Fit tattoos

ITT we talk about tattoos to get or show off tattoos we already have.

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all tattoos are retarded

In before NEET incels looking down on tattoos. As if theyre better than inked Chads.

I'm thinking of starting small and putting this on my wrist where it can be covered up by my watch.

Attached: a slave obeys.jpg (3024x4032, 1M)

also wanted to get this one either on my back, my arm, or my chest. It's the old world flag from Fallout New Vegas

Attached: Old World Flag tattoo-01.jpg (1275x1275, 174.75K)

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sick. where'd you get it?

Hyper gay

Theme park in Germany

Thoughts on the geometric style tattoos like this one? I'd probably get rid of the background stuff

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Oh I get it, you're the missing link in the chain.

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Why even visit this thread if it’s not something you’re interested in?

Is this some kind of slavery reference?

Not him, but I think it's important to let people know how retarded tattoos are, because they really are and they won't make you more interesting, which is why you are getting them.

I feel like Yas Forums is full of homosexual men in the military who have horrible tattoos.

It's a symbol of his support for enslaving inferior beings. Based

Wassup, I'm here for the job interview

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Tattoos are bad and you should feel bad

Women with tattoos = mentally ill with daddy issues.. just my type

basic white college girl shit, gunna be the tribal tattoos of our generation

Banal, meaningless and most of all ugly

Not gonna lie I find myself attracted to mentally retarded emotionally crippled women as well but tats are a complete deal breaker.

someone please please please post the copy pasta

hot ones get tattoos because they know some simp will take care of them when they're ready to settle down

That's a cool drawing. If you put it on your body I'd think you're a retard though.

>Theme park in Germany

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imagine being so autistic that you think you know why people do things

He's not wrong though. It usually is out of insecurity or lack of personality, to make a statement or something cringey. But I suppose there are many stupid enough to think that permanently marking your body with ink is attractive and not a sign of immaturity/stupidity.

Ok dipshit why do people get tattoos then?

Tattoos aren’t Yas Forums.

Unless it's military or tribal/religious(a tribe you belong to) tattoos are dumb

>don't assume why people do things
He didn't say he knew either, fucktard. Lmao



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>Hey man, why'd you carve a massive penis into your forearm?
>It's about freedom bro

No but he implied it.

Thinking of getting something like pic related. Going from the right pec to about the middle of my forearm. What do you guys think?

Attached: Kaido.jpg (640x874, 182.38K)

Looks gay. You bottom?

When I get put in the gulag one day I hope my tattoo has trips.

Lmao why would you out a picture of another man on your body

Why would you need to hide it? It's subtle enough that most people wouldn't get it even if they actually did play the game.

Kind of, it's from Bioshock 1, when it's revealed that the players hasn't really been making decisions of his own accord. "A man chooses, a slave obeys."

Wow calm down on the makeup lass. The tattoos are alright, but the sunken cheeks are making you look like Voldemort.

It wouldn't be a tattoo of Kaido himself, but something inspired by the scale pattern he has.

This, but no tattoo is more retarded than cartoon vidya superheroes

Wouldn't recommend, as you age the ink will bleed out gradually from the original line. what was once a perfect dot on day one, will become a blurry pear shape ten years later.

Don't do small detailed, you lose those details extremely quickly as well as the color depending on which one. Go big as fuck or do dont get one at all.

Find some retired sailors to see it for yourself. Shits tragic how theirs end up.

one dousand dorrar EOY you need some link in your life

A wise man once said "how about you tattoo some muscle on your body instead"

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It unironically will though
The only people who won't go "Oh cool" are people who quietly seethe about it or people who will stutter out an insult about them before being laughed off... sheepishly trying to move on without defending his point, face rapidly turning red.

Thanks. That's really insightful! I'll thunk of something else then

Yeah, and then everyone will clap and give you high fives and compliment you for being cool

Is Zyzz doing a Hibiki cosplay?

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this. bunch of idiots drawing on themselves like toddlers


Cool tattoo...

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Would you fuck a female version of Zyzz?

I have two small tattoos. My rule is all my tattoos have to be able to be covered by pants and a t-shirt. I'm a engineer and thats the standard dress attire. As far as attractiveness of a tattoo it depends completely on the person, the tattoo and the placement. Some tattoos look good some look like shit. I would love to get a sleeve some day but work is more important.

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Unironically this, I've never met someone who hates tattoos in real life who didn't suck.

Secretly dreaming of the day they can refuse to hire someone for a minimum wage job, as middle management.

Is it your first tattoo? if so I would get something smaller as a first tattoo. I was dead set on getting a full chest piece as my first tattoo and am glad I didn't. Either way the 6 month rule with tattoos is always a good idea. If you still want it after 6 months go ahead and get it.

This is a fair attitude about tattoos.

The issue with tattoos is the vast majority of people who get them are as shallow as their ink. You make a permanent change to your body, that WILL look like shit, and most of the time the logic behind it is that 'It looks cool and represents my life, now'.

I'm all for body art, but have some respect and at least kill yourself before you turn 30 if you're getting meaningless tattoos.


Thinking of getting this somewhere on my chest or upper arm

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You should get Tetsuo tattooed under one eye and Kaneda tattooed under the other.