What broscience supps are you taking

>beta alanine
>vitamin d3
>omega 3
No clue if any of this shit works.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Boron has a cool ncbi study for free test increases

>Chondroitin, glucosamyne
>Fish oil
I feel a bit better than before so it does something... I only eat chicken and rice so I was probably missing a lot of nutrients.

any recommendations supps for joint health??
>vit c
>fish oil

I have recently made purchase of creatine as bulk powders were having a BOGOF sale. Does it work? Is it any good? I could only read marketing shit before purchase.

>raw garlic

Not really broscience but not sure if there just meme for strength and test boost.

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It works, but what it does is it allows your muscles to hold a greater amount of water. This increases your performance sligthly, but at the cost of gaining water weight which makes you look bloated.

I didn't think it was worth it, I prefer looking lean.


Glucosamine worked for me more or less. I used a liquid, one shot in the morning, tastes disgusting enough to help me wake up. Helped my bad shoulder joint
Thanks user. Not too sure about bloating buts it's not like I'm skinny enough to notice.


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The study was on 8 people and uses the old look for a passable p value by testing 20 things approach. It is absolutely not enough evidence alone to suggest boron increasing free test.

this. there is nothing better for joint health.

Gags are hot as fuck but you're not gonna break my 11 day NoFap March streak.

>st jons wort

>vitamin d3
>omega 3

All of those and just got some citrulline malate for improved pumps at the gym.

>citrulline malate
Was the arginine vs citrulline debate ever settled/proven?

How does cbd help your gainz? Genuinely interested.

>Elderberry extract
>Oregano oil
>Cats claw

Do you want to die??

Based I'm doing the same thing


I kind of forget to take the creatine for days at a time and only notice when I start losing a rep or two on lifts.

I use citruline malate before I go to sleep because it lowers blood pressure.

Bee and pine tree pollen

What type of zinc are you guys using? I use zinc picollinate, I think that one has good bioavailibility.

>Coconut oil
Tried ashwaganda it gave me blood pressure drops and did nothing else. CBD is nice for muscle relaxation but it's way to expensive. Not convinced magnesium does anything, beta alanine is a meme. D3 is good for skinmaxxxing but biotin is better. 5htp did nothing for me. I took curcumin for 2 and a half months, may have helped with a crick in my shoulder but no benefits past that. Omega3 is based, reminds me I should eat some more fish tommorow.
In higher doses it relaxes your muscles so helps with DOMs and recovery.
Zinc citrate 30mg from solgar. Give me big cooms. It's supposed to be good for other stuff but I don't know.

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I use both in a preworkout and found the combo a lot more useful than just one at a time, which I also tried.

its a mix of zinc picolinate and zinc gluconate dihydrate.

idk if it helps i just heard it boosts test

Fish oil

Is zinc and mag worth taking?

Damn just went back and checked the article.

Lol he fell for the meme


Magnesium citrate

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and cocaine on the weekends
for me and it work

Why are asian woman faces so aesthetic, bros? Is just because I'm white?


What the fuck

You're probably an idiot, but do you have something interesting going on there.
Using both release and reuptake dopamine agents cancels the tolerance for both substances.
It isn't really healthy though

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Why do you guys not just take a multivitamin? Doesn’t it include all this?

I use the Now Sports multi -- it's a great stack.


Vitamin C
Vitamin B complex
Vitamin D3
Omega 3
Raw garlic
Saw palmetto

No lol

Mulitivitamin are too expensive and contains too low quantity of vitamins. It's not worth it imo


First thing I pulled up, from Safeway, $8 and 130 servings

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Everything relevant is underdosed

unironically boron. Taking borax for a week cured the shoulder joint problem I had for 4 years, with visits to 2 different doctors that specialize in this kind of shit. Nothing worked and this did in a week.


Garlic, fish oil, ginger, no fresh turmeric or I would, d3, pumpkin seeds,

>omega 3
>Vit C, D, B, K, E
>Nettle tea

>Not having a masochistic Corona-chan in your harem


ashwagandha, zma, lecethin, rad140, Albuterol, omega3, Allertec, mucuna pruriens, l arginine

I wasn't sure whether to save this pic to my meme folder or my fap folder to be perfectly honest

sauce on the left pictures?

god that's fucking hot

Test, tren, sus and mast

Almost coomed because of this but a quick arm pump saved me

Is this real life? How much did you take?



It’s testosterone and fertility boost. Same as Zn. But be carefull as you can overdose.

When to take iodine? In the morning? After meals? Before?

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Kefir ?

>Oregano oil
Why ?
Sure or it's a toxic placebo ?
What's the best brand ?

anyone know if astaxanthin is a meme or no?

It works but that's not how. Educate yourselves:

aften nuclear attack