>no shortage of women that are shorter than me
What’s the problem?
The problem is that I'll never experience what being 6'2" is like
Fuck I wish I could pull off that aesthetic, fashion is generally faggy but that looks so sick
lmao what he looks like a stinky hobo
unironically this i just wanna be big and long and look down on the world
go wear ur skinny jeans fag
just b handsome bro
incredible hobomaxxing
long coats are aesthetic
lol you can experience your lanky life by just standing on the curb
Then use stilts
nah bro, I wear this
go write ur articles of confederation fag
>never the shortest person in a room, sometimes the tallest
>the only females taller than me are ogroids with oblivion faces
>can fit in any article of clothing and any vehicle perfectly without any hassle
>the entire world was designed for ease of use at my height
>can make gains twice as fast as any lanklet
Feels good
thank you for making me feel better about my height
>tfw no big fat tittynip gf
5'10 is the chaddest height no cope.
>Peak proportions
>Peak health
>Peak athleticism
>Peak likelihood of having decent face >Still taller than 95% of the women and girls 5'10+ usually barely care about height so it doesn't change anything
>Can fulfill amazon and petites fetishes easily
>Good body to penis ratio
>Studies on attraction consistently list this height as one of the ideal male heights
The problem is that there are 7'8" women, therefore if you are shorter, you are gay
Do 5'10" chads accept 5'8" bros into their club?
no (yes)
There isnt. Its like telling a girl that shes ugly.the jews use it because it sells beauty products. Theres nothing wrong with gymcels, anklets, incels, copecels, boomers, and whatever shit u can come up with. Midgets dont wake up every day dreading there condition.
i swear it must be where i live because a lot of the women in my area are close to my height or taller and im 5'9 also
Just wear boots with inserts... I’m trying it out next week once mine arrive.
Not gonna make it a habit, but just curious how it is to be a lanklet
Do shorter guys want to date girls taller than them? Im 5'11 and I don't think I've ever been attracted to a girl taller than me. And it's not because I insecure about my height. Like I always assumed attraction was proportional to where you were at. Like being fat or old.
Holy based.
street-kore dumbass
Most men don't like tall women, they do it for the better of your sons (Assuming you're a manlet)
Bilbo baggins? Didn't you turn In to golem and die?
I'm 5'3" and I'd never date a shrimp like you, no matter what your face or body looks like. Tall men who are mediocre in fitness or facial aesthetics are still more attractive than manlets, regradless of how much they lift or how good they look. You can cope as hard as you want, any woman will tell you this.
Lmfao Shut The Fuck Up Hole
Holes Don't Get Opinions
t. Ranny
It must be manlet larping as lanklet, Too embarrassing to be otherwise
At 6'0 im the shortest in my circle of friends and I regularly see women at least close to my height. When I go to this local supermarket that's frequented by old folks I regularly get mogged by hunched over 70 year olds. Feels terrible. The average height for a man here is 5'10 or 5'11 but the distribution feels like most men are over 6'0 and then there's a few midget outliers that pull down the average.
Oh and when women talk about my height they will say something like "normal" or do air quotes when using the word tall
Shut up tranny faggot
bc they're insecure faggots that need to feel they're in charge
Cope, midget. It's the truth. You're mad because chicks go for your taller friends.
Stay mad, manlet. You're the one getting turned down because you're a twerp.
Nope, sorry about your height though. Nothing you can do or say will change facts.
Keep wishing that. Still no girls wanting to date a small mexican such as yourself?
He is a stinky hobo. Like we had the pretty felon, he's the fashionable hobo.
I have a stacked tomboy gf, I'm 5'8'' acne scarred fingoloid. I think I'm doing fine for myself.
Nope. It's operating on the same reason women want tall guys just the opposite, At least for 30-40% of the women and men study show. But yes the rest are insecure faggots who care about their public image (which is retarded it's even damaging it to begin with) more than anything else.
Normie life is one huge mess of patheticness.
Based, I'm 5'8 and i love the look manlets give me at the gym when i adjust machines to my height after they've used them.
height isn't the problem unless you're shorter than the girl
how do i tell you this...
Muy basado mi compa
i'm 6'3
I can confirm i get girls for free at parties that are 6'0+, since they just want someone taller
There's none, but it makes for a good excuse to not try and then be disappointed with the results
ahh shit bros he's right
Get over it faggot.
He looks like a fat hobo even though his face shows that he's clearly not fat. What a horrible aesthetic
Enjoy being the perfect height. You can make out with girls by simply tilting your head inside of having to actually bend down like some filthy lanklet. You can look your partner in the eyes while you make love to her.
I'm also 5'11 and I've only dated girls shorter than me but I have definitely found some taller girls attractive. The thing is that whenever I do find tall girls attractive they are usually very slender of build so I'm still a lot bigger than them and can manhandle them. It's not normal for a guy to want to fuck someone bigger than them, that's some sort of femdom cuck bullshit.
It's also your personality, I'm not joking, my 6'4 friend is always put in the nice guy, innocent category and every single one tells him to not change and that he's so perfect, but absolutely none of them wants to have anything to do with him, he's 26 now.
>>the only females taller than me are ogroids with oblivion faces
Where can I get one? Asking for a friend.
Literally no problem, its a cope mostly
Yeah, hobomaxxing.
>What’s the problem?
people on the internet trying to brainwash you into believing them with their petty little echo chamber.
Disregard anything you can and will not influence. Work on the things you are able to control. You will make it.
>tfw 5'10 spic
>my fiance is 6'0 white goddess
Cant wait to fuck up her gene pool desu
Yas Forums on suicide watch, absolutely devilish