How bad are these for you? I fucking love them.
How bad are these for you? I fucking love them
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god tier dirty bulking food
post body
Well it's msg and carbs so you tell me fucking brainiac
Msg isn't bad for you smoothbrain
Have you ever read the nutritional value label? This shit is basically calorically worthless
Holy fuck hahaha
you have to add stuff like eggs
Can you elaborate on this fren? I eat a fucking shit ton of these as a uni student and they have a decent ammount of protein. I'm far from being a nutritionist I've sorta just been keeping up with the grams of protein per lbs of bodyweight. What else do I need to look for?
Nutritionally vacuous and loaded with salt. Avoid them at all costs.
Replace them with Rice, oats, and other cheap quick pure foods. Eat real foods at all time not processed trash.
Half a cup of rice and half a chicken breast is infinitely better
Same. I eat them without water. So I drain them after the two min boil then add butter and the seasoning. 100x better than in soup form.
good post Ezra
>decent ammount of protein
It's 5 grams in a whole pack dude and it doesn't come from animal sources so it's worthless. Just eat an egg instead of this shit and your body will thank you.
>loaded with salt
opinion discarded
Eating them dry with seasoning is best way
They’re fine. Just don’t only eat ramen.
sophisticated faggot
It's really bad for you. If you want a healthy equivalent, get brown rice pasta and put in some spaghetti sauce. Just as delicious but doesn't fuck you up.
Get shin raymun black my dude, it'll change your life.
This one is my absolute favourite. You eat it without the soup.
>my mom felt bad once after eating chinese take-out, this is indisputable evidence that MSG is bad
indomie is goat. i have an indonesian friend who says it's his favourite migoreng instant noodle
MSG is an amino acid dipshit, you get glutamic acid from every protein you eat
Try something like this with a couple of eggs on top. Delicious and better for you.
literal cancertier
you could just make some real chicken stock and handpulled noodles and it would taste way better and not kill you
eat just the noodles and throw away the water and you are fine
These are the people handing out advice.
why this is bad? Isn't it just fuckin carbs?
Fuuck these are so good!! How bad are these really for ur health?
OP try imdomie migoreng
based instant dry noodles with good flavour and 1/4 the sodium content of other instant ramens
>why this is bad?
They are not bad as much as just empty cals and highly processed. I still eat a few a week being they are quick and easy.
If you use them as a base and add some chicken and a ton of veggies it's fine. Some basic rice would be better but hey sometimes ya want noodles
how pathetic does his skeleton look
>incels on this board unironically eat ramen noodles
wow Yas Forums finally became fatfuck central
Its just carbs mixed with man made chemicals.
Hate to say it but it's true. This shit is for surviving famine not for thriving.
>Ramen noodles? OK boomer. Heh, w-what are you, an incel or something?
Buy egg noodles instead. About as cheap, takes about as much time to cook, much more protein and you don't feel the impulse to throw the soi loaded seasoning packet on it.
MSG is toxic AND addictive you dumb chinaman
post body faggot
It's just salt. DYEL?
MSG is glutamic acid with a sodium on it instead of a proton. This is irrelevant because when you eat it, the sodium is replaced with a proton in your stomach, making it back to glutamic acid
Source: I'm a biochemist and you're a smoothbrained retard
im eating those atm, theyre more expensive but the ingredients are all recognizable
Were we cellmates?
As a student I ate them every day for breakfast for about 5-6 months, and I encountered stress related heart problems and was in-bed-sick once a month.
The heart problems are genetic, but my grandpa & uncles only encountered them around 40-60 while I had to go to the hospital at 21.
I also wasn't working out at the time so I had a paper-mache immune system.
Tdlr: They have no nutrition, eat other stuff too.
And as asians are proving they are bad for your heart if you eat them all the time. I'm not asian though.
If you're bulking they're good cheap carbs to make all the chicken and frozen veg go down smoother. Otherwise they're basically eating packing peanuts.
I have this with an egg in it and sardines (with olive oil) on the side.
Overall it's something like 650 calories, 35g or so protein, probably costs $1-2. Also a single egg and serving of sardines a day is ridiculously healthy.
Ramen is honestly a trash tier carb source (no fiber, high saturated fat, average protein content) but it costs 30 cents and all i have to do is pour water on it
Excess salt is a killer, and you should be getting a nutrient trade-off for getting so much salt. There's no point in these nutitiously vaucous trash. Eat deenz if you want salt and actual nutrients.
I don't get it, what are empty calories? Are you saying that they're bad for you even if you get your other macros in through other foods? that doesnt make sense
why does it always give me a headache then
empty calories means they lack micronutrients
>Excess salt is a killer
hello 1975
What's the point. Buy eggs by the 2 dozen. Eat like 6 eggs at a time. Boiled, fried, scrambled, poached. Who cares. It's cheap as shit, tastes good, and has protons.
Its spicyyyyy
>why does getting dehydrated give me a headache >:(
pretty pathetic but he's indonesian so what do you expect
Shits delicious
>msg is bad
Holy shit people still believe this?
Well it's not tooooo bad if you bulk it up with veggies, chicken, eggs, or tuna etc but rice is infinitely better as a carb