/deenz/ are a lie


cholesterol, pcb's and dietary mercury are healthy? okay, i guess. you know there are plant based dietary sources of omega 3's?


your body converts the type of omega 3's that plants provide to the other two. the conversion rate is much higher amongst vegans who regularly consume walnuts and flaxseeds, because they are regularly exposed to these foods and the body adapts itself, and its at the lowest for meat eaters who never eat walnuts, you faggot cocksucker


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Oh it’s a vegan poster, haven’t seen that in a while.
>Afraid of dietary cholesterol
>Unaware there’s BPAs in your fucking water
>Uses flaxseed as a Omega-3 supplement
>Doesn’t know mercury and BPAs leave your body.
Did you seriously watch a YouTube video and post this garbage? How brain damaged are you? Go back to your hole.

>Dietary cholesterol has been debunked to corelate into blood cholesterol.

>purchasing pcb deens when non-pcb options exist.

>sardines are at the bottom of the food chain, thus having the lowest mercury content among all fish.

Fuck off with your misinformation retard.

>normal person

You should have diverse sources for all your nutrients. For Omega fatty acids, try to get both animal and plant sources


Plants have everything man! Ignore that there's never been a vegan society and that vegans are malnourished twigs.

You had me until you called me a faggot cocksucker for no reason.

Tuna is better

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>Dont hurt the baby deenz. The heckin deenz feel pain oh no no no. Eat onions instead!

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less heavy metals in the small oily fish because they're so low on the food chain, and also they have more nutrients in general.

>veganism is a dangerous cult. my ancestors ate meat and evolution, tho
>obese neet

kill yourself

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fine more deenz for me lmao

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God damn. What’s your favorite brand?

Based deenz stockpiler

Check out sprats and other small oily fish. Find the water and olive oil types as they're low in salt and you can then flavor as you want. I for one eat them with nothing all the time, sometimes with sauce.

i think i get the most excited for anything in the louisiana hot sauce or the med style king oscars
anything with the added smoke flavor is always great too, especially w/ herring or TJ brand deenz

got kinda tired of season in water w/skin and bones cuz the skin it very flaking an unappetizing

usually when i have water deenz i add some tomato sauce which rounds em out nice. the crown prince deenz in tomato sauce are pretty awesome, takes like chicken tikka masala

but your ancestors did eat meat.

absolutely they did. but a tiny fraction of their diet, something likes 1% to 2% of their total calories. most human evolutionary diet was vegan, because when we were evolving from chimpanzees and bonobo's, we ate 99% plants, just like them. the evolutionary link between humans and apes ate 99% plants

and admittedly humans can life off meat, but its really bad for their health, and lowers lifespan. the innuit eskimos eat mostly meat, but have high rates of atherosclerosis and a low lifespan, where as centenarians in okinawa and in china ate a 99% plant based diet

not to mention eskimos eat meat out of survival, because theres no plants that grow in the tundra, where as your privileged obese ass can buy anything you want, yet you still choose to torture and kill pigs and cows for your taste pleasure, you disgusting rat

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fuckin PUFAs

Inuits are not eskimos fyi, and they are actually better off eating their raw meat diets than eating western ones
The reason why Inuits have so many health problems now is that they are eating a western diet.
I seriously hope this is an anti vegan troll. There is no way someone can be so stupid to blindly spout vegan talking points.

>because when we were evolving from chimpanzees and bonobo's

Okay that's literally wrong, that's like "when I was being born from my cousin".

And this is not what I'm reading, they're talking about cooking and meat led to big primate brains.


>I seriously hope this is an anti vegan troll. There is no way someone can be so stupid to blindly spout vegan talking points.

veganism is a retarded cult. so yes people say that. My first exposure to veganism was them explaining that milk causes autism.

>Talking shit about DEENZ
>On Yas Forums

What the hell did you hope to accomplish other than being ridiculed?
>Post favorite DEENZ varieties and recipes.

