How much does something like Push-Ups transfer to Bench Press?
50 Push-Ups = 1 plate bench?
100 Push-Ups = 2 plate bench?
Or am I just off completely here and it has zero carry over.
How much does something like Push-Ups transfer to Bench Press?
50 Push-Ups = 1 plate bench?
100 Push-Ups = 2 plate bench?
Or am I just off completely here and it has zero carry over.
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It has zero carry over, a high number of reps doesn't mean more strength
How come there are stories of gymnasts going to the gym for the first time, and benching 3 plates?
I guess they're doing those ring dips n shit though.
But why wouldn't high reps transfer over to more strength? More reps = higher 1RM.
High reps = endurance
Heavy weight = strength
They're both the same functional exercise, so weight = weight and rep = rep. So benching 1 plate (135lbs), with pushups would you would have to pushup the same amount of weight, but taking into account that your bodyweight is not how much you pushup because you're at an angle.
We can roughly estimate this by calculating the force it takes to normally bench 135lbs/61.2kg, where (F)orce = (m)ass * (g)ravity acceleration, so F=(61.2kg)(9.8m/s^2)=599.76 N.
With pushups because of the angle the formula is now F=mgCosΘ where theta(Θ) is the angle, so the F of this also has to equal 599.8 N, we find the angle during your pushup, and solve for m to find how much weight you need to equal 1 plate bench.
Or get in push up position and put a weight scale under your hands.
Of course it has carryover you nonce. You're moving the same muscles in the same motion. If anything the push up is superior because it also involves the serratus, which is completely neglected in the bench.
>50 Push-Ups = 1 plate bench?
You can't quantify it like that. Just do both. Or if you don't have access to a bench, stick to pushups only. You can improve your chest and triceps with just push ups provided you move on to advanced varations (decline, weighted, diamond, one-arm) once you can do many reps.
>implying the bench doesn't also involve your lats and your legs
Bloody amateurs.
>More reps = higher 1RM.
Diminshing returns
>100 Push-Ups = 2 plate bench?
When I could Bench Press 100kg (2pl8) for 5 reps, I could barely do 25 pushups.
I'd say if you can do 50 to 100 pushups in a single set, even without even having done bench press before, that you could most likely easily go into a gym an at the VERY LEAST do 1 plate bench in your first session, and then build upto a 2pl8 bench in a very short period of time.
i want to snort a turd out of her
If you bench 100kg for 10 reps does that mean your 1rm is 1000kg?
No. But if you can Bench Press 50kg for 50 reps, you should be able to Bench press 100kg for at least 10.
There are far far better ways of training your lats and legs. Their involvement on the bench is minimal. The serratus is designed to work in tandem with the pecs. If you only bench and never do push ups or dips your serratus is weak, and that's bad for long-term shoulder health.
Of course there's better ways of training lats and legs, but there's also better ways to train the serratus than doing push ups. We're talking about chest exercises and the push up doesn't allow for proper overload unless you start getting people to sit on your back, which is not optimal at all.
If the push up was so much superior, you'd have bodybuilders use that to develop their chest, and push up would replace bench press as an upper body strength test in powerlifting competitions.
Big shoulders + Normalish/slightly larger Chest is how you look aesthetic.
The obsession with Bench Press and getting strong as hell on it causes the BIG chest + small shoulder look, which looks unaesthetic.
If you want to look sexy, focus on shoulder pressess and side lateral raises, and light work for chest, like pushups and chestflys
that's not how muscles work
Yes it is. Its exactly how it works.
I use to never do any 1RMs. I would only do like 70kg bench press for so long, I got the reps high, to like 16-18 rep sets.
Then I decided to try benching 80kg, 90kg, 100kg, and found out I had a 120kg 1RM.
Imagine lifting to look sexy and not to be strong, are you a girl by any chance?
No, im just blackpilled about life and everything is about looks, and youre delusional and retarded low IQ if you think "looks dont even matter bro"
You're not only blackpilled, but also black too judging by your reading comprehension ability.
Nobody said that looks don't matter, but your looks are mostly dependant on genetics (ie, your face), so unless you're a fat fuck or extremely dyel, having slightly bigger pecs or shoulders won't change shit. To make an actual difference you'd have to take gear, which is retarded enough if you're not getting a massive return of some type.
>im just blackpilled
no,unless you look like a literal down syndrome tard you're just coping for your shit personality. kys
Lmao look at this triggered nigger. Sad!
