Why do people here say judokas are super saiyans? It's just judo, an martial art, not magic

Why do people here say judokas are super saiyans? It's just judo, an martial art, not magic.

Attached: manle 12.webm (202x360, 971.71K)

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martial arts are a joke
it’s just 80s no fap a meme for virgins

Nobody says that.
Maybe judofags, but they're all dumb niggers that would rather fuck around in street fights than carry a gun because being a dumb low impulse control nigger is honorable or something.

Here we see a happy boy playing along with a silly joke. Yet the girl finds it funny to tackle him as he is jumping, possibly impinging serious damage to him as he caves his head into the hard cold concrete ground.
Never have I thought of this doing to my fellow peers when I was a boy.

god i wish that was me

Wrestlers usually beat most people in fights. Except judokas.
t. rassler

Hope he fucking kicked her shins in, what a piece of shit

>low impulse control
>immediately jumps to shooting someone rather than trying to deescalate the situation
Mutt or nigger?

Bit of exaggeration, but she is a bit of cunt.

Hey, thats my hometown lol

Where 2 learn the art of the bear?

And people will want to kill him after he rapes (awkwardly makes a move on) a woman.
Incel mass shooter in the making.

Do you guys really find it that bad ? It looked like just a joke to me

No she kicked a BOY and made him FALL DOWN, how dare that ROASTIE hurt the YOUNG BOY

Looks sort of like sumo.

At least for me it seem like he could've easily lost a tooth. I'd day that was too harsh to be considered friendly

This post is hilarious and made me laugh but i don't even know why lmao

Mirin' the arms and shoulders on the light-coloured one.

>Be teenage boy
>be short
>have hard on for mannequins in shops and the fully clothed ladies in your moms gossip magazine
>Get attention from girl
>omg she finally noticed me
>do what? follow orders like a dog?
>this is great, ive nevee had attention from women besides my mom and her friends before
>gets kicked as he day dreams about one day holding big Girls hand
>lands on the hard ground snapping out of his day dream
>sees big beautiful maybe future gf girl above him laughing
Yeah totally normal.
This is why Im going to teach my son that racism is fine just pretend to not be racist and that all women except his mother and sisters are low IQ whores mostly or uggos.
When he starts acting like a douchebag ill straighten him out.
Much easier than sending him to a psychiatrist for a decade and have him commit suicide, rape or murder.
btw im not mad at the shitty behavior.
Im mad about everybody lying to us.
This nice guy meme shit is based on dudes who actually listened to what is socially correct behavior.
When nobody really behaves like it.
90% of people are slow, poor, hateful or just competitive.
Not teaching your kid to be competitive is like teahing a lamb to walk into a denn of wolves.
>inb4 incel tl:dr bla blah
Good luck being on Yas Forums mister pussy slayer.

Once you train Judo ( or BJJ, Wrestling, Sambo, boxing, Muay Thai) for awhile, it is comically easy to out match anyone trying to fight you, unless those people are complete drug fucked juggernauts or preternaturally gifted athletes.

It's not magic, its a skill. Its like being someone who plays competitive basketball 3 times a week for ten years, playing against someone who's only played about 5 pick up games in high school

>all this manlet rage
Grow taller

>racism is fine just pretend to not be racist
My dad literally taught me that at 5 years old.

Im 6'1, 175lbs and lift.
Im smarter than you, stronger than you and better looking and unlike you im not a virgin browsing Yas Forums calling people manlets while being one.

Spooky skelly eat more.

when you're 15 it might look like a funny joke to tell someone to jump and then kick them so they faceplant on solid concrete but i've seen people paralyze/die from less than that

this embryo of a whore would probably be bawling her eyes out going max victim mode if somebody would do the same thing to her

Your dad did good.
I had to learn it myself.
I remember a post from Yas Forums where it says something like "we were the first non-racist generation and we tried to shake your hand you declined it and spat in our face".
This is exactly what I experienced.
And I'm an half immigrant so i got fucked both ways.
Those immigrants you see beig super nationalistic and love Trump, those are the ones that were taught well or learned from experience.
World is a tribal battle ground, pick your tribe.

