I don't know if my image of fat women is fucked, but to me she looks healthy and kinda curvy. Is she healthy?
Would you consider her fat?
ugly caked up face, pass
She looks lazy fat. She isn’t gonna go on a bike ride or a weekend hike with you. That’s a bitch that sits around watching Netflix eating hot chip until the next “date” to a restaurant.
I'd consider her British, so even worse than fat.
There is nothing healthy about that goblino belly. Smells of bad genes and/or too much drinking. And i like thicc girls, pic related is my gf
Not only is she fat, but she is also ugly.
fridge body, why is she shoving her ass so far back, nothing can save it
The arms alone are a dead giveaway. She isn't super obese or anything, but she's the "good enough" that will make her never want to improve. She can cake on makeup and wear concealing clothes to mask her weight.
>fridge body
Her arms look normal and proportionate to the rest. I would thin her down and maybe date her if she wasn't trashy
let me guess, 5'2 womanlet east/south asian ape? good job
You may not be able to tell, but trust me, look at her from a profile view and you'll see just how thick her arms are. Compare them to a fit, not muscular woman, and hers will be much bigger.
No, look at the roll, user. Also, can't see collarbones.
Nope, not a drop of SEA, but one of her great grandmothers was Chinese. 5'4, sugar momma. good effort tho.
Morbidly obese , any woman who weighs over 90lbs is fat and disgusting
She's epitome of trash
Which roll?
How is she trash?
Where do you see her extra pounds?
>but one of her great grandmothers was Chinese.
thanks for proving my point, "enjoy" your womanlet mutt
Fuckk I wanna make out with her arm pitz
Is that hair in the pits? I’m envious brother. If not she’s still fucking hot, but please, either way, tell me you don’t let those beautiful pits go to waste and that you smell and lick them whenever you can.
Let her suck me
Let her give me a handjob
Titfuck her
Take her out in places I'm unknown
Maybe vaginal sex once or twice
Ah...you are also a man of culture I see.
>She looks lazy fat. She isn’t gonna go on a bike ride or a weekend hike with you. That’s a bitch that sits around watching Netflix eating hot chip until the next “date” to a restaurant.
and this.
>pointy elbows, 3/10
ok virgin
Not even joking at least once a week I tell her to open up and give me a whiff, the fucking pheromones combined with whatever female smell shit she puts on, fuccccc
>Which roll?
You need to see an optometrist, breh.
Damn, them grapes is sour!
Fucking heaven. So hair or no? Sorry, can’t see well enough cause I’m a phonefag.
lol no hair, couldn't abide by that
Ah fair enough. I will recommend trying it at least once, but you do you. Gratz on the hottie gf.
look at her stomach bro sheesh
I can hardly get her to grow her bush out, so it aint gonna happen. but thanks
She's arching her back to hide her belly in this one too. Please stop, you are embarrassing yourself
ye she fat but i'd still do her no questions asked
Fucking gross. I'm ashamed of sharing the same gender as people who would fuck this goblin
Definitely fat. Look out at her arm and belly. It's fucking disgusting. Always look at upper arms. If they fat the bitch is fat. If they slim the bitch is true curvy.
>Round potbelly that has been the final resting place for hundreds of pounds of hotchip resting on her lap
It's just your penis trying to fool you into thinking she isn't fat.
If a man had the equivalent of that body you'd say he was a chubby loser
sweet forensic sleuthing on the pics, faggot
why does it matter to you though?
She probably would not let him smash.
Phaggot, there’s only one embarrassment in this thread and that’s your salty ass. If you’re not trolling, you’re a fucking jealous high schooler little bitch. If you are trolling, you’re a fucking jealous high schooler little bitch. Stop, get fucking help, you are gonna be the next Elliot. Pay a hooker without standards and get laid.
>Tries to show of cow of a girlfriend
>user calls her once being a cow
>Losing it and ranting like the insecure sperg you are
Could have just said "she's what I am attracted to" and left it at that but instead you showed that her weight clearly bugs you and you are upset when other men don't find her as attractive as you do.
Dipshit, I’m not her boyfriend. I’m the guy calling you the fuck out for being a salty little bitch.
Look at that jelly roll....fat cunt
Yes, she's definitely fat. But she still cute fat
Fucking kill me.
What part of muttland or inbredangloland are you from?
From Western US and my perception isn't that fucked yet.
Yep. Wouldn’t date her. Would have to be pretty drunk to pick her up.
That’s not a fridge body
Until that make up wears off or the Instagram filter moves... then she’ll look like a garbage bag filled with water
>How dare you not want to fuck his girlfriend! She's a beautiful womyn and you can't say she has any curves that aren't beautiful! You are just jealous you don't have that girlfriend and get to be her cuck! I wish that was me
I don't detect a lie in your post
A little bit, yeah. She would benefit from losing 10 of 20 pounds.
This is ok for now but you can tell she's sticking her butt back to hide her gut and holding her tits because they sag. She's mid wall, enjoy the decline
HA bullshit
That's some cuck behavior right there mister
>wojak poster
And that’s all that needs to be said.
You are an embarrassment to your gender and species.
Have you ever gotten laid without the assistance of intoxicants?
Everyone look at this pathetic, angry, whiteknighting faggot
This is how you NMI.
The eternal cuck at work