>No, im just blackpilled about life
It does have carryover at some absurd numbers, probably like 200 push ups supersetted with 50 dips would be somewhere close to a 2pl8 bench status
Just do bench
There's literally no way to directly correlate one with the other in terms of quality of push-ups and amount of weight
However, if you can't do push-ups, do bench press and you'll get better at push-ups
This is a retarded thing to say and you should think twice before posting again
I used to do 120 incline pushups 3x a week and gave myself a shoulder impingement lmao
>probably like 200 push ups supersetted with 50 dips
If weigh 80kg and can do just 10 dips, you should be be able to Bench Press at least 70kg for 10 reps.
Some elitè lifters can do 100kg for 50 reps, does that mean they can do 500kg?
It's not linear, retard.
A smarter way to go about it, according to literature, is that you should be able to do:
>3 reps at 90% of 1RM
>5 reps at 80% of 1RM
but that's with ideal form, engaging the right muscles. Some people will be able to do 7 at 80%, some people might be able to do 2 at 90%, but generally speaking that's how it goes.
Pushups = grind city. The moment I dropped this shitty exercise from my routine, all my elbow pain diminished. And no, it wasn't my form. Look at the biomechanics of this exercise; it's just shit.
This is obvious bullshit, why do you think old farmers have amazing grip strength? High volume, low intensity work builds strength. If it doesn’t for you, it’s because you don’t do enough volume
It doesn't work that way you absolute faggot. And this discussion is pointless
To get a higher bench press, you'll mainly have to bench press
It's not bullshit, you retard.
Why do you think powerfatties meso cycles start them out at high reps and working towards their meet slowly taper down to high intensity low reps peaking at 1-3 reps?
I'm almost 150 lbs, can do + 16 kg (35 lbs) dips for 5 reps max, and am able to do archer push ups with a completely straight arm (on my way to achieving the one arm push up).
How much do you estimate I can bench? I have never beneched in my life.
Who's the tranny
>children on the internet
big yikes
If you can do dips with your bodyweight of 80 kilograms, you can do bench press with 70kg.
Whatever you can do dips with, you should be able to do bench with, minus about 5-10%.
>bench press as an upper body strength test in powerlifting competitions.
bench is such i shit exercise for strength it pisses me off that people do it so much
The only gymnasts that are going to be doing those types of numbers are still rings specialists.
Of course they get that strong, you get WAY more chest strength being able to do shit like holding iron and Maltese crosses than you would just doing shit tons of bodyweight push ups/dips.
> but there's also better ways to train the serratus than doing push ups
Uh, no, there really aren't, the push up and push up plus use the serratus in the role it is most mechanically advantaged/designed to do, i.e. protracting the scapula or stabilizing the scapula during forward movement.
The only other movement that probably similarly recruits it is overhead pressing/handstand push ups.
There's gotta be more weighted lifts you can do other than just that.
Gymnasts do way, way, waaaaaayyy more than pushups.
After a point, more reps don't mean more strength (around 30 or so) and even between 15 and 30 the change in strength is less than between 10 and 15
That's my wife you asshole.
Every guy that Bench Presses 200kg 1RM can Bench Press 100kg for like 40-60 reps
If you worked upto Benching 100kg for 40-60 reps you’d be a 200kg 1RM bencher
That is a man
Anything beyond 15 push ups is muscular endurance training, not strength training. Being able to do 100 push ups doesnt mean you will be able to bench 2 pl8, it just means you have good muscular endurance (provided you are using good form).
even better
God I hate these types of kids so much you have no goddamn idea, they only grow more fucking insufferable as they grow up , I used to feel bad for them until I realized all their depression and self harm was just for attention and they’re a fucking joke, they all eventually become SoundCloud rappers too as like a final form
I'm sure all the powerlifters should be taking advice from you, lmao. Shut the fuck up fag
that's the best kind of woman
I could dip for 3x9 and I'm pretty sure I could not bench 75kg
I can bench 375 for 3 reps and can only do 80 pushups without stopping.
hypertrophy will be easier achieved with high reps, to strengthen tendons and prepare the joints for maximum weight you slowly pull back on reps and add weight
>No, im just blackpilled about life
thats a dude
Leverages on pushups are entirely different. For instance, being able to do 10 pushups doesn't mean you can do a bodyweight bench.
>a bodyweight bench.
not even that poster, but you are literally retarded
>you are literally retarded