How do we solve the ethical issues of meat production but also not fall into veganism memes?

How do we solve the ethical issues of meat production but also not fall into veganism memes?

Is meat produced in labs the only solution?

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what's unethical about free range non-halal non-kosher meat?

Ethics are for faggots

t. chinese subhuman

>Is meat produced in labs the only solution?
Yes, and only when it becomes as cheap as normal meat and taste similar.
Till then, keep eating meat.

You cant without killing off large portions of the human population (cities)

Worked on a farm for a couple years. Cows have soulless eyes and chicken are dumb spastic animals. Nothing unethical about killing them. They underneath us in every way possible. Animals are here to nourish us. Either roaming free or crammed into cages.

Pasture raised cattle live happy lives, are much more nutritious, and good for the environment (net carbon negative, regenerates soil). You have to pay a pretty penny, but just stop being a poorfag.

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god gave humans dominion over all other life on earth. its one of the first parts in the bible

by this logic jews are free to make all the other races into cattle.

There's also a part in the Bible about killing infant children so let's all kill infant children

Meat-trees and other meat "plants". Thery grow cuts of meat like fruit, either in rinds to peel open or like branches and leaves of flexing limbs, like a "chicken wing bush". Just snap off a wing when you need to cook.

So if higher beings were to visit earth it would be ok for them to eat us since we're beneath them ?
INB4 we are the greatest species in this universe

Literal bugs.

I also worked on a farm. Not sure what kind of farm you worked on but every being there had soulful eyes. Kys jew

For one, we have self awareness and death awareness, something that animals don't have.

Sure fag. If aliens ever come down they can eat us.

I get my meat from a local farm share. It’s called Walden Local. If you’re in the northeast USA check them out

Only degenerate niggerfaggots who want to give me AIDS and rob me go on about "ethics" "ethical" etc.

Yes and? All non-whites use religion against us. We can start using it for ourselves again.

Domestic animals have docility bred into them and are trained with it. If aliens can instill equivalent states in us, then they have shown the superiority. That being said, the animals we have domesticated are off shoots of non-predatory animals which typically lack aggression. Humans are inherently predatory so our aggressive tendencies should be harder to eliminate

t. chinese subhuman

Nice commercial

And yet Christ never attested to killing children. Imagine that

How do you know animals don't have consciousness ? For that matter of fact how do you know everyone except is conscious ? There is no objective way of proving consciousness in a being but if they tend to show emotions similar to humans ( anger , fear , love) then we can safely assume they are conscious .

>implying jews are in anyway superior

Not sure if b8 or just brain dead

I am extremly convinced that all mammals can experience fear, pain and anxiety.

Not an argument. Waste of trips

lab meat is currently a massive meme

bivalves are less conscious than plants

>chickens, bulls and rams lack aggression

An aggressive chicken is hardly a threat to a grown human. But the majority of livestock raised for consumption are female in the first place

And you don’t need bulls to get more female livestock? They had cloning 6000 BC?

what are you even talking about your post made no sense

>what is culling for population control

What doesn't make sense about it? The implication is that the majority of the farmed animals are female which are more docile and easily controlled


Probably. What's more concerning is the increase in meat borne diseases/prions. As the guy on JRE pointed out, CWD or another one like it is on the rise and will most likely make the jump to humans eventually. The solution to this would also include lab grown meat. I wouldn't have a problem with it. Beats the impossible burger.

Even if animals show emotions similarly to humans, that still doesn't mean they are self aware or death aware. In fact, these "emotions" come down to simple reward and threat mechanisms. There's a reason why anthropomorphism is shunned in scientific communities.

Pic related. Great macros and they're literally called "muscles". They have intelligence about on par with a plant. Only issue is we keep polluting the ocean so much it may not be healthy to eat shellfish anymore

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>404: Valid rebuttal not found

a rebuttal to what, there wasn't an argument to refutte in the first place

I want "revenge" for my boy Zyzz. Kill the protein and fucking eat it!

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What ethical issues, exactly?

The only ethical issue about eating meat is eating it without making good use of it. That cow died for you, it's up to you to make it immortal

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All emotions are chemical and electrical signals, in humans and animals(humans are animals) I am absolutley sure that all mammals or almost all have some degree of counsciousness. If you ever owned a dog, a horse or spent time on a farm you would probably agree.

Culling? We where talking about domesticating them in the first place, and many bulls where needed and bulls are still aggressive.

Yeah, animals eat other animals. Killing animals for food is not an ethical dilemma, this is some heavy 2020 year state of mind. Try go hungry for 3 days while being lightly active and see how much of a problem you will have , ethicly, killing another animal.

>we are the greatest species in this universe
this but unironically

move from red meat and poultry to fish until we figure out lab meat

have you seen the s o i males in the cities, it would be incredibly easy for aliens to make a good amount of humans docile and harmless, hell maybe they already have

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Stop factory farming of cattle

Pig farmer here. We sell about 250,000 pigs annually in Iowa.
If you have questions now is the time to ask. And if you think animals have conscious capabilities, you're a fucking retard

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Fuckin get

Hunt. Those who cannot hunt must >eat the bugs

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They also look like an std ridden vagina

>And if you think animals have conscious capabilities, you're a fucking retard

when those qt3.14 piggies scream in terror as you slit their throats, do you feel anything or are you already lost?

>qt3.14 piggies
t. mudslime

Checked quad, to bad it’s a LARP

We take care of our pigs. They are happy and content all their life. We even have one guy who sings to them. Then we kill them.

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I am not eating estrogen. What I am doing personally is pic related, ill use rotten food to feed the larvae and ill feed the larvae to the fish. The dirty fish water will be filtered by the plants, probably microgreens. Not eat the bugslmao. Ill share some photos when it is done.

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how many of those will you murder today?

No, estrogen.

Free range is a buzz word

These people can only prove their points with hypotheticals lmao.

If you think you can convince consoomers on an ethical argument you’ve already lost.

Mass population reduction. There now we don't need massive farms with animals living in their own shit. Also need to deny Chinks access to meat, they're pretty much the only country that imports our lowest quality meats and you know conditions over there are going to be shit for their own production.

You are aware the production of meat is a considerable accelerant for the greatest issue of our time, right? Or does liking bacon xD make you exempt from being something greater than a short-sighted moron?

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They're probably at a grocery store near you already

you realize that the only type of people that have issues with (sound) hypotheticals are 1) smooth brains that don't understand the purpose of re-framing arguments or 2) those that cannot cope with the fact that a hypothetical reveals logical or moral inconsistencies

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Nice get, have you ever tried producing meat in an urban environment? I live in a big city sadly, fish are the only way I got atm.
Im >54790270

How dangerous would it be to fall into a full pig pen with a strained ankle?

there isn't an ethical issue of meat production

talk the chicken into killing itself

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It would probably be the equivalent to humans eating abos, gorillas or other primates. So no, at least for people in the first world, can't say anything about people who eat monkeys though

No, it is those who live in the real world. Hypotheticals don’t work in reality, when I was younger I thought like that, it doesn’t achieve anything, if you do engineering or any science actually youll get what I mean.