
Post mires you have gotten lads
>visit uncle to help him with a sofa since his back is fucked
>he comments on my good posture and proper stance for moving the sofa
feels good man

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why? what's wrong user? never gotten any mires? just keep lifting brah it'll happen someday

Your uncle wants the dick

Seeing tall girls makes me want to be tall more than anything.
I just want to be like 7'1 and seduce that 6'7 and 6'4 girl and make them feel feminine and small. I wish I were 6'5 just so that I could seduce Elizabeth Debicki. I fantasize about being an extremely tall couple and having all of these average height people feel self conscious at our physical superiority. I would feel so dominant to know that even my girl is heads taller than all guys, while i'm like a superhuman who can palm peoples entire heads in my hand. I'd feel like a king. All men feel like little boys when i'm near, and all women moisten just when they see my dominant stature.
I want to be super tall just to turn down all women below like 5'9" automatically and make manlets feel better

t. 5'9" in my mid 20s, will never experience this


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Your knees wouldn't feel like a king.
Maybe Henry VIII after he got gout and fat.

You're not alone.

here's one from when i was a hilariously dense retard
>work part-time retail job
>family is out of the state for a week to attend a wedding, so i'm home alone
>no license yet, have to carpool for a week
>short girl, cute in a homely way, does most of the carpooling
>make small talk to fill the silence
>she giggles obnoxiously at every single thing i say
>assume she's just being polite but doesn't really care
>last day of carpooling arrives, finish my shift. she knows i'm home alone
>watch her grab a pack of beers
>coworker asks who it's for
>she says "oh, for some friends"
>i think "oh, for some friends"
>we arrive at my place
>i get out of the car, thank her for the ride and go inside
i know she was into me because a coworker told me right before i quit
i regret nothing

Your post gives strong manlet vibe. I hope you don't sound like this irl

>be me
>in library studying
>hear girl talking to her friend in the cubicle next door about a guy who asked for her facebook
>hear friend say "eww he's so ugly"
>hear girl say "he sent me a message but I haven't replied"
>I asked a girl out this morning, added her on FB and sent her a message
>she hadn't replied either
>hear girl say "do you think I should just unfriend him? I don't think I'm gonna see him again"
>literally watch the conversation disappear before my eyes

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Go to barbershop
The woman that makes my hair says: you got really nice eyelashes


>hey shorty, where do you think you're going?
>you're coming with us to the changing rooms, we've been out running for an hour and these shorts gives you butt burns
>looks like you'll have to soothe it for us all three with a good licking
>either you come with us or we'll spread a rumor that you groped us, you're weird and nobody wouldn't believe us

Gonna need some sauce on the right semen demon

>tfw no amazonian gf

My cancer patient mom calls me to vaccuum/move things... then proceeds to scream at me for doing it wrong or almost breaking something. Has trust issues when i "open" the computer to do her banking for her since she doesn't know how...

Feels sad man...

god i wish, if only. getting off someone with just your tongue sounds hot haha

Jesus Christ I want a tall gf

Assert authority user. She is taking her stress out on you. Sit her down and tell outright that she cant treat you this way or you will stop doing this shit fir her. Cancer or not. Tell her that you love her but she has changed because of the stress. Dont let anyone push you around. Not even your mom.

>"I regret nothing"
Um, hello BASED department I like to report an incident

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too real...

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Not a mire opposite actually

>be me biking
>autistic as fuck nervous when I pass people head on
>most people look down or up into space when they see me
>see chunky braphog running twards me
>autism mode actives, face becomes hardened and stoic
>braphog tries to look look up
>look her in the eye
>that didnt work, tries to look down
>intense focus eye locking autismus gaze
>finally looks at me does pic related
>feel accomplished, better a creep than an untouchable

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>I just want to be like 7'1

Nah bruh you don't. Being that height cuts off like 80% of potential matches. 6'2-6'3 is ideal

when im biking and there is someone biking towards me i turn left but they turn left so i turn right they turn right and we always crash.

>asking a girl out randomly on facebook

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This but im 5'5 and lost my gf due to my presence not being intimidating enough.

