/plg/ Powerlifting General

>Corona Virus Edition
The powerlifting general the strongest general in the chanz.
>This general is for the advancement, discussion, and memes of powerlifting. We will critique form for you retards, and tell you what shitty meme program to do after we're done insulting you.
I was going to copy paste the videos but I'm too fucking lazy to do it for this OP.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Squat Videos:
youtube.com/watch?v=QhlNbTsvxbE Juggernaut - High/Low Bar Squats
youtu.be/U5zrloYWwxw Duffin - How to Squat
youtube.com/watch?v=DsXj2fQ4uow Ed Coan - How to squat -
youtu.be/fU2gjpPcs_Y Juggernaut - Leg vs Back Strength in Squats
youtu.be/uGyuMqNVC-U Juggernaut - Foot Pressure and Knee Movement in the Squat
>Bench Videos:
youtu.be/F5kB94frA5U Bell - How to bench press
youtu.be/ily2X9LCEfg Duffin - Lat involvement in benching
youtube.com/watch?v=hZPYTIPb2To Spoto - How to Bench Press
>Deadlift Videos:
youtube.com/watch?v=oiDczs9j75E Duffin – How to deadlift
youtube.com/watch?v=xxFpHWEi6UE Coan – Conventional Deadlift
youtube.com/watch?v=edBFYfRVguo Pollack – Deadlift Tips
>Sumo Deadlift Video:
youtube.com/watch?v=lDt8HwxVST0 Coan – Sumo deadlift
youtube.com/watch?v=3PM9_MwlK2Q Wenning – Bands
>Assistance for the big 3
youtu.be/ACQizQOvLb8 Wenning - Box Squats
youtu.be/-febRoO0gG0 Coan – Squat and Deadlift Assistance
youtu.be/mTxOBkKDkzs JM Blakeley - The JM Press
youtu.be/ExL0-gJcUbs Alshrue – Row Variations
>Mobility, Stability, Stretching, etc
youtu.be/2ZGQ97fmmcM Duffin - Copenhagen Abduction Drill
youtu.be/Gvah8cWNkg8 Duffin - Tactical Frog
youtu.be/5avcuX4-wMI Duffin - Hip Impingment, Hip Stability, & Lat Engagement
youtu.be/e8JaC9SVQZs Duffin - Hip Airplane
youtu.be/7dT4KHtMM-A Athlean-x - Flexibility Drills
youtube.com/watch?v=EN6HAheRHYQ – Duffin – Warmup Squats/Deads
youtube.com/watch?v=YGglqs8YstU Meg Squats – Lower body mobility
youtube.com/watch?v=LAkV4fXwu8A Cohen – Ankle Mobility
youtube.com/watch?v=-ZXda1OqV4Q Cohen – Hip mobility

Today, it's about chest.

375 bench:

And a little heavy assistance for the boys. 5x115 weighted dip:
8x105s DB incline:

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Corona Virus. Is. King.

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Attached: Its just a flu bro.png (862x400, 172.07K)

Is corona good for preworkout or postworkout and is it bad for you?

Squat, bench, power cleans
Tired, today's training was absolute dogshit
Bar rolling: Day 320

>that’s all you bro!

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Those hands aren't touching it you retard

>just got a belt after years of deadlifting without it
>absolute max deadlift is 600
>can usually make 3pl8 move like an empty bar (like half a second from floor to lockout)
>decide to try some deadlift warmups with the belt on after my bench session
>can feel myself bracing against it and everything
>everything is much slower than it should be
didn't necessarily feel heavier, it was just a bit slower
could it be because I round my back for speed on warmups and the belt is keeping it straighter? anyone notice the same thing?
guess I'll have to wait for tomorrow to try it on during work sets
still, pretty disappointed, I thought it would be a game changer but I feel like it's just gonna get in the way

>I round my back for speed
Uhh what
>Just get in the way
Try moving it around, some people wear their belt higher or different angle for deads

What gives people the urge to fuck with or change programs when they're making gains?

Terminal VOLEMism, there is no cure


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Ack nooooo

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If I need to deload, should I do 10 lb jumps on my squat and deadlift until I return to my 5RM training weight, then my usual 5 lbs a week? If I do 5 lb jumps from the start, it will take 8 weeks to get back to where I was.

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Are you doing SS? Honestly the deload protocol is gay, if you're stalling just switch to intermediate program

What is that, windows xp?

>it will take 8 weeks to get back to where I was
Sounds like a linear progression thing. They have their place but it's not ideal to do them for too long, just do and start building some muscle.

