What was his name again?

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Ranch Panini

Richard Penis
or DICK PENIS 4 Short

Arnold Pianino

Rich Pianem

Destitute Keyboard

Well-off keyboard

Wealthy Instrument

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Raunchy Picnic

Grand Piano

I had a father. His name was Rich Piana.

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Wealthy panin


>he doesn't know


Billy Joel

dick punchem

Rumple Stiltskin


Money instrument

Jew Softly

Impoverished Guitar


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Rico Piano.

Ricardo Piaño

Scoopus Magnanimus

Threesius Scoopimus C'monicus!

I think he went by Scoopy "the slap king" Piranha

Rick The Stick

Riggs "50 SCOOPS" Pangolin


Scoop Nuke 'Em

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Newfag here.

Why is he so popular on Yas Forums?
Others can lift more than him.
Others built more mass than him.
What makes him special?

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richard peenis

Personality, memeability.

Roogy McPoogy

Decaying Matter

Mr. Piano Man

Opulent Clavichord

Babe Babe Babe Babe Babe Babe Babe Babe Babe Babe Babe Babe Babe Babe Babe Babe Babe Babe Babe Babe Babe Babe Babe Babe Babe Babe Babe Babe Babe Babe Babe Babe Babe Babe Babe Babe Babe Babe Babe Babe Babe Babe Babe Babe Babe Babe Babe Babe Babe Babe Babe Babe Babe Babe Babe Babe Babe Babe Babe Babe Babe Babe Babe Babe Babe Babe Babe Babe Babe Babe Babe Babe Babe Babe Babe Babe Babe

right babe?

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That's fucking funny holy shit


Scoopy Doo

Mean Pinata

Wealthy Harpsichord

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Owo : :()
● ●
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Rap pap

rectal prognosis

5 soups?

Ronch Pohnono

is that the pianist from Avanged Sevenscoop

Rich Panini

Ricchi e Poveri

Dickon Pianoman, master of arm gains, eater of scoops, the busted one. He was a brave master of the path of the iron, and a friend to all Yas Forumsizens. He is one who will never be forgotten and I, for one, still miss him dearly to this day.

Benderdick Cummysnatch III

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Not funny, man.

check em

Forget about the steroids and the fact he was a business man trying to sell you his shit by the end of his life: for real he was pure motivation to lift.
I miss him.

nigga, act like every single person in this thread doesn't know who this is and isn't joking. chill

Ricardo Del Piano