Enjoy losing your gains, homegym master race wins once again

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good video

I'd say so too, but I prefer my gym. As soon as I heard it came to Europe I bought my gym, promised the employees paid leave as soon as shit hits the fan. When everything is closed I got my own cozy gym.
Guys, I'm a game Dev that made a lot of money with 3 different games. I invested the money in realestate and I don't have to ever work again kek, all passive income, do the same bros

So bro joe has establishment guy on to make us scared of some version of the flu?

What kind of games?
I have been working on my own shit but making a complex 3d game by yourself takes forever, hard to stay on track.

>it's just a flu bro!
Google Spanish Flu

>t. china sponsored poster

I hate the "it's just a flu" people
there is this news channel on YouTube called deFranco or something
a month ago he said that "the flu kills more people, relax lol"
but yesterday he said "trump said "it's just a flu" he is wrong, it's much much worse than that"

I swear to god the word of people thiese is worth nothing

How is it worse? You think we can stop the flu from spreading?

realestate bro how do you go about investing in real estate?

i have just invested in stocks

buy a house

It is a flu in many respects. If the regular flu is 1% deadly, this is 2% and the spanish flu was 3,3% or so.
It’s airborne and escapes containment efforts continuously. Containing it isn’t really possible they’re just trying to slow the spread which is also just a time delay - at the cost of a year’s worth of economic gains assuming the markets don’t continue to slide.

Frankly I don’t get the calls for a response. This won’t stop until it burns itself out, meaning most people will have gotten it and gained immunity. The intensive care resources not being stretched too thin is all this excessive containment bullshit is about.
Masks are useless. Hand washing minimally effective. It’s an areosol. You will breathe it in. It’s also contagious before the infected person knows anything is wrong.
Healthcare workers who have protective gear still get it.

with a mortgage? or just with money you have?
do you rent out the place?

He's larping.

One thing living in this nightmare clown world has taught me is that so called "experts" dont know shit.

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Buying a place with a mortgage and renting it out. The renter is basically paying most of your mortgage, you just have to make sure they arent trashing the place. If you're really rich you can buy an entire apartment building or commercial property and lease it to businesses

These same 'experts' also predict 100,000 less employment numbers than actual and that glowball warming will kill us all if we don't give up our money and freedoms to democrats.


>Frankly I don’t get the calls for a response
You clearly do, based on everything you've said. A slow trickle of patients over a long period of time is easier to treat than a giant flare-up. We don't want to overwhelm the hospitals with too many cases all at once. Unless you're banking on mass boomercide as part of your 5 year financial plan

Is this a boomer board that you are all so scared of this shit? It has a 0.03% death-rate for everyone under 25

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They sure know how to create some scary shit though


And then cash in on shortening the markets. Look at the oil price, someone just got rich.

>tfw 26

>clown world

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>on JRE
pick one

in this case hes probably right tho. home gym master race

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Afraid of the disease? No
Afraid of dumb fuckers breaking into my house for food because grocery store shelves are empty? Also no, but not as strong of a no

Based as fuck. Congratz on winning in life bro.
Unless larp ofc

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I have boomer parents, an 80yo grandma and the economy to worry about.
Over all 5%-15% or whatever of world's population dying is of course a good thing for my race, nature and humanity as a whole.
But it's pretty fucking scary at the same time, though I admit that's selfish thinking. Just can't stand the thought of my family members getting seriously sick.
Over all I hope this kills as many people as possible. Just hope that I'm strong enough to help my friends and family trough it all.

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Death doesn't seem like the worst that this shit can do to you.

I don't care, so long as I can still provide for my family I won't worry. The virus seems to be only killing the elderly and the already-ill anyway.

>Just can't stand the thought of my family members getting seriously sick.
>Over all I hope this kills as many people as possible
You understand the irony in that statement, correct?


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No? Most people aren't my family. If I can't help people I love then I deserve all the shit coming my way.

we have dads and mothers you know


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No, they're different experts, in different fields. Yes, global warming is going to mean disaster, but you don't have to give money and freedom to Democrats if you're willing to make changes to combat it yourselves, but you won't because you have a toddler's "no it's mine!" mentality and refuse to share or cooperate.

Death rate per age bracket.
>I couldn't upload it with this post because Australians are subhuman retard faggots and my IP range is blocked from uploading images.

Look beyond the death toll fucker (which btw is 1-2%)
> Significant numbers get sick and require hospital treatment
> Large numbers too sick to work
How do you think that will impact normal day to day infrastructure and logistics?

I am not afraid of it. However, I am afraid of the fact that they might close down all the nightclubs and gyms in my city. What the fuck am I supposed to do then?

And yeah, I am also a bit afraid of my grandmas, what if I get the virus and give it to them? One of them is frail and has health issues.

>tfw home gym master race with a newly acquired cable pull down

I'm not really that scared of getting it myself, but I don't really want other people to get it.

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covid isn't going away in 6 months, it's around to stay. we're stuck with this type of flu just like we're stuck with the other types of flu.

Only this isn't flu but airborne bat-AIDS

Not him but watch out for jurisdictions with rent control

I am basically reverse jewing my landlord because he can't increase rent above 1% per year and rents have doubled since I started renting.

good. i want to die

Me too, brother. Me too.

>he thinks you can gain immunity
have fun getting reinfected and fucked even harder the second time around
>The intensive care resources not being stretched too thin is all this excessive containment bullshit is about
imagine not being aware of how many % of cases require ICU breathing support. it will be 'stretched too thin' within a month. it's actually already stretched too thin.
>he thinks masks are useless
yeah, the virus doesn't travel on water droplets or anything. it flies all on its own using tiny little jetpacks

Joe rogan is literally flavor of the podcast propaganda.

Oh no the CEO fat cats might not be able to afford a new yacht this month!

If you wanted to die you'd already be dead. Find what you really want and work on that instead. Yo.

>tfw calisthenics masterrace

>How is it worse?
Its going to kill more people in a compressed timescale.
Best case scenario for the US is something like 480,000 deaths right now.

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>only boomers and above

>winning in life
>Yas Forums

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Boomers gonna die?

Unironically this might be the solution to the wests aging population.
Still very concerned about my parents and grandparents.

wow i got .2% of dying of corona meanwhile 1 in 3 men get cancer in their lives. and believe .2% chance of dying by being hit by a car outside as well 1 in 500 chance.

also earth is overpopulated so mother nature doing her job or UN trying to keep population down again

You’re so edgy

My grandma only gives me like 5 bucks for my birthday, fuck her

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Was there a point to this rambling diatribe some might call a post?

Most people who get cancer don't die from it. Right now the mortality rate in Italy is 16%. The number of deaths from China isn't even reliable since local authorities were ordered by the party to stop reporting when they went into maximum quarantine.

The world needs less old fucks that use up excess productivity. Ever wonder why we cant get anything cool done or why healthcare cost so much? Its because people live 30 years beyond their physically productive years and cant keep up with the younger generations in mental work.

> Ever wonder why we cant get anything cool done
inner city crime
human trafficking
drug dealers

>or why healthcare cost so much?
The government and insurers working hand in hand to drive up the cost of coverage because it encourages debt financing and has increased GDP.
Old people are not the drag society you're making them to be. Without the Boomer contingent America would drop to a plurality and it would be a living hell. Society can't run without competent administrators. When this demographic declines you will have Brazil tier crime in every US city.

>diversity is the reason why I don't have a gf

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I'm a 35 year old married man with a family, bucko.