Monogemic relationship is killing your gains!

>Monogemic relationship is killing your testosterone levels


>It was also discussed in numerous psychology sites that being single/cheating will give you a huge test boost.

>Become your full potential and have multiple partners

What do you think fit?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Become your full potential and have multiple partners
I can't even get a single girl how do you want me to get multiple ones

We’re not aiming for women here.

I think it's bullshit. I've cheated so many times and it feels pretty awful.

Pick one.

>are associated with
>result in
Learn the difference between these two things. Why is the average person incapable of reading an abstract and summary and understanding what a study is actually saying?

That means you have a conscience.

They should make some kind of test so that retards can't access pubmed.

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the thing is most dudes that get into a commited relationship stop trying so they become fat and lazy which lowers test, if you had a guy in a commited relationship who was still lifting his test would be the same, fucking (((psychology))) bullshit

>jewish site with jewish studies
>results call for even more underminning of civilized marriage and relations
>softcore/porn/instawhore in OP

Attached: ok jew.webm (640x360, 2.59M)




its always the same..
all so tiresome

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you cant even spell "monogamous" you blathering retard.
What I think is that you don't have to worry about monogamy vs polyamory because you'd have trouble finding one partner before you choke on your own tongue and die.

>underminning of civilized marriage and relations
virgin spotted.
with your tradcucked mouthbreathing.

You are a Jew. Why do you people keep coming on this site. It must only cause you pain.

not a kike. I'm just also not a larping virgin.
your ancestors fucking hate you, untermensch.

Cause jews programmed you to feel bad about natural things, our ancestors had multiple partners


Her tinder pic. Reality.

You fell for b8 m80s

>it's Jewish programming that make people into whores
>it's Jewish programming to not be a whore

I fucked your monkey mother In the asshole during the 60s

Fucked your aunt too during the 80s

Fucked your mom while she was pregnant with you, every time I thrust I had my cock in your mouth.. guess that makes you a cock sucker.

everything is jewish programming, don't you know? we live in the matrix and the jews are the architects bro, seriously, jews control everything on the entire planet, from how you wipe your ass to global cultural formation.

B-but I love my wife

Convert to Islam. Get 3 more.

>t. Moshe

>trying to get me to leave my squishy tushie wushie

Not a chance, bub.

Post nose Moshe

Yummy whammy multiple partners in my tummy

Attached: Alexis-Clark-Bio-Age-Height-Net-Worth-Profile.jpg (1011x673, 100.95K)

Estrogenic mutation you're bound to beta

>X is killing your gains!
Shut the fuck up Jeff, this isn't even your area of expertise.

>multiple partners in my tummy
Hey man get that protein any way you can haha

I can't even get one girl what makes you think I could sleep with multiple reasons solely for test boost

Who's Jeff?

Look man, I stopped jerking off, drinking out of plastic, touching receipt papers, and skipping leg day. I'm not breaking up with or cheating on my girlfriend. I squated 360 when we got together, and I'm squating 415 now.

Can confirm. Was a serial monogamist, moving from girlfriend to girlfriend from 16yo to 35.

My life reached whole new levels of based, once I became nonmonogamous.
>primary partner is high-status, high- income professional who is pretty much everything a man could want.
>other partners range from 20yo kinky fuckbunnies and 25yo outdoorsy types to 30-something professionals.
>everyone knows about everyone else and consents to everything.
>threesomes and group sex literally all the time.
>closeness and trust with my primary, built on radical honesty and working through tough times and mistakes together.
>transcendent feelings from overcoming sexual jealousy and possessiveness.

I totally believe this shit is good for T-levels. I wake up feeling like a king every day.

Take the ethical nonmonogamy pill.

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Fuck a hooker and squat 15 more

So I should marry a cuckquean, got it.

Guys, what do, i think my girlfriend has a cuckeen(?) fetish, i mean she gets turned on by the idea of me fucking another woman, is this normal?

And kids?

Good to know. Trying to get rid of my gf these days. Shit is hard. Being single is the best, but I want children. Artificial wombs when?

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Men had multiple partners, in some cultures. Thots were strongly patrolled after Neolithic times.

>And kids?
Yeah, a son.
And real estate and close family relationships and good friends and hobbies and frequent travel and a rewarding career and nonprofit and charity work and civil engagement... the typical trappings of having "made it" without having to give up the opportunity to date whomever I want to date and grow in whatever direction I want to grow.

Read up, and then go forth and become the kind of good, interesting, compassionate, emotionally intelligent man who can choose whichever mate(s) he likes.

Welcome to the total collapse of the family unit and complete degradation of morality. While we are talking about evolution of humans why don't we start throwing shit at eachother. Good for the immune system and we evolved doing it so it must be vital.

>not intentionally trying to get coronavirus so you can ez lose w8
what are you even doing?

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Every problem that white people have is caused by Jews. Amirite, fellow nazis :^)

You're an idiot

Its because the jews put fluoride in my water

>be 18 year old me
>Fucked off from a monogamous relationship
>Decide I should fuck everything I can to prove I don't need to be in a relationship in order to have sex
>Talked to a girlfriend of a girlfriend
>Fucked her 3 some with one of my closest mates
>Fuck her every on most weekends she cheats on her 8 years beta bf with me
>have occasional sex with other girls
>Talk to 3 different girls on FB/Instagram
>Find someone cool become bf gf
>All girls I talked too sent me half nude pics "be my bf"
>Unleash my fury because they didn't say anything and now they need to fuck off
>Get gf pregnant in 2 months get abortion 2 months in pregnancy
>Start being needy for her because "I love uuu"

Get dumped and fucked

Don't have a gf if you want to zyzz shredded mode

That's not even half of the full story but w/e

>>Become your full potential and have multiple partners

But user, you can`t find even ONE partner, much less multiple ;)

When op is me and not a virgin
Ever had a threesome with 2 girls? I had

Ok sure you had a threesome with 2 girls, but have you had a threesome with 2 guys?

I also like to brag about things I may have or may have not done on anonymous imageboard

Yes I'm one of the guys yes

Congrats being gay

>>transcendent feelings from overcoming sexual jealousy and possessiveness.
That is just you playing tricks on your self. convincing your self that you are virtues for ignoring the bad feelings you get when she has sex with others.

But it's true. Every time I try and search for a greater underlying cause I am lead back to jews.

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Nothing beats fucking a girl both you and your partner likes