>One chance at life
>No hair on chest
Go on without me, bros, I was never meant to make it
One chance at life
my brother, i only have hair around my nipples and i gotta tell you, theres a reason most fit guys dont have hair on their torso
Yeah but I have on my legs and it feels unbalanced
>no matter how strong you get you'll always be circumcised
>be american
>have a baby
>decide to mutilate it
Part of life is making compromises to fit in.
I’m regrowing my foreskin THERES hope brother
I'm american and would never circumsize my kids. Senseless and originally started by a cereal baron. My gf is on board too.
I have no idea how this for started for goys or why but people keep fucking doing it. I will never forgive my parents. Once I don't need them for NEETing I'm never speaking to them again, and I'm telling them why
Tfw Jon Hamm tier hairy chest.
Tfw sloots run their hands through it
How will hairlets cope?
Based. It won't be the same due to nerve ending loss. But it's better than nothing, and it's symbolic, too.
No you aren't, and no there isn't
>what a beautiful son we have, I'm so proud
>Well, time to unnecessarily mutilate our infants penis
how does this thinking become normalised
Nice one bro.
Method and progress so far?
I shave my chest because it gets in the way of my gainz.
I'm not that fond of my nearly hairless torso either, but take comfort in the fact that some of the world's vainest men regularly pay people to wax them to look more like us.
i have chest hair but its not like girls are falling on my lap
>mfw chest gap
>mfw scoliosis
why do i even try brehs
Don Draper is my peak aesthetic
I have the hair, eyes, height, and jawline, but sadly I'm 22 and still too broke to dress that nicely
>One chance at life
>Hair carpet on chest, shoulders, back and ass
>tfw dont even know if im circumcised
My mom said I was but I have foreskin just not all the way it would normally be but more than if there was none. My gf cant even tell if I am or not.
Because they're falling on your chest, right?
>Mormons don’t circumcise
>mfw I was raised Mormon
America is weird. I've met many girls who claim to be grossed out by uncircumcised dicks.
>one chance at life
>vegeta/dracula hairline
>16cm dick
>prominent cheekbones and some weird prominent bone in my nose. Solid snake looking ass
At the very least I can go for some superficial level shit since I'm 190cm, but otherwise I got kind of a shitty deal
I really wonder if you could tell the difference once the peepee is erect
>brown eyes
>It won't be the same due to nerve ending loss
It depends entirely on what kind of circumcision. If it's the one that does the least amount of damage, then the only thing you lose is the band at the tip that makes it so the foreskin expands and retracts, that thing's gone in every circumcision. But other than that, assuming least amount of fucked with, you're back to normal. Saying "nerve ending loss" is like saying that fat people who lose weight also lose feeling in the loose skin flapping about. Pure autism.
It sucks but doesn't really bother me. As a Christian circumcision is sinful only if it's done for religious reasons.
Jewish tricks
Just like the majority of people, nobody actually gives a fuck.
>t. green eyes
Here I've met girls who are the complete opposite. Seems to me most don't care and the rest just prefer whatever's more common wherever they are. Fuck all that cut/uncut animosity - we shouldn't be trying to make each other ashamed of our cocks.
fucking BASED
>no upper body hair
>groin is a whole Fangorn Forest
Same here. I like it though. Women see my chest and think everything else will be tidy, then I take my pants off and boom - they're face to face with Bob Ross.
>mom says I look like Silverback Gorilla when ever she sees me
Honestly no hair is better then being told you look like an ape
Reverse here. You gotta take care of that, lads. A lady wants to suck smooth balls. She doesn't want to pick 3" pubes out of her teeth.
Hairy chest no pubes = master race
The idea of someone sucking my balls gives me the creeps. I really don't get the appeal for either party. If that's your jam though I hope you find willing ball-suckers until they're hanging around your knees.
whatever makes you sleep at night
>She doesn't want to pick 3" pubes out of her teeth.
Good. Human sexuality is a dance of submission and domination. That's why I only fuck black women.
Thanks man. I'm circumcised so my dick doesn't feel much, it's just a calloused stump. My sexual response has largely relocated to my balls. The danger inherent in ball sucking and groping is the attraction. A lot of trust and intimacy there. You could be in extreme pain at any moment she decides.
>no visible chest hair
>hairy nipples
That's a really cogent explanation user - thanks. The more you know.