Not a mire but I guess it belongs here

>Working part time hospitality job
>Have been there a while but almost always work in one section/area
>Recently getting shifts in another area. Know most people but few new faces
>Meet really cute, wholesome/down to earth girl who started in December
>We talk a fair bit during our shifts, she seems to be into me
>Makes a joke that because my mother is a florist my "future girlfriend will love it". She's grinning ear to ear as she says this and kinda looks away shyly
>Go home and look up her Facebook
>She has a bf

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Short girl should have actually communicated with you. It's her loss.

Cockteasing slut confirmed, never speak to her again.

always, nice trips though

>Go to grandmas 80 year old birthday a couple of days ago
>Older uncle who used to be a bouncer and always been really Yas Forums
>says ”you are starting to look shredded user”

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I lost my virginity recently. I'm 26. The girl was 20 and she kept running her hands all over my chest, shoulders, and abs. Thankfully I made her cum (her pushing her hips into me and shaking legs I'm assuming means she came) so she was unaware of my being a virgin.

gj brah! im proud of you! how did it happen in the first place? got any tips for a 21 year old?

Grats brah

I was picking up my 16 year old sister from highschool. The girl was picking up her little sister. We happened to be standing near each other in the line for picking up/signing out students and I thought she was attractive so I started some small talk and little jokes I noticed she laughed a lot and was always playing with her hair or smoothing her clothes down when she thought I wasn't looking. My friend is Chad tier and said those things are all indicative of a girl who is into you. So I asked her out for a drink. She said she's too young, so we settled for coffee. Before I realize it, we're back to my place. She's all impressed because I have my own place and newer car, i.e. guy who has his shit together.

As for tips, I'm the last guy to ask really. I was a virgin at 26 for a reason. However I'd say be willing to take a chance, be willing to get rejected. And don't go into it with sex in mind. As far as I was concerned, we were going for coffee only, maybe a promise of a 2nd date. But she was all over me so it went faster than I intended.

Gratz bruh

grat brif

grinz bort

Someone's having a stroke

sounds great! we're all gonna make it! i need to find ask out someone just to get used to rejection but there's nobody my age here haha

If you didn't fuck her butt, and she didn't fuck your butt, you didn't have sex.

I stuck a couple fingers in her ass if that counts. I'm hoping by our 3rd time together, I can confess my full love for giving and receiving butt stuff.


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Oh. Well in that case, Grops Breef!

damn most based thing ive read on this website

I'm the girl you fucked. Surprised to hear you're a virgin, you seemed to know your way around a pussy. I never told you, but our conversation that day outside the school made my panties so incredibly gooey that I had to wring them out outside the car window on the drive home. I told my sister it was clear diarrhea from eating too many Gummi Bears.


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>First aid class
>Instructor shows us how to place the head so the guy laying below does not suffocate
>Practice time
>Lay down, head gets placed in the right position
>Instructor tells me that I have nice breathing muscles
One of the wierder mires I got.

>be me, film student, currently on a cut with abs coming in
>got a short video project done in class early and decide to help another group finish theirs
>I have to act in a scene with a qt actress
>We practice running through the scene and she bumps into me and accidentally feels my abs
>"user, you have abs?"
>I smile and say that I do
>She gives me some nice mirin eyes and looks away
Don't get mired often so feels good man

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Nice job king did you go in raw?

So raw it was flaccid.

I wish but no. Used a condom, 6 of them in fact. I would have gotten her way pregnant had I fucked without a condom. Thankfully she was satisfied with my foreplay performance because I was barely able to last a full minute before blowing my load.

However she did clean me off between each time, so blowjob's were raw I suppose.

D1 volleyball players are the biggest coalburners on the planet


from 40k?


Yeah buddy, that's the reason for sure

>blowjob's were raw
enjoy the last few days of your penis being attached to your body

Grutz bruhtz

Proud of you

lmao till now I fucked at least 6 girls like that. Sad that it doesn't work in USA

woah, you're a pretty cool guy user. i like you no homo