Cause the fake outrage predicted the real outrage from the bullied losers like


Lol i fucked up more bullies for kids that got bullied than I got bullied myself.
Go outside for a change

Because she would have landed flat on her face, as most women tend to do. Boys instinctively try and break the fall with their arms and shoulders.

>he's still angry
Remember the magic words Grow Grow Grow

Of course thats why you are so invested in this.
You wouldnt be so focused on me if there wasnt a reason for it.

Because you're genuinely upset over a webm of a random kid chipping a tooth that you wrote a full essay ranting about how you'd raise your sons and how your part immigrant mutt. You actually take this place like its life or death

lol pussies, me and my friends back then used to throw rocks at each other. Something your pussy generation wouldn't get

>Because you're genuinely upset over a webm
Thats not what he said

1. Wrong
2. Also wrong
3."full essay" kek
4. Immigrant = mutt
I wrote what I wrote to wake up any user to the bs lies in order to free them of societal norms aka chains.
You on the other hand are a mental midget and a cuck who would much rather have his fellow anons wallow in the same self loathing and repression of his own potential.
Between me and you, you are a bitch.

No one says
>I'm upset
Autismo user, they just write full essays about how awful this all is and how it ties into their immigrant heritage.

>I will free them from societies lies
Sure elliot, and if you're "half" something, you're a mutt.

Exactly the response I expected from a low IQ manlet.
Everybody who wants to improve himself and the people deserving of a better life by arming them with the knowledge that they are being lied to is a narcissistic autistic sociopathic douchebag who couldnt just go fuck a whore or two with his daddies money.
I gotta be honest Elliot would not have been a shooter if he wasnt lied to.
If his dad had prepared him for real life he'd probably just have raped or sexually assaulted a girl.
And rape really is nothing but a joyride.

Dunno bout all that
Just saying you said its cause of the webm but he says its not in his essay
Why do you assume its a lie?

>rape really is nothing but a joyride.
Based and Cavemanpilled

CC is actually the more civilized option. Low IQ/Low inhib nigs love pitched fist fights specifically because it gives them opportunity to escalate shit and beat their chest without a dead body or consequences to worry about.

Assuming you're not just dealing with a belligerent drunk dude or random hot-headed nigger that can be handled with just high school-tier wrestling skills, a gun in the face and some shouted commands immediately makes a person question whether the conflict they're seeking is worth their life. Usually the answer is no and they choose flight over fight.

>Shooting someone is more civilized than not getting in a fight or being around niggers
Mutt it is then

Imagine if women were stronger than men, Not only we wouldn't advance civilization at all but the torture men would've suffer physically must be immense.

lmao holy shit calm down. Are you guys still in grade school or have you never held an actual career and been outside at public events?

judo gets a fair bit of criticism here

>women can hit boys with zero repercussion
>in HS I beat the shit out of a girl as a 6 foot 4 250 pound weight lifter and got kicked out and almost went to prison
>now I am suffering the effects of gender inequality by having gone to a different school, still gone to college, and working as an engineer and making lots of money but having the trauma of being threatened with getting anal raped in the showers of a prison
>NOW I have to ASK before engaging in a sexually violent relationship with a women
what a fuckign joke this society is retarded.
I did nothing wrong and thus deserve brutal treatment, meanwhile women are treated like princesses.
what the fuck. UNFAIR
do you think men can control their aggression and tendency to rape?

Attached: 1582783756510.png (529x458, 342.78K)

That shit has killed people. There’s a reason when new people start Judo we spend so long teaching them to fall. The average person has zero idea how to safely fall, no idea how to tuck their chin to avoid getting a nickname like wheels.

