fat >people hate

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>you don't have to worry about breaking me
I do actually, your type tends to overheat.

This is one of the most cynical and surreal fph pics I have seen if you ask me

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>I pig out with my gf once a week, we eat reasonably otherwise
>my gf is soft in the right areas
>shes a tough bitch who can pick me up
>we dont spend hours shopping cause shes a tomboy
>she also has big boobs/butt
>she loves me enough to actually take care off herself
Nah, curvy tomboy gf still beats slampigs. Go figure.

>We can eat oreos and doritos together
>implying I eat that shit
>I'm soft, squishy cuddly and a great pillow
You probably stink
>You don't have to worry about breaking me
You will have back pain all the fucking time
>I have big... attributes (boobs and butt haha)
Disgusting cheese cake
>My heart is plus sized too
Probably her only good feature. She will die soon of heart failure

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Breaking is hot though

This is an unpopular truth among these parts.
> People claim fph is helping them getting less fat
> By hating fat and fat people, mostly the last one.
> Shaming others as a projection of your self-hate has proven to have a very negative effect on what you are trying to achieve.
> Studies done on prisoners and binge eaters has shown that shame will lead to repeat behaviour of the thing leading to shame.
> It is a neverending cycle of selfhate, purging and then selfhate again.
> Same studies show that feeling guilt means you can change behaviours and eventually begin to stop hating yourself.

Yas Forums fph faggots btfo lmao

Based sexual tyrannosaurus

Well, look, I think we can all agree that fat people are worthless. By shaming them, they will ultimately do one of two things, either improve themselves or an hero. Either of those things would be a net positive for society.

Do you think I want them to change, to get fit, the ones I post, I want them dead, disgusting subhumans

Why do you hate yourselves so much

Because I failed that one time and they will never come back

majority of people here are not fat i think.

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nice cope fatass

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I didn't mind bigger people until I was nice to a girl that ended up stalking and date raping me with a roofie.

She actually sounded sweet until the bottom paragraph.

Why do I hate fat people despite never being taught to do so?

because you're not fully brainwashed goy

Daily reminder that high body fat decreases test.

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>I can’t just cut out all calories
>I’ll go into starvation mode
>then my body will burn muscle and store fat

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Holy shit imagine being this fat

God i miss my stacked tomboy ex

That's just depressing.

iktf bro, my calves lag behind too.

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This. Scientifically proven, this.

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>wife's A1C was half a point from prediabetic
>CICO like a motherfucker, never more than 2k a day except a 4k cheat day once a month
>in 2 months her A1C has gone down to normal levels
I fucking hate science denying fatties so goddamn much, I want to fucking throttle them.

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I am honestly an /fa/ggot who only comes here for fph when I'm bored of thinspo.

I hate that self important look all these “people” have. “I’m so special just for being me!”. It’s even worse if they are transgender because they are playing a part, they are trying to tell you they are comfortable with this. In reality they are lying to themselves and hate who they are

This is what makes me skeptical about free healthcare. For every legit person who needs it, there are 2-3 more fatties who want you to fund their terrible life choices

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found on my fb, my liberal cousin posted it.

>you have no duty and no right to judge a woman's size or weight

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What? I'm convinced the person who invented HAES is a shit Lord. Either that (or more likely) it was created by medical and garbage food industries.


>no right to judge
I most certainly do tyrant.

>In many other languages beetus is literally called
>sugar disease
Why are they like this?

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literally tryna to kill delusional fatties. Based, but probably bribed by coca cola.

>several clients

Please no

>Why are they like this?
Their job is to have people consume product, the truth might hamper that.

Your heart is plus-sized because it is a muscle and you have high blood pressure. It's literally the only muscle where you try not to get gainz. You're going to die of something related to cardiovascular disease. The only benefit to dating you is if you have a good life insurance policy.

She's right, I was 200 pounds lean mass, lifting 2/3/4/5 and then one day I got demoted because the boss didn't like me. I lost all my gains and got diabetes on the spot.

>caring about yourself bad feminism good

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I miss mind too you guys, love her while you can user. You are infinite in the now.

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>I need feminism because a preteen saw how retarded I am and vowed to not end up this way

>I'll make the best salad you've ever eaten
>I dont give a shit about shopping because I'm not a vapid consumerist thot
>I feel like a human and am soft in places with bones where they should be

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I’m pretty sure that the people who need it far outweigh these comically obese bastards. We should still ridicule the fats though. Tell them they’re a drain on the system that’s intended to save those actually in need.

By 2030 50% of the U.S. population will be obese(via BMI which underestimates the amount of obese people to begin with). Being overweight is enough to cause problems already.

Most of the people who need it are comically obese bastards.

>my heart is plus sized tool hehe

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>my heart is plus sized too!!
Lmao the lack of self awareness is hilarious

Only in murrica

I've just been informed that Americans are fat because they are too poor to afford healthy food like kiwis and strawberries, and most Americans have no access to any vegetables

Because we're not the same kind of thread as /fat/, you tourist retard.

If they didn't eat gorillions of junk food to stuff their empty souls they'd be able to spring for a kiwi fruit here and there.


Every American has had a bigger fridge and freezer than I do. Every one. Including the tranny meth head whore. They don't like that shit though. To find fish in supermarkets you had to look for places that catered to ESL immigrants, but all the supermarkets have fresh fruit, vegetables, and frozen sections with both. They just buy utter shit in family sized packs for "value".
I can understand the objections that the place is not set up for walking. But most of them are spending a lot of dollars on condensed sweeteners and flavourings because they like that shit. Any other place on earth if you're poor you're vegetarian; in America if you're poor you just eat low grade meat three times a day.

>socioeconomic status
I would really like to see this medical expert elaborating on this part a little bit

My coworker also got a big ass fridge last summer, coincidentally he also got pudgy as fuck. The real problem is that he feels the need to drive a 2 mile distance to work or for groceries, hell I think if he could drive the 15 steps to the shitter he would.