The New York Times, the most reputable established paper, just fucked all of you up with the power of SCIENCE. How do you respond?
Yas Forumsbros BTFO
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>american mutt genetics are prone obsetity
i belief it.
i got rekt
"enviornmental factors", yeah an environment where shoving shite down your gullet is normal. FAT CUNTS BTFO
>Parents provide all food for children
>Fatasfatass runs in families
>It must be genetic!
Yep. Can't possibly explain how I lost 50lbs in a family full of fat asses. Must be a genetic anomaly.
Times is fake news. Stop consooming media and make your own n=1 success story.
There is abundant evidence it's genetic, but it's related to willpower mostly. That's the real redpill. Not metabolism, but genetically determined ability to resist temptation. A poignant argument for eugenics imo.
It's about averages, mate. Everyone, given access to a given amount of calories, will have an average tendency toward a given weight. It can be overcome in some cases, but most of the time will not. Outliers do not disprove the rule. See my other answer.
Nothing solidified how stupid people who say, "because SCIENCE" like taking a design of experiments class.
Academia is really fucked.
You might as well say willpower is genetic. Europeans aren't fat so it only makes sense their american counterparts aren't fat just because of genetics.
>new york times
>journalists use the word "genetic"
based retard
The secret is that it is willpower that is to a large degree genetic. There is a reason philosophers from Scotland to Greece to China all thought the common man is a moron who can't think long-term.
Willpower is developed like a muscle is. There is evidence that even making yourself do something like brush your teeth with your non dominant hand builds willpower and transfers to other areas of your life.
This is the real answer. It also explains why fitness and beauty correlate with IQ and, inversely, with time preference. Willpower can be trained, but even the desire to do so is rooted in genetics. There is a natural human aristocracy, and only times of great abundance can conceal it.
The new york times hasn't been anything close to reputable since the early 2000s when the whole thing got bought out by Israelis. They even make bizzfeed tier "x is happening and that's a GOOD thing" articles. You really want to take a rage like that as gospel when Yas Forums proves them wrong every single day?
Imaging being so stupid you claim to be genetically inferior rather than be considered lazy.
Willpower isn't genetic. Those with plenty of willpower (usually high achieving CEO Chads) derive more pleasure from the healthier activity.
The real real redpill is that 95% of your life is the family you grow up in.
What I can't understand = genetics
Op the faggot on suicide watch
I have personally always argued on this board against the believe that there were no genetic causes to obesity.
There have been studies that have proven that some behaviors such as aggressivity, shyness etc are mostly determined by genetics (by comparing adopted children to their biological parents and foster parents).
So really it shouldn't come off as a surprise that the behavior of regularly eating over your TDE food that will make you fat has genetics roots. The question has always been: How much of it is genetic?
The UK is fat. Burgers were once bongs.
More germans than anything, but look at some italiano in new york and he'll probably be fat. Not in the home country though.
It is being concealed very well it seems.
>be american
>be fat with large joins
>be euro
>be skinnny with small joints
Choose one
How is this even a topic of debate? All the major food corporations started investing heavily in R&D starting in the late 80s. This gave us low-satiety high-calorie junk food and is coincidentally when obesity started to skyrocket. Humans are remarkably good at maintaining weight in the absence of these foods by just relying on hunger cues (excess consumption leads to excess exertion etc.)
>>be american
>>be fat with large joins
ah yes, pic related was unfortunate enough to be born in the american race and inherit a large stomach joint. entirely genetic.
.... Which is genetic
I've never weighed past 245lbs at 6'2. Any time i got close, it was easy for me to drop 30-40 poounds without calorie counting, but what the fuck causes these people to become land whales and consume everything in sight?
>trusting clickbait title
All research shows its cultural
Also atrazine and glychosphate and plastics and radiation, etc. People are being poisoned for profit.
It absolutely is. You can use twin studies, especially those reared apart to prove it. Furthermore, we're now compiling lists of SNPs associated with complex traits like this.
I also wanna point something else out to further btfo this nurture idea. IQ is a greater predictor of adult income than your parents' adult incomes. The die is largely cast the moment you come out the womb.
this is such a gross misrepresentation of what we're saying. It's about averages. Of course willpower can be developed. Just like physical strength. But there are significant genetic contributions toward the tendency to further these traits as well as the maxima that can be achieved by an individual.
willpower is genetic
>what the fuck causes these people to become land whales and consume everything in sight?
They were born with large joints, apparently.
when will you geeks learn that free will doesn't exist
Completely incorrect. Why are all cultures universally getting fatter? It's because our access to large quantities of easily consumable calories plays into our natural drives to eat foods. People have various drives and abilities to resist them, leading to increasing waistlines. And these things are largely determined by genetics.
Genetics only lay a gorundwork of what COULD happen to an individual whether its cancer risk, diabetes risk, heart disease or obesity etc. The CHANCE of it happening is modified by YOUR lifestyle choices. Move more, eat less junkfood is a mantra which applies here. Epidemiology studies have shown how obesity has sky-rocketed over the decades far too quickly for 'genetics' to be the deciding factor.
What is high time preference
I posit that if the twins were very small (
The argument for genetics is not that the genes have changed within these few decades, but rather that they've been around since food was scarce. It was formerly adaptive to eat as much as you could get your hands on, but now with caloric abundance, it's maladaptive.
