Is it based or cringe to make money based on your partner's appearance?
Is it based or cringe to make money based on your partner's appearance?
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it's absolutely based.
moving money from some loser's pocket into your own for nothing. you provide zero service, there are no goods being traded, but they give you money. it's like you're chad from middle school, grabbing kids but their ankles and inverting them for their lunch money, and they let you do it willingly.
Somebody fucking tweet these to him lmaoooooooo
No it’s like your staceys boyfriend and she’s charging guys to look at her naked and she’ll spend their money
Nice try tho cuck
1 "partner" = cringe
2+ hoes = based
Know a lot of niggas living off of prostitution
Pimpin ain't dead, it just moved to the web
Bitch ain't gotta hit the track, ain't gotta give no tricks no head
Ain't got to give no tricks no pussy, just cameras and screens
Easiest money you can get, it's the American Dream, BITCH!
Depends on who wears the pants in the relationship, and who makes the decisions regarding this business venture.
If you're in charge, you're good. If she's in charge, you're fucked.
Be the pimp, not the simp.
>placing nude photos on a pedestal
>implying the distribution of such photos somehow devalues the man
alright loser lmao
Is idubbbz fucking an only-fans thot? What's going on?
There's no fucking going going on but lots of cucking
His girl turned into one. They are currently dating.
That's what you get for moving to california I suppose, still feel sad for him. Why do people stay in fucked up relationships instead of just getting up like bobby deniro in the heat and walking away?
Holy shit your pic is real, she's really a whore and ibubz is now icuckz
>According to her profile alone, after being on the platform for such a little time and posting 9 pictures she’s already earned approximately USD$25,000 from the platform.
According to her profile alone, after being on the platform for such a little time and posting 9 pictures she’s already earned approximately USD$25,000 from the platform.
Not to mention he's also paying for a boob job as a birthday gift
It’s not some nude photos it’s his girlfriends nude photos that’s why he should care.
>somehow devalues the man
Lmao he’s pussy whipped or a cuck either he wants other men jerking off to his girlfriend or he couldn’t say no to her THATS why he’s a faggot
The first time he called himself a faggot I thought it was a joke now I get it... now I get it
She's going to turn our little angel into a fucking anhero. Ibubz manifesto incoming.
Imagine you come home and your gf tells you she just made an onlyfans account
Someone should buy nudes and send them to him, possibly tributed
Ha ha ha! Like when they tattle on you to the yard duty & she does nothing about it!!
Don't get it why people turn so quickly on a guy, after he's being cucked by a chick. How is her whoredom his fault right after it happens. If this trend continues I would understand such behaviour.
He didn’t prevent it, he let it happen, he’s still with her. Three strikes you’re out
Have some dignity and leave the bitch
Based unless she fucks other men
Because for both men and women it's hard to find another one. For men for obvious reasons and for women because albeit having a sea of thirst betas, good ones that are into them are few.
>According to her profile alone, after being on the platform for such a little time and posting 9 pictures she’s already earned approximately USD$25,000 from the platform.
I can't help but to think that, no matter how much we scream and yell about morality and cucks, that she has played all of us for a fool. I would sell my fucking nudes for $25,000 a week or whatever it turns out to be, jesus
MEN have given her $25,000 for a few nude pics. Why are we so cucked as a sex? I cannot even come close to criticizing women, because no woman would stoop low enough to give money for nudes
Depends who you ask
I don't know, but its cringe to call your girlfriend your "partner".
Losers always existed, nowadays it's just easier to see them because of the internet and generally a higher population. I don't think camwhoring or selling nudes as a bad way for a young woman to earn good money, but things get tricky when they decide to become (((sex workers)))
You're right men cause the degeneracy of modern women but it's also caused by hypergamy, the vast vast majority of men simply can't get women anymore so they believe the only way to is to spend money on them in the hopes they are noticed. And its not just for nudes either, it's on Twitch and Snapchat just to be noticed by a female is the most these men will ever achieve.
Tfw no cowgirl Howdy partner gf
its cringe. anyone saying its based is cool with men masterbating to their girl and spreading their nudes like wildfire. shit needs to end. anyone endorsing this as a man is a pussy.
Selling nudes is sex work you tool
This is the whitest blackposting I've seen in years fuck your digits cuntface.
It's fucked up.
haha cade
Except for having to deal with (((them))) in an immediate way. You don't have to be abused, do IR, do anal, get pissed on, get DPed, etc. etc.
You can just rub plastic dicks on your vagina in your own room while being comfy and teasing virgins with too much money to spend to give them to you just to see a tiddie, despite the billions of porn videos that exist. And the funny thing is you don't need connections for that. You don't even need to be beautiful, just be naked and there's a niche category that someone desperate enough likes and give you money
damn its this bitch really doin my man ian dirty like that?
Better to make money out of it than getting the nudes hacked or leaked later, and people will buy it apparently.
Also many twitch thots don't even go nude, and make a shit ton of cash from beta orbiters. So you don't even need to go nude to earn cash. It's a crazy world.
this really
But you are blaming men instead of corporate capitalism that idealizes making as much money as possible as easily as possible.
I'm on a university campus in 2020 and I haven't met a hot girl yet who isn't involved in suckering betas into paying for her meals at the very least, and who are bj whores at the very worst. It's too easy.
>imagine girls paying a $20 monthly subscription to see me fiddle my meat between 5-7pm, something I was gonna do anyway
At that point it's more fiscal sense than degeneracy
>which is why fiscal sense is degenerate
already done
looks like she had to get surgery for weightloss too
Listen you need to go back.
Are they still together? Wtf man
>ruined tits that were just fine
>immediately selling nudes and whoring herself out
what the fuck
No, this is the natural evolution of becoming a gigacuck. He's been well on his way for some time.
utterly BTFO'd
that's a top kek fellow cuckold
No its not lol yeah youre really comparing being out on the streets like a prostitute to selling feet pics and nudes in the comfort of ur own home. Regardless theyre all mentally ill
A womans whoredom is her man's duty to keep in check. He has failed that and thus must be shunned by his tribe until appropriate action is taken
His tribe has net him $25K after 9 pictures
OK just post her stuff now
And thus
This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
Not with a bang but a picture
Dubs demand tittehs
How about dont associate with women whos goals are to take nude pics. or be a stripper. or be a bartender. or any of this. these are losers. no goals no future losers. and they will drag you down too.
They give the best sex
>future losers
Don't date them retard
>they will drag you down
How about you stop being a bitch and continue what you're doing instead of changing your life around a girl
Instantly dropped.
>haha just sell your dignity for money. >MONEY MONEY MONEY.
Nice try Satan/Jew.
damn, even the busted ass ugly hoes are making onlyfans. What even are women?