Biggest fitness fraud of all time?

Biggest fitness fraud of all time?

>fake natty
>biggest fraud all time
>shameless sellout
>whores himself out to the highest bidder
>touts every SJW flavor of the month (supports veganism, climate change, gays, trannies, etc.)
>failed father and a degenerate


>another fake natty
>fake alpha
>try hard sperg
>never seen with an attractive woman ever. Only music festival uggos
>innately an incel WoW nerd
>died at 22 looking 32 due to rapid aging from roids
>shitskin quasi pajeet
>died like a chump getting a bj from a lady boi in a sauna

Attached: arnoldcuckehnigger.jpg (404x700, 56.46K)

Other urls found in this thread:

who is this?

have sex

Arnold never claimed natty

Well, he claimed he only ever did roids for a brief period back in Austria when they were legal and dosed lower. The implication being that he didnt continue blasting like a fucking champ throughout his career and to the current day, the gigantic troll.

Forgot to mention le Arnie went gay 4 pay in order to pay for his roids

Imagine arnie bending over and taking it up his muscle butt by some old fag. KEK

In his defense, if you're a celebrity you're basically obligated to say you support these things (or pretend you support them) or else twitterfags will campaign together to "cancel" you.

He’s still done more for fitness than your family has done for anything in four generations

Oh my god I just realized I'm the same age zyzz was when he died

Most gay 4 pay with any size are topping but still degenerate

So is this a jelly and seething thread?

Y-yeah I'm soo jealous of getting my roid butt topped

Attached: endtimes.webm (800x502, 2.8M)

There's literally nothing wrong with being gay, faggot.

Has there been a bigger let down than Arnold, I stopped liking this faggot boomer after Charlotteville

Attached: 1583846371321.jpg (750x537, 417.02K)

There is though.

>Fake alpha


I'm sure the raging faggot posting on an anime Japanese fitness board surpasses Arnold and Zyzz in every way.

You realize Arnie is notorious for lying/giving bad advice and just fucking with people in general right? Ignore everything he says/does and just appreciate the physique he brought.

What's so wrong with it

There isn’t tho

What's that mindset
>everyones a opponent so as long as I am better

arnold is unironically a rothschild lap dog

hes a sellout to the highest degree

google it

lmao post body

In his autobiography from the late 70s, he explicitly claimed that he did not do any sexual favors with the man, and that he just wanted to look at his muscles.

Attached: Happy Arnold.gif (400x400, 320.56K)

pro tip: people lie. they lie a lot. particularly in autobiographies. not saying that arnie sucked dick for a living, but with his test levels there probably was a craving.

wtf i love arnold now

I didn't believe him when I read his book.

I really hate dealing with people who have Asperger's.

I don't think there's anything wrong with being gay really.

Attached: 1583856622384.gif (500x365, 3.33M)

>reddit spacing
>no proof cited

What's going on in that gif?

Is the mom a tranny too?

Peak humanity

I physically recoiled

Noooo the 10 time Mr Olympia doesn't share my retarded opinions that I picked purely to be edgy? LITERALLY A FRAUD!!!!1!

Attached: 1557735423043s.jpg (231x218, 8.16K)

I heard the boys from Megadeth went gay for pay to get equipment for their band.

They say they were selling drugs for money, but I don't know.

Okay you convinced me haha, never realized how some guys have good butts haha

>I heard the boys from Megadeth went gay for pay to get equipment for their band.
You can't actually make that much money doing gay for pay, unless you're a 10/10 or have something a particular man fetishizes and is unable to find it anywhere. A lot of gay men are hypersexual. You could be a 3/10 and find sex with an 8/10 Chad who's horny enough or has a fat fetish. Gay men don't need to pay for sex. When gay men are interested in sex, they will only pay for it with a man who's a 10/10 or as low as a 7/10 man, granted the 7/10 has an exceptionally huge cock, and they will pay that particular man the same amount of money that a basic bitch 5/10, maybe even 7/10 escort would be able to make.

>A girl who's between 1/10 and 3/10 can charge $160 for an hour.
>A girl who's between 4/10 and 5/10 can charge $200 for an hour.
>A girl who's between 6/10 and 7/10 can charge $250 for an hour.
>A girl who's between 8/10 and 9/10 can charge $300 for an hour.
>A girl who's a 10/10 can start charging at $400 for an hour, but up to several thousands of dollars per hour, depending on how popular she is of an escort.

