Are you Yas Forums enough to live in a chad frat house?

Are you Yas Forums enough to live in a chad frat house?

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Frat houses are fucking GAY
I like my personal space

Yeah, but I'm definitely too socially retarded for that.

So this is the power of having the most nuclear weapons in the world..

Rlly like at 6:19 they left some fucking premiere pro shit in the final video LMAO.

He fucking misses his straight right

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>college age
>3 guys with six packs

only incels care about that

Yes, but I prefer to be alone and educate myself.

>Have unprotected sex with random sluts and hang around with losers 24/7
>Spend 5 figures a year on the privilege to do so
American universities are a fucking joke.

I can only imagine the raunchy smell of 50 dudes packed together so tightly they rub their ballsweat off of each other in passing.

No thanks

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Also 3:42 that fucking hug

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I'd rather die. Thank god I'm not american.

I lived in a frat house for 2 years. I was the biggest and it wasn’t much of a competition.

CHAD FSU Pike would never let me in tho


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I lived in a frat house one summer because they rent them out for cheap to non-brothers. Every fucking surface of the entire house was sticky. The kind of sticky you can never really clean away, years of grime sediment in layers. My room had dried cum rags in it the day my friend and I moved in, not even hidden away in a corner, but just sitting in the common area against the wall, already dried stiff. Halfway through the summer semester they found out the house was infested with bed bugs and had to start fumigating everything once a week. At that point I decided to just never give them my rent check (they only wanted one collective payment the whole summer) and the guy in charge forgot about it.

Why doesevery faggot in this house look like they are 25+ arent frats supposed to mostly be freshmen and sophmores(18-20 y/o)?

I got kicked out of my frat because I kept bullying the president for being a manlet
I hated that house though it was a shithole, I got my own apartment now and I keep it OCD clean

Binge drinking, coke, and smoking ages you pretty roughly, especially when you don't sleep. Most frat stars I was friends with had developed beer guts and started balding by graduation. One had a psychotic break from doing a bunch of ketamine without realizing he had undiagnosed schizophrenia, had to stay in a psych ward for like two months.

Lmao dude the same thing happened in my old frat, this nigga with BPD took a bunch of xans and just starting smashing the walls at a party. He was like 6'2 and big and nobody could take him out he beat the shit out of like 5+ people before the cops showed up

>getting kicked out of a frat house
you must be one spastic insufferable dork if even a frat house doesn't want you

sounds like you were homeless for a bit there

i would actually rather be in a frat with more black people. Ive noticed white guys in frats are very insecure about almost everything, even cleaning. Where as black guys will call you out for being disgusting and to go straighten yourself out before showing up again. However, both sides will help you get laid so I dunno

Nah I just didnt show up to the house when they did hazing and forced people to clean the toilets and shit and I bullied the manlet president

How did that elephant walk feel though, fucking frat dicksucking faggot

>european university life: surrounded by historic architecture, going to art house film screenings, reading and discussing avant garde poetry, going to intellectual public lectures and debates, drinking craft beer while discussing philosophy, pursuing your intellectual interests and developing as a human being and scholar

Did you go to Georgia Tech? This might've been the same guy

>i got kicked out for bullying
>i actually got kicked out for attendance issues
you are a massive dork. you should have just lied instead...

Unironically yes, but I'm old as shit now. The enlisted military was my frat. That looks fun as shit though.

>attendance issues
>calling me a dork
You are paying for ur friends my man

>cannot tell the difference between frat life and uni life

>assuming user is in a frat
not only are you a dork but you are also a massive insecure idiot trying to win this argument. if you want the win, fine. Think of yourself as a badass all you want

>Somehow fumble hard enough in life to be invited to a frat party
>Arrive, doorman/fratboy tells me its 10 dollars to get in
>360 no scope out
>Walk in through the back entrance

I don't even remember what frat this was. I think the highlight of my night was stealing a box of cigarellos.

frats are overrated as shit


i remember this one house party was charging $5 for a red cup to get drinks out of the kegs. How the fuck is that going to be possible? I guess it makes sense these idiots are not running any businesses since it would have made more sense to start grilling outside and serving a hot dog or hamburger for $5 instead. Everyone would have bought one

I've never been to a frat party that charged for anything, my school had a weird system where guys just had to tell them some brothers they were friends with or in stricter ones be on a list. They all served mixed drinks, and some would just hand them out, others made you beg brothers for tickets. Must've been because the frat councils and shit in charge forbade them from making any money.
I graduated last year but haven't been to frat parties for like three, and apparently at some point they cucked it even harder by banning liquor because multiple retarded freshmen got themselves injured or killed. One was supposedly being forced to give his older brother a piggyback ride, fell backwards, and paralyzed himself from the waist down.

