Actual motivation thread

Remember why you're doing this

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Ozley ASMR. My nigga.


These always get me through my last sets, Based op

For the right person and the right reason.

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Is it weird to jerk off to her ASMR videos?

I remember

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Today I will remind them

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Because theres no day like today

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Haha, I wonder if she'll ever do an oiled feet moaning and drooling sounds ASMR


That would be so relaxing haha, makes me tingle

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You can just tell she loves getting her pussy stretched and pounded by BBC

why did she delete some of her videos bros

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this, whats good other than sabaton?

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Jungle rot

Those probably don't even exist lad

so i can pull the arms off of my enemies.

She's so pretty and he looks like Frankenstein's monster. There's hope for you guys

Ay kings, you've got this, I know you do!:)

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No one in my family has ever had abs. No one has ever been fit. I will be that one. I must be that one.

Too intimate and gf experience-y. OP video were she comforts you while it rains is one of the deleted...pity

Can you imagine the feeling when you're all outside during the summer and you just slip your shirt off and pow, abs and the rest of your family is shocked into silence and admiration?

>brown eyes

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He looks kinda like Franco

his test must be off the charts

actually I think that's Larry Wheels.

He literally looks 4/10 and that's generous

She wouldn't been happier with me. Oh well, her loss. *sips*

Set a good example for my son.
And to get shredded az FUCKKK BOIIIII

Clearly Nigler.

He looks like Steve-O from Jackass.

She obviously settled because he was one of the only normal guys at her church.

Gross yellow teeth

its literally just be tall

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do I have to take the churchpill lads? is that what this is all about?

Going through some bad times these days. It's time to embrace the fall

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>why you're doing this

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I do

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For women? No.

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For Eldia Empire

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motivation, motivation, motivation

moootiiivaation. mootiivaation. moootiivaation. motiovation. motiovation. motiovation. motiovation. motiovation. motiovation. motiovation. motiovation. motiovation. motiovation. motiovation.

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kill yourself

Mines a year from now and its all I fucking hear about. How has it cost so much already when we're nowhere near it?

Also, I'm 6'2"

>the Godemperor
Fucking heretic.

I got a text from my ex at 1AM tonight, saying that she loves me and wishing me "the best dreams". I think she was drunk again. That's second time in a week, had to pick up her plastered ass on Saturday and take her home.
I'm supposed to meet her for coffee today to talk. I think she thinks we'll be talking about getting back together. When in fact it'll be me scolding her about this childish tantrum.
I'll do a heavy leg day beforehand to guarantee that my coomer brain can't take over and take her back.

Can anyone post webm some dude now is crippled doing epic squats


Why does this seem like nigger speak to me? A twatter thing?

Reminder: if you do this to get women, you are doing for wrong reasons, retards.

why not just fuck know for old time's sake

looks just like my sister.
hence why I have to date asian girls otherwise it feels like incest

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Was lifting for gf for a while but fuck that cunt
Lifting even harder now for potential twink bf I'm talking to
goddamn he's so cute I just wanna protect him
Feel way more for him than I ever did for her

Decent titties, too bad they're on amorphous bug people...

Should I? Sounds like a bad, bad, bad idea.

We got another one, Scoob.

Worked out before GF to aquire women

Worked out with her to maintain what I thought she liked (turned out to be insecure about the fact o was obsessed with staying in shape)

She dumps me now im lifting so i can fuck her friends

But also my real motivation is to be strong smart and noble

Based as fuck ti be smart handsome and strong to match.

i'm doing it so i can put my hands on my professor for wearing ballas colors

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i lift because its fun and i like to look good
my motivation is how i look in the mirror

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She looks like moot in drags.