Of course lifestyle is the largest factor, but it's largely genetics that determines someone's likelihood to engage in self-control in eating, exercising, etc. They could obviously lose weight if we locked them in a prison cell, but left to their own devices, they cannot help themselves and will stuff their fucking faces ad nauseum.
How about you dismantle iq the rather than just saying how easy itd be to do so
>fattest person in the WORLD a hundred years ago wouldn't even stand out in a crowd today
>it's genetics
proof that fat people should be culled from the gene pool
theres so much information on what foods contribute more to obesity and poor health and so many proven diet protocols out there and such easy access to internet that blaming it on anything besides will power is just an excuse
I'd disagree, since most twin studies when reared apart are done at birth due to things like the mother being unable to take care of them.
As for the IQ statement, it's pretty much the best predictor we have of educational attainment, health outcomes, adult income, likelihood of marriage, engaging in unsafe sex practices, drug use, etc. It pretty much predicts all important things. Obviously there is an interplay between nature and nurture, but my main point is that nature is a far larger contributor than most people are comfortable admitting. And I was not claiming it's a leftist idea, but since you bring it up, it is certainly a commonly-held leftist belief that nurture>>>nature, despite more recent GWAS studies estimating intelligence heritability at ~0.8, on par with height heritability.
This is the whole point. They and we know what the problem is. CICO and dietary patterns obviously work, but the problem is that people are too weak-willed to adhere to them.
All those studies are standing on shaky definitions and, by not recognizing obvious ideological biases, do bad faith science.
For example, the central premise, intelligence, is so vague. A genius failing multiple IQ tests because his nervous system has learned to overreact when faced with authority figures is a brainlet?
They measure unmeasurable things and their "science" is a scam that benefits the established order. Pure ideology.
Studies should be more exact and honest about what they really observe (usually nervous system adaptations which are highly affected by early life experiences).
>A genius failing multiple IQ tests because his nervous system has learned to overreact when faced with authority figures is a brainlet?
no, but he is an extreme outlier who doesn't affect the overall predictive power of IQ. you're basically saying throw a metric out in all cases because it might lead to an error in 0.1% of cases. and that's a dumb thing to do no matter how many points you score on the IQ test.
>but he is an extreme outlier
Definitely not. Reaction to others (even the test is an other) is what the tests really measure. If you have bad experiences at that front (many do, at varied degrees) you are at fight or flight hyperarousal mode and your primary objective is to defend, distrustful, afraid of making mistakes (you get the picture). That's anxiety. That's not intelligence or creativity or other nice sounding words.
Now, do CNS reactions differ genetically? Yes, but for me environment plays a 90% part regarding the outcome. A cypress tree born to grow 20m high won't do it in bad soil without sunlight. A "high intelligence" twin won't peak if he grows up terrorized and neglected by his family
Read this
If obesity is genetic then why is obesity spreading faster than genetics.
The article was written by a Jew who peddles self help advice and quotes findings from a study funded by an organization that profits off of weight loss surgery.
Everyone who had a spoon in the pot to make this article was benefiting monetarily from the information in the article and you want me to accept the article as anything but paid advertising for gastric surgery?
The evidence that obesity is genetic is that humans tend to store excess energy. The proof that weight loss is not something that can be overpowered with willpower was that overweight 'people' reported trying up to 20 times to lose weight which means they literally could not carry on the habit of eating lower calories and had to restart over and over which shows a lack of follow through.
Shit bait, 1/10 made me mad.
We need a paradigm shift where you can hate people even if it's genetic
>American genetics have changed significantly in two generations
The genetic evidence points to the idea that some people have more day cells than others naturally, which is as true as saying some people have more hair follicles than others.
Just because it's HARDER for you to stay slim doesn't excuse you from becoming a fat fuck. You just need to WORK HARDER. Ergo, willpower.
Everyone has their advantages and disadvantages. Life is about overcoming and making the best of yourself, not crying and wallowing in your misery - not just wallowing but spreading it to infect others with your sickness. Fats should be warned that any humans which are considered obese as of six months of today will be summarily executed, threshed into pulp and turned into dogfood.
Yet we think unqualified universal democracy is a great idea.
Thank God we have barriers like representatives in the way of direct democracy
>A genius failing multiple IQ tests because his nervous system has learned to overreact when faced with authority figures is a brainlet?
By what other measure is he a genius?
>Reading the Jew York Times
That was your first mistake.
>The New York Times, the most reputable established paper
Cmon dude
OW = Orson Welles
>O.W.:No, no charm. To me, he was just a hateful, hateful man. I think Katie just doesn’t like me. She doesn’t like the way I look. Don’t you know there’s such a thing as physical dislike? Europeans know that about other Europeans. If I don’t like somebody’s looks, I don’t like them. See, I believe that it is not true that different races and nations are alike. I’m profoundly convinced that that’s a total lie. I think people are different. Sardinians, for example, have stubby little fingers. Bosnians have short necks.
>H.J.:Orson, that’s ridiculous.
>O.W.:Measure them. Measure them!
I never could stand looking at Bette Davis, so I don’t want to see her act, you see. I hate Woody Allen physically, I dislike that kind of man.
based pai mei poster
AFAIK Leptin and Ghrelin levels are genetic, so some people are just hungrier than others. That being said you still have a choice about what types of food you eat/how calorie dense your meals are and whether or not you exercise so it's not like they have no agency. Even if you have unfortunate genetics re leptin and ghrelin levels you can still choose whether you're 35% bodyfat or 15%. You're just unlikely to get actually sub 10% without appetite suppressants.