Women are waking up to male degeneracy

Women are waking up to male degeneracy.

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translation from thot speak:
>once i think i have a man on the pussy hook i become a bitch and if he has any self respect he gets turned off and leaves me

Why do they use the asterisks thing? I’ve never understood what the purpose of that is.


That's a sign of a low value woman. A high value woman would never post that or post on Reddit for that matter

This woman's user profile is a fucking shitshow
>turkish muslim
>only 20 and already thinks she's a queen
>already got a nosejob
>frequents the makeupaddiction sub
>thinks men who want to discuss their problems with her are trying to make her "their therapist"

that whole sub is a shitshow
its full of bitter post wall whores who whine about men having any agency in the dating market, demanding traditional gender roles when it suites them (such as men having to pay for everything) but at the same time also wanting modern liberated gender roles when it suites them (as in being able to fuck around without regard)

FDS is a bunch of incels, this isn't surprising

What the fuck is LVM and HVM?

and boom goes the dynamite

Low value male, high value male

Its funny how she doesnt specify her standards. Im sure theyre certainly not some femcel shit at all.

Anyone giving/getting dating advice on reddit is already damaged as is

Blessed post

Why you all so bitter man? You have to realise that women are just as complex as you and speak about men in the same vein as you speak about women. The only difference is that you do it on Yas Forums and they do it on Reddit.

Post tits and nose schlomo scum

>giving a single shart about what any woman thinks or says...ever


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literal, textbook definition of C O P E

yes, /rpw/. good for her.

uhhhh hello??

>my values and standards
>200K a year, home owner, 7 feet tall and 12% bodyfat that only lifts 2 times a day, gives 16 hours of his day to focus on his woman, etc

I think its to make the word seem like a swearing

I'm a dude, man
What you want in a woman is an intellectual equal, not a living flesh light

turkish girls have the biggest princess complexes

t. simp

No as a man you want a woman! fuckface


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Ok boomer
Ok simp


While you do sound like a faggot, I agree with you. ,faggot

I’ve always been a basedboy running my mouth going on great long dating strategy guides and evolutionary psychology break downs

Look, you stupid fucks, it’s very simple. I’ve done all of the research under the sun, and the culmination of my beliefs is the mainstream trope that we all hated that got us into looking into it further


All of this dishonest bullshit, doesn’t stand the test of time. You can pretend for 3 weeks, but you can’t pretend for 3 months.

Just be a toxic truth spitter that vomits vulnerability and honesty out of your mouth. If she doesn’t like it, good, you saved 3 months.

Why is not being a lying manipulating low self esteem fuck such a 1% of human dating strategy. Disgusting.


Too bad you can't take equality back once it's out they must be fucking fuming.

>Hi this is the based department. We've had multiple reports of this post come in...

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I had my view on relationships shattered recently and fds was part of it.
I always thought i could be patient for finding the right girl but it's become clear that it removes all chance of it ever happening.
Regardless of how i feel, the fuck boys are out there and i'm going to have to start thinking with my dick, trying to get laid constantly, setting myself a fucking budget with women and then playing the numbers game.
I had a bunch of friends confront me about my lack of dating and it kinda all made sense, they would do low key manipulative things to get laid. It was normal for them.

I'm just going to focus on getting laid now. Relationships and integrity can lick my balls.

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the joke is that m*n is a dirty word because m*n suck. You can do it with anything you want. Like n*ggers


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>Why is not being a lying manipulating low self esteem fuck such a 1% of human dating strategy
because humans are by default insecure and ego-driven

>fds was part of it.
Why? No "high value" women would ever post on any forum beyond mainstream social media like instagram and facebook. There are zero normal women on reddit, especially a board as retarded as "female dating strategies."

based, be yourself is literally the best advice to give someone, if their personality is uninteresting and repulsive, change it

I dont think you know what simp means but regardless youre a fucking mong

Ok simp. Enjoy being sexist and dying alone. Boomer simp

Its 2020 with social media bro the dating strategy this era is literally driven by manipulation, ego and power struggles


I have a gf but thanks pal

people who contributed to society in any meaningful way: 99% men
women just don't do anything, they sit around like fish all day

It became clear that the vast majority of women get a tonne of attention. You are competing with people who are willing to lie and manipulate girls to get laid. Even if these girls are wanting mr perfect and holding out, about 10 fuck boys are going to throw themselves in front of her and do whatever it takes before you get a chance.

Or you can be honest

Your gyal is getting piped by Jamal

she's right you know, stats don't lie
but why are men violent?
could it have something to do with testosterone? or women not knowing when to stand up for themselves so they rather commit suicide instead of risking anything

20% of serial killers are women? that's actually surprising i wouldn't have guessed that

her argument is piss of course tho.

women only know Apps, YA fiction, social media posts and Snapchat articles

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>fuck boys
You're young, probably college or fresh out. That shit changes by your late 20s. Just chill don't stress about real relationships in your early 20s.


Which twitch coon did you pick this niggerism up from, zoom zoom

The sooner you let men know your "standards," as she put it, the sooner they leave because only psychopaths reveal their power level that early into a relationship. This whench tries to forego actually forming connections with men and then gets surprised when she shows them her baggage and they stop giving a fuck about her. No shit! All she is is baggage and she wonders why she can't make men form attachments to her. Reddit is a ceasepool.

What about Marie curie? The queen? Those three black women that were influential at NASA? The bronte sisters?

Women aren't inferior, peasant simp

>high value
>instagram and facebook
Stopped reading there.

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Yeah, I’m 22, I used to do do long term relationships, moved around the country with my last one.

It’s a fucking lost cause, stop giving a fuck. Obviously every girl is going to want a commitment, obviously every girl is going to be of girlfriend quality. I don’t abstain from the honeymoon phase and exclusivity. But the decision has already been made, I’ll start looking for a wife when I’m 30. Until then, idgaf the outcome of any relationship and I don’t waste my time worrying about women’s sexuality or their stupid shit, I just strive to be better than them and text a new one. Sorry not sorry. Wish it could be different.