/QTDDTOT/ We da Nazis now

No Thread so i ll start. 34 y.o boomer here. Lifting for 3 years, have an important question: using Scoobs calorie calculator, with height and weight gives me 2700. Used it for month and a half, can't see progress.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Specifically entered desk job, although i go to the gym 1h/1h and a half 3 or 4 times a week, as it was precised (only "heavy cardio" was to be counted, running, cycling which i don t do lately.). Want to be bigger but stay about as lean as i am now. What should i enter as "activity level" for an exact figure? My job is indeed at a desk

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Self bump

You're never gonna get an EXACT figure with these, so just try one step above desk job and consider that the ballpark. If you're definitely hitting that number and aren't gaining weight, add more calories.

i've recently started doing the 4 week ADF workout program, when it says "3 times through" for monday and wednesday on week 1 does that mean to do the "10, 8, 6" routine three times one after the other?

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That's what I'm getting from that image yeah. Though it's a very strange way to write it....

Cheers will apply. Hope to stay lean.

calorie counters are full of shit and tend to overshoot their target. if with progress you mean getting better lifts and staying lean, after 3 years of lifting (assuming natty) I have bad news for you: this is going to get hard. You either eat a lot more, get better lifts and get fatter or you stay relatively lean and have a very slow progress. In the end you'll have to make a choice: either aim for ottermode/relatively strong ottermode or chubbier with more muscles. There is no workaround to that unless you're genetically gifted.

I let this hooker spit in my face when I was drunk a week ago. I'm so paranoid I have some disease now because some got in my eye, Calm me down guys....Am I likely ok?

Good evening Yas Forums

Two questions that don't deserve their own thread:
- I remember seeing a simple mass gainer shake recipe involving bananas, oats and peanut butter floating around some threads; does anyone know what it is or something similar?
- I hit a plateau on deadlifts with stronglifts at 115kg with grip, warm up with 2 sets prior at 60 and 80kg x5, should I deload or get some chalk or eat some more and stick it out?

Anybody ever survive a meal replacement shake diet?
On day four and goddamn the farts are stripping the paint from my walls.

Muscle growth is slow, you'll struggle to put on more than a few pounds a year once you've passed noob gains.
Also calorie counters are vague, especially when you get swole, I think the ratio is muscle burns 3-4 times more calories than fat, etc

If you had anything it would have become inflamed by now, congratulations. You're stupid but clean.

Eat some more protein and deload, make sure you're engaging the lift properly. Also I have to ask because it comes up a lot here, do you drop the weight or lower it?

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I lower it, and my grip has consistently failed near the top of the 3rd rep. Thanks for the adv

How do I get her back?

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What are the damn calories for raw boneless skinless chicken breast? The internet gives so many different variations

Hi Yas Forums. Skinny guy here weighing 115 pounds. I'm trying to work out but I'm struggling with lifting weights. I'm using 11 pound dumbbells and I can barely do 2 sets of hammer curls without my left arm going dead. What are your suggestions ?

You're not getting her back as long as you're obsessed with her. You'll have to get over her one way or another, user. It'll suck but you'll have to get through it. Distract yourself until the feelings go away and try to meet new women.

>meet cute tomboy caht and get some moveies off her
>smoke and chat
>next day in dream go to her house for whatever
>friends and there, ask for a lighter
>given one and door slammed on my face
why am i a loser even in my dreams ?

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Newfag to lifting here. How long am I supposed to wait between sets? I try to wait

Full body 3x per week just to get you started.
As long as you do what you enjoy and just overall get into lifting weights youll make beginner gains.
Personally i enjoyed deadlifts the most for my first eight months, made cracking progress(more than some of the guys lifting for years) and the static strength carried over to other lifts in terms of stability.
Also eat more.

Depends if you are going heavy with lower rep range or lighter with higher rep range. I usually wait 1-2 minute (active rest like jumping rope).

Also i've has multiple dreams like this WTF

I usually just wait 1 min

I can only sleep on my side because if I sleep on my back I get intense night terrors and sleep paralysis. However, now that i've been working out for a while, when I sleep in the fetal position my arms go numb which wakes me up after a few hours, does this happen to anyone else?

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I keep getting fatigued when working out. My heart rate is not going super high. I workout in the morning after a good nights rest. But I find myself fatiguing quickly, especially sometimes with lifts I had no issues in the past doing. Anyone have any tips?

I've been eating rather moderately because scoob told me dirty bulking doesn't work. But it's been 3 months now and I'm not making any fucking progress.
Moreover, in the past few weeks I've started eating more but I still can't see any difference on my weights. What help does it do if you're at 10% fat but still have small arms. I've been thinking of going "bear mode"/ dirty bulking like rippletoe told me. Should I?

