Did frens hab a gud workout?
Did frens hab a gud workout?
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Rest day, but I played some basketball with my brother.
Great push day fren.
375 bench:
And a little heavy assistance for the boys. 5x115 weighted dip:
8x105s DB incline:
Yep, set two PRs today!
i did.
but ive been stressed recently. im an engineer working on contract for an oil company. with the proce of crude tanking and the market being down as a whole im afraid i'll lose my job :( don't want to go job hunting again
Stay strong king, you're smart and you'll always make it
Is your brother obese?
i felt the i got it lol ive done that shit way too many times
It's part of the lift for me at this point
No and yesterday was shit too.
Think im having one of those periods.
rest day, sore all over. not complaining, though.
haven't lifted this week because I've been sick but thanks for asking
>Rest day today
>Leg day tomorrow
>Run day after tomorrow
Knocked out some hypertrophy bench and tempo squats. Did pretty good despite having doms this morning from bulgarian splits.
No. He is ottermode.
It's gonna be good, you probably make more in a month than most people on this board do in a year. And our industry will last longer than the Slavs or the Arabs will on low energy prices.
Active recovery or gtfo
Based. Staying in the house will drive you crazy
I just got back from the gym and started sneezing...
>neutral spine
>weight on heels
>drive through heels
>explode with quads
Deload week. Feels great. Did like 2 half sets of each exercise today.
The coughing fits that I’ve had for the past weeks keeps destabilising my core. Think I’ll stick to 4x12s on the machines until I recover
>low bar
>low bar
Oh you mean shitty form?
The gym was empty because of Corona Chan. She really is a blessing. But I had a good workout fren.
Also thank you Corona Chan.
I think i injured my shoulder. So thats nice.
not the best
got absolutely destroyed in a fighting game tournament i normally do good in. cardio + core helped me forget and move past it so it was pretty nice yeah. Thanks for asking.
Work fucked me up today so I haven't gone yet. I'm about to go. But I have to be back at work in the next hour so I'll have to push it.
I'm gonna make it.
retard tier programming desu
it's not a deadlift, smooth brain
Do it on your toes then, brainlet. Ever here of posterior chain movement?
Hit 1 plate bench for reps for the first time today. I know that doesn't impress people, but when I started it seemed like such a long way away. OHP is currently 105, haven't stalled yet, hoping to hit 1 plate there soon too. Nobody I know IRL cares about this stuff or understands it, so you guys are the only people I have to tell.
you mean
the posterior chain which gets way more activation in the low bar position?
Aaaaaaand spic manlets had dragged a bench into the squat rack to do seated overhead presses with the barbell with a weight light enough they could have just used dumbbells. And every other bench was taken. Fucking hell today sucks. I either have to skip my workout or workout at 10PM.
Front squats expose imbalances and requires more core activation/thoracic extension. It’s much more functional than meatheaded lowbar squats.
Recently missed a workout, so did two in a row in what should have been my rest day. It was honestly pretty fun working out back-to-back, and I think I might do it more often. There's something about doing reps when you're already a bit sore that's fucking satisfying as fuck.
Just do something light bro, fuck those spics and fuck those now infected benches
I'm doing SS and today I'm scheduled to finally squat 2pl8. I've been looking forward to this for a month. I really don't want to go light. I will remember to thoroughly disinfect everything before I lift though, thanks for reminding me.
starting to do morning workouts to dodge virus monkies so it was pretty terrible. hopefully it will get easier
we all gotta start somewhere, keep it up
Mirin that bench, any programs you recommend? Current 1RM is 265
I did Pendlay 5x5 for a long time, which is basically Starting Strength with a row day and ascending weight. Like 60% 5RM for the first set, 70%, etc.
Currently at the start of Texas Method but I put off a Fri to Mon so I'm finishing this week with a cheeky PPL.
Honestly, I like PPL and I like lifting every morning so I don't know if the three day program is gonna stick. Your upper body needs more attention than typical strength programs give it. If you have three days, do TM. Madcow also acceptable. If you have 4 do /plg/'s 5/3/1 or 4-day TM. If you want to lift every day do PPL.
how long did that bench take you (ie how long you been training)?
It was my rest day. I went to my mom's house and she helped me bake a cake
worked out today and hit 230x4 on the bench. Thank you muscle memory
I'm a 30yo boomer and I started lifting in high school, but of course I took time off. Lemme put it this way, I benched that with a stupid chest bounce and my butt up in the air in high school. I started lifting with good form in my 20s and did 355 paused in winter '15. I got horribly out of shape and started lifting again in August '19. My first workout back was 5x175.
>being sore outside of a pivot week or start of a new cycle
seems like big upper body numbers really takes a few years without prior training.
You shouldn't be pushing through your heels in a deadlift either.
>the squat rack
your gym only has 1 squat rack user?
Played basketball from 930-1130
Pretty good cardio sesh at LA fitness. 3 full court games and one 32 game at the end. I'll be working out tomorrow with my gf.
Yeah. I was a dumb brolifter but luckily I gave my upper body a lot of attention in high school. By 16 I was bloatmaxxing, lifting before and after school, hitting all the assistance exercises and rep ranges. Hated squatting, never floor pulled, but did pullups and bench like a maniac.
Yeah it was pretty good. Friday is my monthly maxxing day, so today I did a bunch of accessory lifts instead of my main ones. Bicep curls, face-pulls, lateral raises, tricep pull downs, shrugs.
>inb4 no legs
I do a lot of hiking, backpacking, and running so I'm good.
hey King, don't worry about it. I remember a few years ago when I first got 135 for sets of 5. Now I bench 225 5x5. YOU WILL MAKE IT JUST AS I HAVE!
Based. Keep working and the gains will come
All right, I went back one hour before the gym closed and got in the power rack. Warmed up, managed a set of 5 with 2pl8, then failed on the third rep of my next set and had to put the bar on the pins. Then I dropped down to 205, did three reps, then decided to go down to 185 and do a set of 5 ATG because I think I might not be hitting parallel anyway and I wanted to strengthen that part of the squat. Gonna try for 2pl8 3x5 again on Friday. Then I fucking knocked out OHP for 114lbs, 3x5, really proud of myself for that since I'm trying to milk LP as long as possible and last time I did 110. Then I deadlifted 285 for a set of five, double overhand grip, but my grip started coming loose so I need to do more grip exercises tomorrow.
Overall I'd grade the workout a C, since I failed squats but still managed PRs on two other lifts. And I ran out of time and didn't do my chins either. But I think it was a decent workout overall and I'm glad I stayed up late to do it rather than skipping out, and I'm glad I failed that squat after going down rather than racking it. I think Rippetoe would be happy.
One squat rack, and one power rack. When I was a morning lifter it didn't matter since usually one was empty and people were classy and let me work in if they were both full, but the afternoons are the domain of short mexicans doing memelifts with terrible form in places they shouldn't be. The gym is next door to my apartment so it's super convenient, but I also have access to another gym with 8 beautiful power racks, very high quality, but I have to drive 10 minutes to get there so it's normally not worth it. Oh and it closed at 8 so I missed out this afternoon, I wound up just closing my eyes for two hours, didn't even sleep, just trying not to think.
Tried for a new squat PR but failed the rep. Otherwise not a bad day.