There are literally people over the age of 18 that cannot bench 1pl8 (135 lbs/60 kg)

>There are literally people over the age of 18 that cannot bench 1pl8 (135 lbs/60 kg).

Explain yourselves.

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Awww baby finally hit 1 pl8 and now feels like he can look down upon his fellow weakfags

benching is gay

I lost 80lbs over the course of a year so my shit is all atrophied, my chest is my weakest muscle group, and my gym's bench racks fucking suck

WTF 1pl is 60kg??? I tought it was 100 and always felt like shit. How weak is this fucking board i have been benching 60for reps since i was 18

How the fuck could you think it's 100kg? Can you not count or can you not read? It fucking says 20kg on the weights

how does that make it 60kg tho you fucking idiot. Okay if 1pl8 is 1 20kg plate on each side and the bar weight on average 10kg that is still only 50kg.

There literally aren't how the fuck is that even remotely possible.

I could do 160 with zero training at age 14

Olympic bars are 20kg

Nice larp

The standard barbell is 20kg. Have you ever noticed how the empty barbell is about as heavy as a single 20kg plate, not half as heavy? If your gym only has 10kg bars for some reason you should switch ASAP.

>Explain yourselves.
I weight 50 kg

>I could do 160 with zero training at age 14
Literally too weak to exist i bench 180 at 11 anorexic mode

lmao, I joined the gym deadlifting 100kg, sedentary before but fat ass

If you are a fatty 2pl8 is nothing

huh didn't know this me and my friend both have a home gym and both bars are 10kg

I've pressed 60kg for a triple, am I one of the cool kids now?

I wasn't that fat, just 24% bf

>another "circlejerk of 'how is it possible' in order to create a very low bar to which everybody can compare and feel imediately better" thread

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Post body

post body twink

>never bothered spending much time on proper form of bench press
>figured it was just letting the bar down and pushing it back up again directly over your chest
>been doing this for entire lifting career
>getting back into lifting and lower back is being a faggot so I figure I'd go to a PT at a powerlifting gym for a form check of the 4 main lifts
>minor details fixed with squat/ohp/dead
>get to bench and she tells me your bench is supposed to make kind of an arch beginning over your nipples and landing about half way inbetween your sternum
>wtf are you serious?
>do bench with proper form in this "arch" manner
>can feel chest and triceps more incorporated into the lift and range of motion feels way more natural, but
>mfw I have difficulty benching 1 plate

maybe this is why my bench has always been shit

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This is a flex honestly.

Couldn’t even bench lmao 2pl8s at age 10? What are you a faggot?

Yeah dude, shit's crazy. I also fixed my bench a while ago, went from about 70lbs to 185 in about 3 or 4 months.

>arch in bench


1RM? I think most people can do that.

I weigh 135

I benched 2pl8 yesterday, first time, felt great. I think I’ll manage 1pl8 ohp, but 4pl8 diddly just seems impossible I’m slightly over two, maybe 2.5

most dyels can't bench that, I remember when I started lifting I was on like half a plate and had to build up to 1pl8 kek

I couldnt bench 60kg when i started lifting at 20 but now i can bench 180kg
Everyone starts somrwhere faggot

>didnt come out of the womb benching 3 pl8

No frog, YOU explain. One repping 60kg with your stubby baby arms isn't the same as 3x12 with long arms and 2min rest between sets

I'm super fucking weak, man, I don't know what it is with my genetics. Been lifting for like 2 months now and I've built my way up to doing 115 lbs for sets on SS. Could probably do 135 on a 1RM. I'm also stalling my OHP at 80 lbs. Shit sucks and I feel horrible trying to eat so much to get stronger.

I was sedentary for most of my childhood and never really worked out or ate well

>There are literally people here

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You dumbfuck, how many times must I say: THE BAR DOESN'T COUNT! 1PLATE IS 90LBS, NOT 135!!!. WHO THE FUCK COUNTS THE BAR U BOZO

Is supposed to be impressive? First time i ever deadlifted i could do 100kg for reps, i never thought anything of it, what did everyone else start at?

the worst thing is when you push yourself at a normie gym and some dyel who spots you asks if you want to lower the weight because you're struggling
no shit i'm struggling, that's why I bench 1.5plate for reps and not 1pl8


>his bench is bigger than his squat

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People who say their bench > their squat just haven't learned how to squat properly.


Squat is for incels and nerds who overanalyze how to look good. Top 10% good bodies are made by push pull no leg 3x a week.

literally not one guy with a big squat on this board could go ATG with the same weight

No, youre just pathetically weak. Try pushing yourself for once.
t. benched 1 plate at 14 and 140lbs

Or they don't do legs.
Imagine being dyel and weak.

I never lifted as a teenager and only began when I turned 18. Atm I'm 19, had to take a 2 month hiatus because I fucked up my knee after skating and had to have surgery.

Upper body only matters, who cares about legs. I only wear baggy basketball shorts or sweat pants. Enjoy doing incel lifts u bozo

Ok but can you rep out 1pl8+ on the dip?

You don't even need to sacrifice legs to look aesthetic. Just do both upper and lower body.
You'll eventually get to a point where you have to show your legs and they can't be looking like sticks.

I'm not one of them, i'm kinda strong guy. Last time i benched 1pl8 + 2.5kg. Getting stronger day by day.

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>that guy that wears basketball shorts to the gym

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lmao this nigga with his gay ass butt buddy have been lifting with WOMEN'S bars

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>reactionimage poster
ohh wow what a surprise

When I was 18 I weighed 125 at 6’ tall. Pretty sure I benched like 105 lb max.

fucking KEK
>roastie bars
>not even once

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You mean the arch in the back? Pls tell me you do you are freaking me out rn

I started at 70kg as a 1rm, though i was 50kg bodyweight and 14 at the time, atleast my form was good, not exactly optimal for me at the time

I can now bench 4pl8 and started at 19 with barely 1pl8

Been benching 185 for 5 reps for half a year and my body refuses to progress

Why would you lie on a basket weaving forum

Why do you care about people lying on a basket weaving forum?