/spg/- Squat Plug General #16

>what is a squat plug
A squat plug is like a lifting belt for your anus. For those with weak anal/rectal muscles, they can be useful for giving those muscles something to press on, enhancing your form and preventing injury.

>why do I need one?
You don’t “need” a lifting belt either. But if you’re ready to take your gains further, you’ll need both.

Use this thread for all squat plug questions.

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Just broke in my rogue REP (rectal enhancement plug) and I feel it gives more support than the Titan one. Thoughts?

After using one similar to the one on the left I can tell you for a fact that these are actually legitimately good for upping your squat numbers.

If you're self-conscious about this you don't really need to be because nobody will know but they will question the gains.

The REP gives better support but at the cost of not being as steady of a fit as the Titan from my experience. You might experience the feeling of it trying to "escape" your anus in the long run

Thats gay. You must be a supergay getting fisted daily to even have the problem in the firstplace. By using this plug your making it just worse because you take away the ability to "clinch" even if you want to do it.

Plz go find jesus.






Post rectum





>Use this thread for all squat plug questions.
Will it help with my strict press?

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t. dyel

The function of the squat plug is to improve hip mechanics in the squat; I doubt it would have much effect on the press.

Hi /spg/ just got my new eleiko squat plug, it feels great having it in, my form has improved a lot but i think i still don't brace correctly, are there any videos or guides?
Also what are your squat maxes - raw and with plug
Mine 350 and 365

>not using the Schwarzenegger times wood SP.


I thought this was a meme at first but I bought one cheap off Amazon and I've increased my squat a bit. I'm not sure if it's placebo or if it's really working but so far so good

Not totally true. Clenching the anus around the plug help in keeping glutes firmly engaged and give more stability during a strict press. But it's a bit overkill


I'm concerned about the wood deteriorating after use. Can you recommend some wooden SP care tips?

Don't take it out in the showers, wipe off with alcohol and reseason with mineral oil after each use. I've had for about 2 years now no problem

Kudos to you guys. This thread is borderline indistinguishable from a serious lifting thread. Very nicely made, you almost tricked me as well despite me knowing factually that this is all a fabrication.

It's not overkill at all, back in the day when it was an Oly lift all the record presses were done plugged

n g m i

whats a good introductory squat plug?
also is glass or silicone better?

ngmi then gmi then ngmi then gmi then ngmi then gmi...



Has anyone tried the inflatable squat plugs? Feels like a good way to clench too hard and cause a small pneumatic explosion in your rectum.

You fucking dirty gay cunts

Absolutely worthless mate. Don't attempt to use them.

Any squat plug experts can helps me...
I plugged up for front squats and I feel like my plug moved more when compared to low bar back, any idea why? I lost power out of the hole cos of this movement.

I hard they work well when you have the shits to stop any leaking never tried one though


Squat plug tags absolutely wrecked by the patrician's choice...squat beads, that's right squat beads. How can you deload efficiently with a plug?

How do I stop getting an erection when I insert my plug? Its getting kind of embarrassing.

You need a penis protector.

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Even if 90% of the stories were fake, yahoo answers is one the best things the internet ever gave us.

>Plz go find jesus
Gonna make it

The real reson to use a squat plug is explained, elegantly might I add, in that yahoo answer.....you need to block the pooper so Satan dosent stick his "cock in your ass and make you gay."

Find Jesus sp satan dosent stick his cock in your ass to make you gay.

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>you'll need both

Both are a sign that you're genetically inferior.

By working out your core, you don't need a belt.
By working out your pelvic floor, you don't need a squat plug.

Some serious cope.

I'm genuinely not sure if everyone in this thread is joking

I bet there's a solid crossover between joke posters and actual fetishists who use buttplugs while fapping.

If you haven't tried it yet I don't know what to say. Honestly, it does help the overall lift especially the movement from atg up to standing.


My knees are garbage.
Will I ever build a good squat?

Do you need to see a priest to bless a plug or are there some DIY tech I don't know about?

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Why do the jannies keep allowing these threads?

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Why is that room completely empty?


Is that some budget chinesium brand? Be careful using those user. You don't want a broken plug when you're squatting 3pl8. Trust me.


Because its literally the best thread on Yas Forums rn. I laugh more here than the /humerus/ threads

Get it blessed first, thats a no brainer.


There's a bed, dresser, and end table in that room, it's just framed out.

Alot of camwhores dedicate a spare room as a camming room. Partly so they don't get pussy juice on their nice furniture and partly so weird stalker dudes don't dox them from pictures and shit hanging on the walls.

How can you tell that by a single shot of a corner?