Are you 200lbs yet?

Are you 200lbs yet?

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248 last I checked

that's not rippletits

well over 300lbs actually. you can call me superman

Only 190 I was 200 a few months ago but that was because I worked a lot and ate like shit

Rippetoe has never been that strong or muscular in his life nor has he ever trained someone who has been that strong or muscular in their life.

i'm 5'5 my only chances of being over 200lbs are getting fat or leaving humanity behind

I used to when i was fat af now im 73kg with almost no muscles and im still not totally lean wait why do i post here again?

Fuck niggers

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If you are 6'2 then sure, but under that 165-190 is best for dudes 508 and above.

No and never will due to height

231 pounder checkin' in

wasted, kys

Manlets... Have they finally learned?

Can you deadlift 600+ natty? Squat 500+?


Wasted by a manlet

manlets forever btfo

>wasted hexes on self doubt.
never gonna make it
go get some floss and hang yourself under your fridge.

based manlet get

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254 6'4
master race, ofc

Ascend, brother. I believe in you.

how was he so fucking big like what?

That's not rippetoe lol

218 6'0 god of manlets reporting in. Just hit lmao2pl8 bench 5 reps, making it brahs

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I wasted my first quads and now my first hexes. You really do get them when you aren't even trying. I should've called it for boogie .

probably yeah

Chase Lindley literally presses 350 (before you give the "standing incline bench" cope, try hitting a 350 incline bench at all, let alone a standing movement), and Rip had a 400+ Wilks which is at least enough to qualify for an opinion in /plg/

Yes. However I am 200 at 5'7 so more of that is fat than I'd like.

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I'm 5'8 and 200 lbs lmao

you're a disgrace. 2 plates? i was at 3 at 180. dyel??

But he didn't look like that.

>strong OR muscular
Learn English and logic, Chang
AND = both
OR = either

If you are below 6'3 and natural, you will always be 20% bf at least at 200 lb, there might be 0,1% genetic outliers who are 12-15% bf naturally at 200 lb and below 6'3, but there is a 99,9% chance you aren't one of them.

So no, if your goal is strength AND looking good, 200 lb is suboptimal.

I don't know who is this Chang man you are obsessed with but I am not your gay crush. Rippetoe didn't look like that.

closer to three hundo ^_^

"A male should have 5 lbs of bodyweight for every inch of height"
-Mark Rippetoe

According to him at 5'10 I should be 350 lbs.

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.........and..........are you asing something? or......what's the problem, the answer is simple enough

Whats a good height for 6'2? I'm like 25% bodyfat going for 200 but I'm afraid I'll have to drop even more

I'm 220 rn btw

>Whats a good height for 6'2?
about 74 inches

Bugez looks like if Tom were chad

Did he say that? I respect the guy, but he definitely says some dumb shit once in a while. The formula has to be more complicated than that. A short dude, let’s say 64”, could be pretty buff at 160lbs, so from there out we can add 5lbs an inch and stay close to reality, I think. Just a starting point, but much closer to athletic/builtfat natty potential. Another formula I’ve played that is percentage based rather than linear is height(cm)-100=lean mass potential (kg). I’m sure someone’s got a more accurate, researched formula, but mine’s really easy.

he never said this

I'm so close, 192 right now. Trying to get 200 by May. About a month ago started eating everything in sight, brown sugar oatmeal every morning and night before bed, just like dad used to make. Protein bars, protein shakes, I'm done being a lanklet.

Im literally 115lbs

6’3” 176lbs this morning really comfortable at this weight, probably going to just maintain and try to maximise strength now

Plus its piss easy to maintain, 2 meals a day, 1900 calories, easy peasy

No I am around 140-50 and I am still fat.

rippetoe just wants everyone to be a fatass

sounds like you're pretty skinny. why not get bigger? pic?

Im on the smaller side but i’ll of course get a big bigger over time as progressive overload will force me to add some muscle.

But i think it will totally plateu at around 180-185 in a few years. I dont want to ger bigger since i just dont like being big, i want to be strong.


so you decided to stay dyel and manlet than trying huh? well atleast you are not a aren't a fatass are you

Not bad, but if you're going to be that skinny you better have abs.

6'6" 307

Yeah abs come out in 3-4 days when i replace my carbs with protein and drop the sodium

Tits or gtfo


No... I only said user was an idiot and so are you from the looks of it.

you hate me because i tell you the truth

At that weight, 365lbs should be your 5 rep max. Keep going. I believe in you faggot.

fucking manlets

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