Fried egg

No one in their right mind would ever say that except nogs with the fried chicken
(which is a white invention, btw)

>med style king oscars
A man of taste.
I like hot sauce with my deenz, but I usually add my own, the sauce they package them with is never satisfactory.
Thoughts on Kipppers?

>99% plants
You know they eat bugs and hunt monkeys, and will even steal human children to eat, right?
And we did not evolve from them, brainlet. We share a common ancestor.

And gorillas are plant eaters but they have to devote like 80% of their time to eating to compensate. Imagine sitting on your ass eating all fucking day long since you're only getting plants.

Teach me how to /deenz/, Yas Forums
Brands? Recipes? Can I literally just eat em out of the can, skin, bones and all?

>Can I literally just eat em out of the can, skin, bones and all?

yes, and it's highly encouraged. Deens have like 15% DRV of calcium and that's all in the bones, so it's easy to use, and the skin is a huge source of omega 3/6 fatty acids. so eat all that shit.

King Oscar is regarded as the gold standard.
I will eat any of them as long as they are not in basedbean oil or from China.
A simple sandwich is good or use them in place of tuna. This;
I am probably going to try.
I wonder if they would be good in stir-fry?

Do they sell king oscar at costco?
I'm going with my mom tomorrow to get deenz

No idea, I Meijer, or Aldi.

All my Costco has is season brand in olive oil. They’re the skinless boneless kind too.

>muh vit d deenz

thats why you take a vitamin d suppelment. the only supplements i reconmend vegans take is b12 and vitamin d; everything else can be gotten through diet or isn't needed. dietary cholesterol literally causes heart disease and stroke, it blows my mind how anti-vegans post meat and dairy funded studies and ignore studies done by non-biased organizations

its like the processed sugar and soda industry saying "our food doesnt cause obesity and diabetes, its just a lack of exercise". the meat and dairy industries are literally just as large if not larger than processed foods. where as the whole vegetable indutries, ones that sell stuff like broccoli, spinach, potatoes, barley and beans make zero profits. theres simply no money to be made selling people healthy foods


>meat was a tiny fraction of their diet
Are you completely fucking mental and historically illiterate?
Dont answer that

he's a vegan. what do you expect?

Oh boy, take a bunch of suppliments so you don't get massive brain damage. Nice fucking "diet" there you fucking losers.

How about you just eat real fucking food rather than join some starvation cult?

every time a vegan posts I eat a can of sardines or mussels.

>Oh boy, take a bunch of supplements so you don't get massive brain damage. Nice fucking "diet" there you fucking losers.

you do understand that farm animals get injected with tons of vitamins, minerals, steroids and antibiotics?

you do understand that all fish, including sardines, have PBC's, cholesterol, mercury, and other harmful shit thats found in the oceans and in fish farms?

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>You understand farm animals get injected with vitamins, minerals, steroids, and antibiotics.
>Fish and muh PBCs and Mercury
Holy shit you’re actually a Facebook mom. Do you actually not research anything? Tell us what you think of vaccines next, Karen.

>Trusting Mr. Shekelstein's "Free" vaccines

Nuts and seeds collect heavy metals more than any other part of the plant.

Also kys vegan fgt. Not that u already arnt slowly with your plebian diet

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Vaccines are full of mercury read the package next time u get one

Plus they make my whole kitchen stink like rancid gash

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Out of all these, we've already pointed out that cholesterol is a nutrient if taken within recommended levels and is actually required to be healthy. You're treating it like it's a poison.

literally the levels that are recommended to take keep changing, because the meat, egg and dairy industries fund so many legal battles against changes in the recommendations. they have literally BILLIONS of dollars to work with, so they have plenty of money to influence policy makers to fit their agenda. they dont make money when the recommended amounts are low

but any increase in cholesterol is associated with increased blood pressure, heart attacks and strokes

man, you really do fall for the rich people pushing this shit, arent you? the same brainlet stupid as fuck RETARDS who say shit like "veganism is pushed by the jews!" believe science from meat companies. THERES NO MONEY IN VEGETABLES, THERES ONLY MONEY IN MEAT, thats why they have such a huge incentive to give you science showing you its good for you, because it makes them money. dumbass goy retard


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Open it in the sink and flush with hot water and soap/vinegar/baking soda.