Doing texas method. Did a few cycles of Madcow between SS and TM, but Madcow's deload strategy was different than just the standard 10% deload and work your way back up. I'm at 440 lbs 1RM, 400 is my 5RM, so 10% is a lot when you are progressing by 5 lbs jumps.

round back= speed off the floor
not that it's a good habit (and it only works on sub 200kg for me, when it gets heavier than that I have to be cautious anyways) but it's good for confidence on warmups and usually that speed helps me gauge where I'm at during warmups.
but yeah you shorten the lever arm between hips and shoulders, allowing you to get that massive floor hit
I've tried different positions but haven't tried angling it, I know a lot of back dominant pullers wear it higher but it didn't feel right, I'll try angling it so that it's higher in the front and lower in the back.

I'm the other way around which makes more sense but is still a curse
If I have one bad session I'll try changing my stance, rep range etc.

Higher mortality, unknown multiplicative risks
Better to panic early


>cant go to the gym
is there a worse feel
I was bulking should I eat maintenance calories so I dont get fat

How can I strengthen ligaments so I don't snap my shit. I used to be 80kg and bench 150 to 160. I've been vegan for 10 years now and I'm tiny and want to get back in and get a stupid bw ratio. I'm worried about the snappening tho

Could be messing with your positioning, rounded or not. Experiment with different belt thicknesses and positions. You using 10 or 13 mm?

Same way you strengthen your muscles, it just takes longer

5x5 PR today with 80kg
I'll learn how to post webms when I test my maxes

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Are you Asian?

I just went with a nylon belt since it seems to be popular for deadlifting and I don't really squat
it's 8mm thick
I had tried a 10mm lever belt a few months back and could barely bend over without it digging into my hips

meant ribs*

Salut mi familia

El Gobliono.....

Thanks Dom

fuck yeah

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Based bill starr routine

No one cares about you opening up your neghole for a poz load of AIDS. No one cares that you got coofed on and caught the common cold.

Coronavirus is the best test of pure immune system strength.

I love power cleans but my gym bitches at me if I drop them and I'm not trying the catch thing over 2pl8. Just plugging rows into TM now.

>I've been vegan for 10 years now
Well you're gonna wanna go ahead and stop that m88

Nylon belts really don't do that much/aren't all that supportive

Tried sumo for the first time. Felt kind of weird. Couldn't find proper balance and having my legs at that angle felt unnatural. Guess I'll try trap bar instead

Your exercise selection is trending gayer and gayer

Well, the more Barbell/Strongman type gym hadn't opened when I joined this one, and this one has a third of a basketball court.

>Because a normie gym has dumb instawhores to fuck and hardcore gyms don't?
Notice how much of a fuck I give about the thotopolis in this webum.

Attached: Deadlift 5PLAET 2 Reps Jan2020.webm (1920x1080, 1.9M)

Been on SS for a month now and am stalling. Time for intermediate program or deload and repeat?

YNDTP. Read the book. Then Rip's articles.

What specifically do I need to read? I've hit the same weight last three workouts, I am stalling. I know RIP recommends a deload but I've heard people say here that after first deload is a waste of time. I'm just curious. Trying to get strong bro.

First deload is waste if you aren't a genetic chad. Which you aren't since you stalled after month.

Some good intermediate programs:
- Average to Savage
- Barbell Medicine Bridge

Different user here. You either started too heavy or aren't eating enough

girl dgaf

Agree am not a genetic chad. Are online 1rm calculator accurate?

So deload then?

No the calculators aren't accurate since
1. You are a beginner
2. You haven't trained 1RM specifically (ie. singles)
3. Your technique blows ass

Just hop to an intermediate program

Dont intermediate programs require 1rm for basis? Thank you for the info bro

No they don't. All a 'next' program after linear progression requires is that you have exhausted your capability for linear progression.

Awesome, thank you


If you're new to lifting and you stalled after a month, you need to read the book. Starting Strength. It's a book.

You're probably not gaining weight at all. You're not even close to exhausting your beginner gains.

>All a 'next' program after linear progression requires is that you have exhausted your capability for linear progression
This is false

Of course you could run a linear progression program where you always go to the RPE10 3x5 max effort but you'd either crash your results or break yourself eventually.

>Of course you could run a linear progression program where you always go to the RPE10 3x5 max effort but you'd either crash your results or break yourself eventually.
That has nothing to do with what I said. You do not have to "exhaust" linear progression capability, and most times it's best not to try. Deloading several times and sticking with basic programming when you would be better served just moving on right away is dumb

>You do not have to "exhaust" linear progression capability, and most times it's best not to try. Deloading several times and sticking with basic programming when you would be better served just moving on right away is dumb
True, I agree.

I think I started too high maybe, I think I'm gonna buy a belt, my back is starting to get sore, I hit 375 for 3x5 squat and 455 for 1x5 deadlift and 185 for 3x5 ohp I think I'm just too tired from squats in the beginning, I'm gonna buy a belt and do 1 more week and see if it helps at all. If not, im going to go intermediate. Thanks for all the help bros.