Was friends with some engineers who were in frats. They always scored the worst on the tests, got black out drunk 5+ days a week, and when they weren't drunk were on adi to try and stay awake and get their work done.
I envied them when I was in school, but once I got out and got more mature I realize that I made a lot better use of my time in college. Getting black out drunk and fucking random girls on the reg seems like fun at the time, but sets you up for failure in the long run.
They all look like shit now that they are older. Not that all frats are like this, there is a balance.

basically a bunch of children with alcohol so adults have to step in. Yeah, the years of college and a few years after I would say are still part of your childhood.

>there is a balance
Yes there is. Nothing wrong with going out once in a while getting black out drunk and waking up next to some random girl. Although it would have been more fun not to be black out drunk since i never remembered anything. The girls wouldn't remember anything either and i would always wonder if anything actually happened with 2 blacked out drunk people.

Wish the fraternities at my school were as /fit. as those guys

all we do is drink beer haha

How do you even get your dick up when you're black out drunk and possibly on addy too? Do people carry viagra with them at all times?

Yea they basically needed medication to function at anything, viagra to get their dick up, coffe/addy/vaping to stay awake, some took fat burners to not get fat because they all ate and drank like shit, and drinking to numb all of the pain, there were a few solid frat engineers who were good dudes, drank in moderation and kept healthy, crushed tests.

gain test

beards and steroids

yeah like I said, i dont even know if anything really happened each time this happens because neither of us remembered anything. We both just know we slept in the same bed together at the very least. Even if our clothes were partially off it would be very questionable (such as the girls waking up without any pants on but with me still with my pants on).

One of the sororities covered up a kid's death about two years ago. They were at some date night thing at a bar they'd rented out, kept daring him to drink more, and kicked him out when they were bored of him. They were miles away from campus, so he tried to stumble home by following the interstate through Atlanta in the middle of the night and got flattened by a car.
The sorority had a meeting and told every member who witnessed anything that if they talked to cops about what happened that night, they'd be kicked out, blacklisted, and harassed as much as a nationwide organization can manage. I was dating one of them and she told me the whole story in tears and quit.
Alpha Xi Delta at Georgia Tech.

Jesus christ
Imagine dropping your son off for his first year at college and having him be dead in the ground barely three months later
Fucking skanks

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>reddit spacing
kill yourself normalfaggot and fuck off

>t. someone too stupid to have ever made it to uni

>art house film screenings
>avantgarde poetry
more degenerate than US colleges.

euro life sounds cringe bro

I've never seen something screaming 'tryhard' as much as this

>t. Self hating American
It's pretty much the same here. Unis are full of people who aren't smart enough but get in through the educational system handholding you the whole way through until uni who realise they're not capable so turn it into an expensive 3 years of getting drunk and doing drugs with some, mainly girls, dropping out after a year or two to go on a "gap year" which is essentially a year long trip to some shithole in which you "charitably" build a well or a school or some shit that the locals were already doing but way less efficiently to satisfy your white saviour complex and take miles of dick from equally insufferable dyels with skinny 6 packs who also went on a gap year with the sole intention of getting laid but pretending it was to "experience the culture"

Ya but if i wanted bussy then I'd get it from some place nice

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> Are your parents rich enough to pay for your friends?

FSU is built on a fucking swamp, bug spray is mandatory for 10/12 months of the year, and the buildings are heatsinks. It's called the "party" school but you can get just as good of a time at fucking UF and UCF. Hell even UT has Ybor clubs.There are better schools and better frats in Florida
T. Florida user

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to be fair, the guy was a complete moron himself. Either call an uber or your friend or literally sleep in a bush until you are sober enough to actually walk. Walking on an interstate in the middle of the night is just asking for an accident

Im at the school Elliot Rodger shot up and frats and sororities have a bunch of retarded rules they have to follow to the point where its not worth it to join at all

I go to FSU and you see these types of fray boys on grindr all the time. They're almost always shit in bed though

What the fuck wrong with those fuckers ? Most of the guys look like they in their late 20s even early 30s.
And they behave and speak like fucking try hard losers.
I thought frat boys in the USA are true chads.

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Nah I can just mog them when they go to the bars. It's kind of funny how much they cower when a stud like me enters their vicinity. They might as well clasp their chastity belt on and get on all fours.

currently living in a top frat at cornell. ask me anything i guess. probably gonna get sent home bc of Coronavirus soon anyways lol

From what I understand, he was trying to get their help to call an uber when they kicked him out. His phone was dead or something.
He's not blameless in the situation, but you don't kick the kid out onto the street in the middle of the night miles away from home when it's your event, and you absolutely don't lie about it and leave his fucking family in the dark about what went on to save your skin. I hope the bitches have nightmares about him for the rest of their cunt lives.

Cornell has normal frats? It's really not an Ivy, huh