>I workout in the morning after a good nights rest. But I find myself fatiguing quickly, especially sometimes with lifts I had no issues in the past doing.
did you recently switch to AM workouts? diet/schedule changes?

post workout and calories for the past month. if you haven't been WEIGHING and TRACKING stfu and eat more

unless the workout says otherwise, as long as you need to complete the next set without getting cold. ~3 mins works for me doing 5/3/1.

eat more, get a gym membership. hammer curls hurt because your connective tissue is so fucking weak. do compound exercises, the stress gets spread over multiple joints.

you never will. move on and learn your lesson.

How can I minimize muscle loss during an involuntary fast?

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I've always done AM workouts. I suspect it could be my diet, but I'm not sure what it's missing.

Man, I should start a thread about Yas Forums Yas Forumsros who code. I wonder how many are on this thread

Pic related is what I usually eat in a day.
On workout days I eat the meal on the left for breakfast and dinner. Sometimes I don't eat the whole pepper but I add some tomatoes instead. On the right is something I would eat before and after my workout including the banana and Greek yogurt. Before workout I also usually eat an apple. In the evening I also eat some yogurt with 2 teaspoons of homemade jam.

My workout is
I also do 50 pushups in the morning and 50 in the evening every day. On Mondays and Wednesdays I also do some light bicep curls 4x12.

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How long is the fast?

It's not like you go longer than 16 hours without eating and then just start deflating.

How do I get bigger lats? I do deadlifts and lat pulls but they're still shit

count calories and get 3k of them every single day and do STRENGTH TRAINING
spastic balkan mong

are you a small woman? go actually calculate how many calories this is. your workout also sucks but I suspect I won't be able to convince you to change it.

casein right before. slow digesting protein, so it will be nitrogen-sparing. unless it's super long (days), i wouldn't worry generally.

have you started snoring recently? sleep apnea? try eating more, too. maybe have some simple carbs before your workout to replenish muscle glycogen.

do you want width or thickness?

You eat that twice a day?
Looks tasty as fuck but I don't think you're hitting 3k calories.

Swap the bread our for a shit load of rice, acquire protein shakes and add some 5x5 compounds.

>tfw shitty shake diet 1400 calorie cut makes pictures of bacon look edible


Currently deloading
How bad is it to work up to one rep slightly higher than the work weight I stalled on (80kg) then drop down and do 3 x 6 with my deload weight?
For example
>Work up to one rep of 82.5kg bench
>Do 3 x 6 70kg (now 72.5kg)
I'm cutting but i'm really worried i'll forget how it feels to lift heavy

i've found lat width to be largely a question of insertion points. do more chinups, add weight, progressively overload like any other muscle. post back

just cut. deload volume and frequency to 2/3 instead of intensity.

Dreams prepare you for the future

What’s pre-cum and cum supposed to taste like?

I was subbing for a Chad last night on Snapchat and he had me taste my pre-cum. It tasted extremely salty. Is that normal?

Did the same with cum but never swallow. Also salty but less than above.

Input appreciated.

You're probably sweating more so you're losing more minerals, eat more magnesium and sodium and drink more water

Like the barrel of a handgun or a shotgun, try it out and pull the trigger too

Sounds like you tasted piss

i'm doing the opposite
all isolations are going down in weight but reps are going higher, compounds i'm going to keep pushing though because of the CNS meme

Im a guy 5'7" at 135 lbs. Based on the sticky, I should be eating 2100 calories every day. I'll try and eat more, even though Im nearing my limit as to how much I can actually eat.
I feel confident with my abs and my legs but I want to increase my chest and arms.All the workouts in the sticky are powerlifter ones which is not what I really want to do. The workout Im using now was recommended to an user in a previous qtddtot, thats where I found it. Ive got no problem changing my workout but I just dont know what to choose

mate I was in a similar position to you, i'm no expert but here's what I did
I went from 60kg to 70kg+ in 4 months eating 3k calories every day even when it made me feel sick
In that time I went from size S uniqlo t shirts to size M
>bench 40kg for 5 -> current work weight 80kg (1 x 4, 2 x 3), benched 82.5kg for an easy single the other day
>OHP 30 for reps -> 52.5kg for 5 (55kg single)
>Squat 30kg to 87.5kg for 5
>deadlift 60kg to 120kg for 3
>chin ups 3 x 5 > 3 x 6 (+14kg)
meme lifts
>BB curl 20kg -> 35kg 3 x 8
>DB curl 12kg -> 18kg 3 x 8 (prefer barbell curls)
>lat raises 8kg 3 x 12
>lat pulldown 30kg 3 x 8 -> 52kg 3 x 12
I'm noticeably bigger (not to the point I can post in /cbt/ though) and mog most people in my normie gym strength wise (which doesn't mean anything but i've worked in with other new people and they can't bench/deadlift/ohp as much as I can despite working out the same amount of time)

