Why the fuck do women prefer left than right?

Why the fuck do women prefer left than right?

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Because women have shit taste. I'm a guy and I prefer the right.

They dont. You have been brainwashed

because of jews

they dont retard
left is a tranny right is a gigachad

They don't stop making the same fucking thread and lift you piece of shit.

The one on the right will marry the one on the left, and abandon women altogether.

Perceived socioeconomic status.

Some serious cope.

Women prefer pretty boys.
Just admit you were born ugly copeposters.

this, by the end of the decade roasties will have 0 human rights again

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This desu. So SO many women actually prefer these types of males, we see it in other mammals, too.

Women approach pretty twinks, while they get railed by muscle hunks

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Women prefer the guy with more money

because they are lesbians you fucking idiot

you mean 14 year old girls?

Right will probably beat them in a fit of roid rage.

because left is probably more fun even to hang out with as guy

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left looks like a woman, probably cant get hard either, why would women want that?

What if I told you some prefer the left and some prefer the right? It's almost as if women aren't a monolith you fucking incel

they dont

Because women want to hang out with other women.
they just want to be bred by the right and then use the left as a beta orbiter.
Reminder: if you are friends or in a relationship with a women you are a beta orbiter.

>probably can't get hard either

Neither can the average powerlifter.
So why would they want them.

The average woman finds both of them ridiculous.
Some teens might like guy on left and some single moms guy on right.

What if I'm friends with women but also get laid sometimes

cause left usually has a giant dick and better sense of fashion, humor which girls care about more generally. this is all depending on the age of the women too though, i would say only teens/young adults would ever go for left

isn't left short as fuck

More based than being cucked by strings or being friends and getting no pussy
not a beta orbiter yet.


kek so true

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They are both bitches. Right sells lewds like a camgirl

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left: high trust twink that they want to kiss and make cute videos with :)

right: high test breeder she hits up when she goes downtown or her cycle lines up right and she wants to get fucked hard.

Fags are literally just men with female brains.
literally fucking retarded.
True ascension is not being gay, it's forgetting about your sexual needs completely and lift or die.

op's pic isnt a powerlifter, just a fit manfolk.
also why the fuck would powerlifters not be able to get hard

Dope and it's not like any of the women I'm friends with are my oneitis or some shit. Like there's a couple that I'd probably smash but I wouldn't date any of them. Being friends with your oneitis is incredibly embarrassing lmao

Libshit kike university has brainwashed low hanging fruit women into believing that chopping your dick off or chemically castrating yourself is a virtue. The truth is that it's the STACY and the Chad's fault. They bullied and disenfranchised a group of individuals who would grasp onto any form of identity and that identity turned I to modern day counter culture. The anti bullying groups also let this happen "we should embrace counter culture instead of stopping it" fucking stupid.

Seething straightoid. You'll never have a partner who is also your best bro.

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Fags need to be gassed.

only kpop chinks do

right would really hurt when he beats them left might not even be able to outfight her

You are exhibiting seething roastie behavior already.
All I know is lift or die.
I am not concerned with a dry dick.

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pizza and burger underwear
wish that were me

Lewis, T. (2013). Women on the Pill Choose Less Manly Men. livescience.com. Retrieved from livescience.com/28237-women-on-pill-prefer-less-masculine-men.html

>all I know is lift or die
>that pic

Cringe. I'll see you in the motivational thread next time dork.

>posts pic of 2 gay bottoms
you're a fucking woman

Would you seriously have more fun around the frail man with dyed hair whose hobbies probably consist of posting eboy uwu selfies on instagram, listening to shitty music and attention whoring or the actually normal well-adjusted guy

The guy on the right isn’t normal

Someone has to be the bottom heh

Oh fuck, both of them are attention whores. Never mind

women's ideal is between the two

how the fuck do guys get hair colors like that that's so many different colors and it looks perfect what the fuck??

No they dont. I’d be willing to bet a small majority prefer the one on the right. Truth be told roasties would ride both their cocks though so there’s that also.

I've just realised. That being said, he at least looks well-adjusted which is more than the other guy can say


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It's not motivation. it just is.
I have nothing, in fact most should find me pathetic.
I am the ultimate gymcel

>mfw pretty boy who started working out
>mfw still thin and weak but moderately toned
>mfw I hit 1/2/3/4 I'll be 10/10 tier

Now I just need to work on my shit-tier personality so I can stop hooking up and actually keep a gf

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Dude shut your faggot ass up

bro if you keep talking i'll put my cock in your mouth you faggot ass bitch so keep talking shit

Careful user, you'll make all the incels here reee.

i want these incels to post bodies but. THEY. NEVER. WILL.

Motherfucker what’s your address I’m coming over to beat the shit out of you and then stuff it back into your ass with my cock

15 Old Ct Pl, Kensington, London W8 4PD, UK

come :)

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