This skinny autist could kill most of you gymcels
Lifting btfo’d
Why do weight classes exist?
Skinny man with years of training can beat up big man who lifts heavy stuff, anything new?
he actually can't, he can only beat other skinny men in an enverionment with a number of rules
>el goblino
anyways it won't matter, he will already be in the hospital for PT due to that shitty form before I even deal with him
>nothing personal, kid
He'd kill everyone on this board inside a minute
The Brits are jews would be the biggest reason honestly.
if you think a 180lb world champion martial artist would lose to a 240lb untrained guy, you're fucking retarded
I'm untrained and from personal experience I fought multiple guys with years of training in multiple martial arts, some in boxing others BJJ and even othermemes. Didn't matter, I was bigger and stronger and they got shreked because of it
Him being world champion only means he is the best at abusing the rules of the game and beating people his size
>that cut when he eats shit on the backflip attempt
>Him being world champion only means he is the best at abusing the rules of the game
woah, mr street fighter over here. those professional fighters couldn't possibly cope with your no rules fighting style.
>those professional fighters couldn't possibly cope with your no rules fighting style.
Not if they're 60lbs lighter
180 Vs 240 no
But 155(Tonny) Vs 215 yes
i love how weird this guy is. He represents everyone that has ever been a bit weird and makes weirdos look at least respectable
brutal form
Guess how I can tell that you have never been in a serious street fight.
What if they just, and hear me out here, move faster than your fat ass and subsequently wreck your shit.
>literal gains goblin
I'm trained and I've beaten people 100lbs heavier than me. Guess you just fought shitters.
Lmfao love the music
you can't but continue larping as if you can.
Im a 220 lb 6ft muscle bro. Im a blue belt. When I roll with purple and brown belts in lower weight classes I never get tapped. I only get tapped with guys my size. Even if they get a position on me, I can literally just muscle out. I've literally only tapped once to a purple belt in a lower weight class (excluding black belts close to my weight class). He caught my gi in a weird way. But I have tapped many purple and browns over the years that are smaller. Size matters. Technique just keeps you sort of in the fight. And that's with rules. I have ZERO problem getting domiate positions, and in a street fight I would just drop fists and elbows, I think about the advantage every time I roll.
>j-just put your points into dex
lmao go back to your video-games bro
if you beat someone 100lbs heavier that was actually fit (not just a big lardass) then it's impressive.
But you aren't Chad Lesnar, and nothing you do will change that.
How to get strong like that or stronger? I am 6'0 200 lbs and I feel hes stronger than me
Train like an autist
You aren't including black belts in your discussion though. And if he's anything, he'd be a very high tier black belt. Also probably roided to the gills but that goes without saying.
only division that matters is heavyweight since IRL there are no weight classes. Skinny fighters beating other skinny fighters doesn't prove anything
Well yeah and no, weight is an advantage yeah, but it's not like it's an insurmountable one
Because we are fighting within the rules. I can go EASILY 2-3 rounds before getting tapped by black belts. Throw in elbow and fists and I would win those too. A few years of training REALLY closes the gap. And size makes a HUGE difference. Brock Lesnar started SUPER late training in MMA. He would kill anyone sub 180 and less in his prime. My professor just won a big submission match last weekend. Hes like 160. We go three rounds every friday before I get tapped (if I even do some some rounds).
The thing to remember is Tony is legitimately crazy. He fucking blew out his knee tripping over a cable at a press conference and was back fighting like 5 months later. That's not even getting into the mental episode he had.
Yeah but is your professor a world champ? It may be you're a big fish like you think, or you could just be in a small pond. World champ is a lot bigger than local teacher.
Is 180lb supposed to be skinny?
for 6'+
>implying Tony isn't in the gym every day
oh no
I'm 6'2 and 160
With that form he might as well not be
Ive trained at quite a few gyms and my one professor fought in the MMA for a bit before blowing an ACL. And the owner of the gym has won more golds than I can count at every major competition that exists. And this is just at my current gym. Both of the main coaches have fought professionally and have more wins than losses. One 16/7 the other 5/0 but he doesn't like MMA much. And Im not bragging. Im a mid level blue belt at my size. There are dudes that kick my ass at 240+. But size fucking matters. And size makes you survive against technically better opponents. I can literally shove off chokes and submissions attempts at my size against smaller fighters.
is this Lesnar vs Valezquez?
A 357 size hole will solve most problems
>he's that guy in class that muscles out of positions rather than hammering technique
you're never going to make it user.
I work on technique daily broheem. But higher belts have better technique. So I use muscle when I need or get caught. Thus proving my point.
Try to keep up tiger.
No this is
>i rely upon my crutch when i'm fucked thus reinforcing a bad habit
>misses the point entirely but is too dumb to realize
you'll be a blue belt forever user
yeah yeah yeah - what does he bench tho? and how many tinder sloots did he bnag?
vs randy coture
Based exhibitionist user
Yeah no retard. You're just simple. I clearly know when I'm using muscle to overcome technique I haven't perfected. literally how you learn. You're dumb and trying to move goal posts. Nice try.
He's getting submitted in the 3rd round.
hate to say it but a win's a win. if their technique is so much better he shouldnt win
I don't wanna fight, violence is for faggots. And if you are a faggot and you want to hurt someone there are much better ways than hitting them with your body.
This is why MMA, boxing, wrestling, jiu jitsu, muy thai, fuck it all of them, have weight classes.
Technique only wins against someone who has literally never trained. A mid tier fighter against a small opponent will win 7/10 times (lucky punches and kicks are a thing).
Both Tony and Khabib should be fighting at 170 fuck weight cutting
No, I'm not him but you are a stubborn pussy, user wants you to improve but you can't see that can you faggot?
couture was doing pretty good. His dirty boxing looked cool against such a larger opponent
Yeah I’m with you on this one. I’m pretty strong for my size but try to technique my way out of things and constantly get told to use my strength more often. If you don’t learn to use your strength and know how to turn it on and off it’s just a waste of potential. Caveat being don’t be a muscle spaz, but you’re a blue belt and already know that.
I do understand it is a good idea to sometimes let your rolling partners get an idea of how to deal with strength.
While I agree there's nothing wrong with using your strength, don't rely on it for getting you out of bad positions. Use your strength to amplify your good positions. Try to avoid letting your ego dictate how you roll.
If your “technique” doesn’t work on stronger opponents is it actually a good technique? Do you think Helios at a 100lbs fuck all asked his opponents and students to not use their strength?
If you don't like having a weight disadvantage, just bloat up, literally any man who's at least 5'4" can bloat to 220+ pounds at which point there is no more weight disadvantage.