>would rather fuck around in street fights than carry a gun
I don't get it. Your best defense against someone with a knife or gun is literally a gun. You don't want to have to get yourself anywhere near an armed person and attack from a distance to save both your life and the lives of others around you.

Attached: Glock.jpg (1000x664, 323.03K)

hesitation and using it as a threat will probably get you killed.
if someone threatens your life it is safest to effectively pull out the weapon and execute them immediately in order to mitigate danger

>immediately jumps to shooting someone rather than trying to deescalate the situation
It's called eugenics, and it's perfectly legal as long as the person was posing a legitimate threat to you, especially if the person were armed with whatever weapon or potential weapon. Sociopaths who are a pain in the ass to deal with for everybody don't deserve to live. You are doing a favor to the community by removing them from this earth.

Attached: Second Amendment Nigger Robbery Justice.webm (480x276, 1.81M)

If someone has a weapon and is threatening your life your best option is to give them what they want. They can pull a trigger alot faster than you can pull out your gun AND pull out your trigger.

>in HS at the time
>out of nowhere some skater dude starts advertising some homevideo he made with some chick
>apparently it was a video of her going to town on herself
>teachers find out
>cops called
>arrest the guy and the girl in the video
>dude apparently got pedo charges
>girl got a year and community

user, if you wanted to practice genetics you'd find a meetup here and do a Elliot.

Because most people in martial arts are manlet dyels who are coping. They wanna pretend they’re tough and badass warriors. They wanna delude themselves into thinking they can fight everyone at the same time in any room.
There’s a reason why so many copypastas make fun of MMA fags. They think because they’re 120 pounds (muh speed is superior since I’m light) and took a couple of classes a week for 6 months at their local crossfit gym that they could easily beat someone twice their size.
Now real martial artists are badasses. But that’s because they’ve spend almost entire decades of their life hitting a bag and practicing technique.

>if someone threatens your life it is safest to effectively pull out the weapon and execute them immediately in order to mitigate danger
Exactly. Having knowledge of martial arts could still come in handy if someone runs up to you and starts hitting, begins a fight by sucker punching you, or putting you in a choke hold from behind. You could start to pull your gun out, and they'd either knock it out of your hand or try to kill you with it. You have to know how to do close-quarters combat in such dangerous situations.

Attached: Magdump.webm (610x360, 1.91M)

Niggers need to know about motherfucking tueller drill

Attached: 1576963348266.webm (1280x720, 2.76M)

>They can pull a trigger alot faster than you can pull out your gun AND pull out your trigger.
It depends on how stupid they are. Most criminals who do things like mug people armed or armed robbery of stores have very low-IQ, especially since those are crimes that you are highly unlikely to get away with. They lack the discipline and intelligence to learn how to properly use a firearm and kill someone. Most of those sociopaths wouldn't stand a chance against a man like this, for example.


Attached: Lucas Botkin.jpg (3744x5616, 2.72M)

not everybody is from syria

>tueller drill
non of those situations even relate to the tueller drill dipshit

The situation this user is talking about does
As does the FUCKING WEBM I posted.

>Most of those sociopaths wouldn't stand a chance against a man like this, for example.

>picks the 0.03 outlier as an example

Attached: 614VmsFwoNL._SX425_.jpg (425x420, 26.99K)

damn, that was smooth

Nigga i live in georgia, throwing rocks and pinecones was the shit back then

>The dude tripping to the left in the gray shirt at 0:31
I don't know it made me laugh so much.

user, they just have to move a finger if they have you at gunpoint. You can say as much as you want about "muh training" but you're not going to move your entire faster than them if they've already drawn.

broke ass nigga's parents didn't get him a game boy.

boomer moment

yo what the fuck the nigga just wanted an iPhone
the guy at the end

>yo what the fuck the nigga just wanted an iPhone
He was threatening to kill the person with a pistol, and being a little 80-IQ sociopath by looking away and not bothering to point to pistol at the man. Sociopaths like that deserve to be killed.

are they going to be ok?

Hopefully not.