Current body thread.

You know the drill. Comment on others, post your own, don't get salty. Bonus points for glute spreads.

Recently got told "sorry, guys with muscles make me want to puke" which was both encouraging and confusing. Think I may finally be progressing out of dyel mode in the eyes of the normies.

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>sorry, guys with muscles make me want to puke

"I hope I do, you might lose some weight by doing so" is what you replied I assume?

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I wish I did. I just said ok

Strong upper lats btw. With wider arms you'll look like a triangle tank.

There are no "upper lats" just high insertions

are you single? pls be my bf

Ah yes. Some people are just unluckily born with magical lats that don't extend down their back lmao.

I would've considered it if you hadn't forgotten to say no homo

NO homo of course!!... unless?

Guys can I post my skeleton body.

Attached: 3365.png (686x526, 147.12K)

Do it. Girls love skeletons :D

I'm approximately at 1/2/3/4 for 1rm. With injuries it's taken a bit over a year.

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Are you a girl

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From a couple of days ago.
6'0 180lb range
I'm considering going bear mode to burst into the 200 range

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If you're 30+ then I'd say go for it. Get big and strong as fuck. You've already taken advantage of enough sloots impressed by the leanness.

If you're younger then don't rush to bear mode. Stay ripped and slay for as long as possible.

6 months of lifting, 183lbs 6'2

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Can you give some context? Who said that to you, and why?

imagine coming here only to post a bullshit rate

I've been wondering if these pics were bait. I guess I know now

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Am I looking thick, solid and tight?

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what size bra you take user

i like girls with D-F+


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>inb4 post body
No, I don't think I will.

ehi six chads arent you hugely jacked btw? thanks for the rating btw bb

>File deleted

Cutting is so damn annoying

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looking good bro. Make more chest work but I'm a chestlet too kek.

I want to lick your whole body damn

>posts critical ratings when no one asked for them
>wont post body
Good luck picrel user

Strange thing for someone to say. I'm gonna assume the girl that said it was herself fat.
If you cut 2-3% bodyfat you'd look athletic rather than "guy with muscles". Hope you do it

Not bad.

hormone treated beef.. not healthy.

Keep up the weight loss journey. Count calories and you'll keep cutting. Be prepared to accept you may need gyno surgery at the end. Dont be too hard on yourself about it, accept it as penance for your unhealthy lifestyle choices.

Attached: dbd.jpg (600x1067, 90K)

Obvious bait

why? im too muscly to be real?

Looking good, just make sure you'll get enough proteins.

Attached: post body.png (1232x1264, 1.78M)

Not even funny, post more elaborate shit, so low effort

>posts garbage advice when no one asked from it
>posts that abomination
It's a current BODY thread, not your current face.

Thanks for the rating giga chad

thats me tho

Cutie =3=

trying to cut but its hard on 3 antipsychotics

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im 5'9 200 lbs
can someone estimate my bodyfat?

Does not matter.

stop taking the meds bro, its worth it to be a sick cunt

Stop taking them unless you're an actual schizo, that or start taking supplements that help regulate your sugar

Should've been over after the pain arc, so your opinion is moot :D

im forced to take them
i had "psychosis" but could actually see spirits and shit its a gift given to me by god

You look like a fridge, do heavy pulldowns aand rows

this was when i only had one anti psychotic 7 months ago, i have 3 now

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These ratings are a bit harsh. Post body.

Damn user, those things are going to give you diabetes not even kidding.

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the weight gain has stalled luckily

Antipsychotics still fuck your blood sugar and insulin resistance up.

I do rows man my 1 rep max is like 385 on barbell row and pulldowns can do 225 for alot of reps. seated cable row like 240 for alot of reps etc. Just my genetics or camera angle also heres legs

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Shredded as fuarkk brah

1pl8 bench
2pl8 squat
I eat a lot, I do 3-5 scoops a day, I lift as hard as I can. None of that can fix the fact I have 6.2 inch wrists.. wut do?

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Cringe neck yourself

The back looks good from behind you just look very square from the front. You don't have a bad physique by any means though.


kys senpai

Shave and fuck the weights. You need to start with some basic pull ups and dips for upper body.

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saw them live in NYC not long ago, great show

based baldnon

Based heavy mental cunt. 8/10

Cringiest shit in this thread. Ironic or not. My pussy inverted, turned into a gross imitation of a mutant dog dick, and spat out my uterus at the mere thought of you spreading your genes.

>tfw I look worse this month

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That emo cunt might not be the best looking out there, but he sure as hell mogs 90% of this board face and body wise.