I hate this so fucking much
I'd rather have no hair on my torso than this shit
>no matter how much I lift, I will always be a hapa.
the thought of how my father could've married a blonde woman will always pervades my mind but instead he chose to marry like one of the only 5 japanese women in his area. A literal 98% white area with mostly blondes and he chose a fucking nip.
All those racist podcasts, all those nights dreaming about a white ethnostate for nothing. I feel like I'm cursed bros. Like I've been cursed with this bloodline, with these brown eyes instead of my father's blue-ish grey ones. I vow I'll die alone. Hapas were a mistake. I have nothing to live for beacuse I have no one to call mine. A man without race, identity, living in a cosmopolitan western country losing any semblance of identity. I'll always be weighted down by my non-white half. I have a decent jawline but some asiatic features and swarthy hair and eyes ruin any chance of chadhood. I'll neck before I turn 30 probably. I guess that's my fate...dying a virgin
Add me to the screencap
user, you are joking, right?
Cereal mogul memeing that it's cleaner and healthier in order to stop masturbation.
It's was just Jews being jews in America.
We’re all gonna make it user
>no matter how strong you get you'll always be a dicklet
fuck everything
They definitely do circumsize. I would know, I'm a circumsized Mormon.
no i think about the rope everyday
thanks mom
Circumcision encourages you not to waste your time touching your dick or mindlessly fucking thots because it doesn't feel as good.
Only plebs spill their seed outside of procreation.
Don't think he's joking, Yas Forums and Yas Forums fuck people up badly. It's the entire "blahblah community gets its laughs by pretending to be idiots will be flooded by actual idiots" taken to the utmost extreme. What was a joke for many became the word of gospel and reality for a bunch of idiots who think they're woke.
It still amazes me how silly it all is. Imagine getting all your ideas, thoughts, and philosophies to live by from a shitposting anime-board to the point where it destroys your life.
t. browsed Yas Forums since I was 12, I'm turning 25 soon. At some point, nearly got lost in all the bullshit myself. I've actually gone to a lot of Yas Forums meets n' shit (don't ask me why I regret a lot of them, imagine taking time out of your day to meet a bunch of dumb autists. Though, people from most boards are cool, excluding r9k, pol, and soc), but most of the people who are completely destroyed are almost always zoomers who bought into r9k's bullshit or pol people. And it makes you wonder-- what the fuck went wrong.
Nothing wrong with being hapa.
Unless you're a turbo manlet, or ugly, you'll do fine. Women don't care about race, so just wife up a blonde, and they'll be 3/4 white. Then at that point if they marry white people as well, your grand kids will be 7/8 white.
Asian genes are easier to bleach out then black genes. At least you're intelligent. It could be worse, you could be black/spic.
But they sure do give a fuck when you have blue eyes.
I get complements every time I meet a new woman. They're just cliche "wow user you have really beautiful eyes" or "your eyes are really blue" etc etc. But I'm taken, truth is the old woman for whom I lift!
How is that possible, I’m a Mormon in aus and we were told only retards and dicklets get circumcised
Girls can't really tell a cut from an uncut dick.
I'm 6'0 but I have nothing to live for.
>just mutt up another white family
No. And if I was in charge of my country I would mandate all hapas to be sterilized. Hapas are not white and racemixing with them is no different than racemixing with a mulatto or a mestizo or any other race for that matter. Just don't do it. Let us die off as virgins alone
>Asian genes are easier to bleach out then black genes
Literally no. They're about the same. East asians and blacks are the hardest to bleach out. Even SEA are easier to bleach out than east asians
Lol, I myself am a zoomer that bought into Yas Forums. I was on there for about 4-5 months, until someone on there said to get Yas Forums, so I headed over here.
I haven't been back to Yas Forums in several months. I don't have a sarcasm filter, so even though I knew it was messing me up bad, I took it to heart. Yas Forums still isn't the best for my mental health (I'm taking mk 677 just for the height gains, as a 5'12" manlet), but it's 10000x better than Yas Forums. Plus it makes me actually exercise, watch what I eat, and I even found my gf on Yas Forums.
Overall, channel 4 has been worth it.
Lol, if you don't want to have kids that's completely fair as well.
Maybe you can find a white girl that is incapable of having kids, and adopt a couple. It's cucked, but I can't think of any other fulfilling path for you.