1-3 is ugly to unattractive.
A 1/10 is the ugliest person you see out of at least 200. They are either morbidly obese, or obese with some sort of major facial deformity. 2s are both obese with a minor facial deformity or severely obese. 3s are either obese or they have some sort of very noticeable facial deformity. The majority of men wouldn’t be interested in having sex with a 1/10 or 2/10, and around half of men would be interested in having sex with a 3/10.

4-7 is attractive to fairly attractive.
None of these people stick out, and they are all pleasant to look at. 4s and 5s might not look too healthy and may be a bit skinny or even underweight, but at least they aren't obese and/or have any noticeable facial deformities, but they don't tend to put in any decent effort into looking attractive, with all 4s being what you would naturally consider below-average-looking, but not yet unattractive, possibly even slightly overweight. 6s and 7s all look healthy and look like they put some effort into keeping up with their looks to actively attract others, with 7s being on the cusp of being highly attractive, but not yet possessing any special qualities regarding their looks. Most men would be happy to have sex with a 4/10, 5/10, 6/10, and especially a 7/10.

8-10 are highly attractive to shockingly stunning.
There is something special about their looks. They put in a lot of effort into fitness, and their faces are flawless. They are a rare type of attractive. A 10/10 is going to be the most stunning person out of at least 200 people if not much more. They look so close to perfect, that they tend to draw attention to themselves in a similar way to a Ferrari. There is some shockingly sexy quality about their looks that is extremely rare among people. Almost all men strongly desire to have sex with an 8/10 or 9/10, and almost all men would have a 10/10 as their top priority if they know they could stand a chance.

>He’s still done more for fitness than your family has done for anything in four generations
Which means absolutely nothing, Daniel Lugo.

Fuck off faggot

>caring shit skin Austrian to goat natty middle Eastern genes


Rebuttal against homosexuality

"thats it, the end of the line.."
> "the family name ends here."

>>fake natty
>>biggest fraud all time
>>shameless sellout
>>whores himself out to the highest bidder
>>touts every SJW flavor of the month (supports veganism, climate change, gays, trannies, etc.)
>>failed father and a degenerate

This is why Dorian Yates is better than arnie. Take the /Yates/ pill.

Attached: DorianYates-FLX-Oct2012-Unk-330.jpg (1100x907, 130.42K)

makes sense, gay terminators would be tops who seed subs. pasta la Vista indeed.

Attached: 0f88b124-1730-4f15-abd2-9eb60ffc3caa..jpg (480x360, 17.3K)

based, imagine being bothered by weaker fags than focusing on yourself,

Stop posting this gay pasta

Is there something wrong with it? I want to standardize the way we rate people's attractiveness.

Ahnuld irritates me not because he’s an SJW per se, but because he’s pulling up the ladder behind him. He got his money and fame on an ultra-masculine persona; beer not milk, mocking weak men, talking about how he earned his greatness.
Now that he’s made it big, he slaps down young masculine men, who are messing around in the way guys do. He praises the physically weak, and shits on people who say that people get what they earn.
He seems like an ass, desu.

Destroying anus is totally normal to satisfy sexual fetish it seems.

Arnold was and is the ultimate alpha. The fact that he’s as old as he is and still inhabits your weak mind is proof

If you read his autobiography from the 70s, you'd know he never took defeat very well. He would cry for hours and bitch to the judges.

Fuck this gay earth

Also checked

Attached: tenor.gif (480x480, 2.49M)

there is a big difference between a rolle model like Schwarzenegger and guys like Zyzz.
If schwarzenegger say he takes roids million of children will think roids are cool.
if a fake natty PT says he takes roids just the idiots will think different from him.

the irony being that le Arnie is the most reddit thing imaginable

Attached: arnoldreddit.jpg (230x219, 7.68K)

I heard the guys from Slayer perform satanic rituals, sacrificing small dogs and children.
Guess it must be true.

That's because you are a faggot

i keep posting my sources over and over and it seems like you're oblivious, you faggot
i'm doing it once more to slamdunk you some more

seething leftie dyel

i want them to sit on my face

Yates is based as fuck
>former skinhead
>holocaust revisionist