>Nuts and seeds collect heavy metals more than any other part of the plant.


and fruits and vegetables do have heavy metals in them. but you know what? plants literally have something called phytochelatins and anti-oxidants, naturally occuring chemicals that literally bind up heavy metals and make it very easy for the body to dispose of them. these chemicals actively find and bind to heavy metals in your body, which make it very easy for your body to dispose of. but animal foods DO NOT HAVE ANY ANTI-OXIDANTS OR PHYTOCHELATINS IN THEM

for example, garlic has potent phytochelatins which bind to toxins in your body and expel them, where as animal products only bring more into the body

literally they studies 3100 foods and looked at the anti-oxidant contents in them. everything from steak, to the entire menus of mcdonalds and burger king, to beans and spinach and eggs and garlic


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>but any increase in cholesterol is associated with increased blood pressure, heart attacks and strokes

No; Youtube does not count.

I mean, sunflowers are known for their ability to draw radioactive isotopes and heavy metals out of the ground.
I still eat them occasionally because I like them. But less since I learned.

>but any increase in cholesterol is associated with increased blood pressure, heart attacks and strokes

A lack of cholesterol increases hemorrhagic stroke risk too, you know. What do you mean by "increase?" An amount above the current recommended daily intake or any at all?

>7th day adventists

You know that they're literally a cult that funds studies that show that their vegan/vegetarian diet is right, right? I'm laughing at you saying that the entire medical field is biased then you cite literal cult info. This is like citing scientology studies for psychology.

>you know there are plant based dietary sources of omega 3's
And your body is unable to break them down properly.
>your body converts the type of omega 3's that plants provide to the other two. the conversion rate is much higher amongst vegans who regularly consume walnuts and flaxseeds, because they are regularly exposed to these foods and the body adapts itself, and its at the lowest for meat eaters who never eat walnuts, you faggot cocksucker
Got a source for that? Because its the exact opposite, you lying pseud.

Post body.

Oh wait, you won't because you're a dirty little faggot and the non-trolls of this board could easily cave your sissy skull in. Get the fuck out.

>being not an obese hampig lard gargling salad dodger
>Vegans on suicide watch you fucking skeleton.


how is this a bad thing?????

LOL? are you seriously laughing at me for not being a obese fat piece of shit? seriously?


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This. Its well known that heavy metals displace calcium in plants, so it goes to the structural parts and seeds. The fruit pulp is fine.

Also you're a nigger.

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Anything that isnt from china.
One of my fav deenz recipes is pretty simple, i just fry a couple of cans in some coconut oil with some chopped up veggies, chuck it on some rice, then make up a quick tomato sauce with a can of diced tomatos and some chopped onion. That shits good and super quick, only takes 10 mins.

>The 5-unit BMI difference between vegans and non-vegetarians indicate a substantial potential of vegetarianism to protect against obesity. Increased conformity to vegetarian diets protected against risk of type 2 diabetes after lifestyle charactersistics and BMI were taken into account. Pesco- and semi-vegetarian diets afforded intermediate protect."

did you even read that part? it says that a vegan diet is protective against obesity and type 2 diabetes. how low is your reading comprehension?

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>people in a starvation cult are thin

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So just don't be obese lol ya don't have to go vegan.

I actually really hate this because I love sunflower and "pumpkin" seeds.
Just a reminder to investigate the brand and source of any food you buy where you cannot shake the hand of the person that pulled or cut it.
Actually, even then.

It looks like you don’t want to have any testosterone at all.

Sauce on walnuts being bad for test?

Veganism is a fucking cult, the level of confirmation bias is conspiracytard tier.
Honestly at this point I want to go full carnivore just to spite vegans, I dont even care if its unhealthy.