Basically just eat and focus on lifting heavy if you want actual results, it's not comfy feeling bloated and lifting heavier than you're used to is hard and scary but it's worth it

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Not weightlifting related, but got my blood tests back and my fasted blood sugar was 105mg/dl. That's prediabetic range and I'm 165lbs at 6'1, active, ok diet, drink maybe once a month. Only physical illness is sleep apnea and insomnia. I do feel like shit every day and barely stay awake
How is this even possible? I thought type 2 was 99% diet and obesity.
Is it possible this is just natural fluctuation? Any similar experiences?

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Im starting SS but Im not gonna be able to truly stick to the program until mid-april in terms of increasing weight. How many sets and repetitions should I do with this in mind? I would be eating at maintenance

user I'm gonna stick it to you straight here, the workout you posted looks like a roid set.

I'm also not sure what you're trying to do, do you want to get stronger or bigger?
The work out you posted won't have your lifts increasing because it doesn't require progressive overload, just pick a weight that you can handle and use it for the entire program.

>bicep curls and push ups
Body weight training doesn't do a whole heap for size until you get to the 100 mark (4 sets of 25)

tl;dr: The weight you use should be enough so that it starts to burn around the 10 rep on the first two sets, then the seventh rep on the third set.

probably more than you think

It's not a /feels/ thread but I always get so far and fuck it up not knowing how.
The only good dreams I get are turning a fat girl fit.

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I want to get bigger. I want to increase the size of my muscles, more specifically my chest, lats, and arms.

I'm immunocompromised and waiting to hear what my doctors want me to do. I'm currently avoiding my uni campus imply as a precaution, but today is deadlift day. I was going to go to my commercial gym instead since I am hoping the concerned boomers there will be more privy to maintaining cleanliness.

Aside from being anal about wiping everything before and after contact, what else can/should I do to cut my risk?

how do I take blood stains off of my leggings?
t. olympic weightlifter, shins always busting every week

what is better?
working out for 20 minutes 3 times a day
working out for 1 hour each day

Ran out of food and money yesterday. Going back home tomorrow so my fast is bout 3 days long

Fasting here
I'm already fasting (hence involuntary fast)
I was thinking maybe some lifts could keep muscle mass there

Well usually when people make no gains its because their diet is shit, I totaled what you posted and it looks like you're hitting a 160 grams of protein on your training days but do you also eat that much on your rest days (when you're growing new muscle?)
Add a whey shake or two to bump your calorie intake up to 2400 for now.

Stick with the workout program you were given as its written for a few months and check back if you still haven't made any progress.

I feel like if your immune system is compromised then you shouldn't lift at all until the doctor gives you a thumbs up.

Three 20 minute sets would be ideal but nobody has that kind of time.

You'll be fine for three days, might be a little deflated but otherwise it's a wash.

I used to guillotine rats all the time and the best way to clean their blood was hydrogen peroxide

>Three 20 minute sets would be ideal but nobody has that kind of time.

I do, work at home
I thought the 1 hour workout might be better because of more stress, but if 3 x 20 is good I will do that

A Computer Science student here but first year tho. I go to the uni gym more than the classes

Yo wut

You don't really want to stress anything out, you put your muscles under resistance and then wait to do it again.
What you're talking about is fatigue that hampers your gains with work out done later inside of the 1 hour session.

tl;dr: If they're a way to stop your deadlift sets being affected by your bench sets by breaking them up into 20 minute blocks then do so.

I have a bit of loose skin under my arms from when I was a fat fuck for a good part of my life. (5'5", 215. lbs.) It's definitely not awful but it's there.

I recently started weightlifting after losing all the weight from just cardio for these past 5 years. How hard is it to try to get some arm mass after lifting for a few years, especially for a female, to where it won't be as noticeable? I want to be as big as Lydia Valentin.

unironically just take a small dose of anavar and powerlift

I have the same problem.

When on loose-fat-gain-muscle diet scooby's advice is to make 30-40 min of cardio each day asides from regular workout.
If i cycle 12km each day on a bike to job, does it count as a cardio or not?

I don't feel it, I know it because of a condition I have. I feel otherwise totally healthy, and think some of this is overhyped panic. Regardless, I kinda need the gym right now because I'm going through some personal shit