisted on "gruel"
whoooooaaaaaaaa vegans btfo
reminder that this is the inevitable fate of all athletes who go vegan
But user, all viruses are antibiotic resistan. Mainly because they are not bacteria
How many people died from tuat fungal grain disease bullshit?
And the 75% of the featured vegan athletes he excluded?
>antibiotic resistant viruses
>Vegan MMA champions.
In "vegans peak" that means one or two journeyman fighters who were never champion -----were vegan for a short period of time, or willing to lie about it like Nate Diaz.
James Wilkes-a washed-up failed UFC nobody with a 1-2 record, BBC calls him a "UFC champion." He sits there and doesn't correct them, no problem because Veganism is a liars cult first of all.
Right. Vegans want us all to eat a subsistence peasant diet ... for some reason.
I wonder if the rich are going to give up steak and butter.
>Meanwhile 100% of UFC title holders are carnivores.
Continue with the vegan lies, it's entertaining.
>look at all those vegan athletes!
those are good
I've never heard anything like this and a quick google search reveals you are completely full of shit. Also, saying the carnivore diet is a dumb meme has nothing to do with vegan lies. Unironically kill yourself.
>preexisting conditions of the children
caused by vegan mothers being nutritionally deficient? lol
because our ancestors were so fucking healthy and didnt die at age 30
It's a shame you are so goddamn stupid you don't know the difference between "meat eater" and carnivore. Maybe realize you are too dumb to actually contribute anything useful to a discussion and just shut the fuck up in the future.
Far far more food borne illnesses come from eating plants.
Fake news.
is that you in the picture
*Eats another salmonella laced piece of lettuce from Chipotle
I know right you don't have to look at a type of cow and wonder if eating it will kill you.
You can't just walk up to a plant and chow down, you will die.
maybe try using a dictionary next time incel
> Frugivores
> eating meat since before the australopithecines
OK go ahead and list the UFC champions past and present who do not eat meat. Take your time. And suicide is a vegan/anorexia practice so I'll decline.
>Between meat eater and carne vore.
Are people really this stupid? Carne vore literally is the meaning of "eats meat."
Eating meat is good for you. Not saying anything more
So will the camels I smoke, you coward
Trump eats steak every day and he basically won at life.
I doubt he would be where he is now if he was vegan.