Is the best album to lift to?

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DOOM ost

What is this shit called?

the patricians choice
meme music

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1000 gecs

fucking horrible shit

1000 gecs

pretty cool shit

no this is

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hell yeah

>you will never have your very own ringtone

when their videos/album art looked like deodorant commercials

First CD I ever bought


The test of a man's maturity really boils down to three things
>good lifts
>substantial facial hair
>not liking this group

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doom, but not the game

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white trash and a tranny

>Bolt Thrower - The Fourth Crusade
>Slayer - Seasons in the Abyss
>Opeth - Orchid
>Mastodon - Blood Mountain
>Edge of Sanity - Crimson 1&2

how small does your dick need to be to listen to metal

*Blocks ur path*

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Why are they all naked? Man that’s some gay ass shit bro. I think all this lifting is turning you into a fag.
rammstein are so manly they literally made a song and video about gay sex
they don't give a shit and neither do i

Music threads on fit are so much better because y'all aren't afraid to post touristcore.

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Im not sure anyone will ever top Bleed

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inb4 boomer

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my negro

incredibly based, yes indeed.

God tier

Based fathers of Djent.

Also, Monuments.

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This is mentioned in every one of these threads and it's always the right answer.

I went through a phase of listening to Alive a while back

Pretty good stuff, the live version of New Millennium Cyanide Christ going into Stengah is based af

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7 and half minutes of the same riff. gay af


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For me, it's Combustion.

Entry level


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Holy Hell - Architects

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Great album, but for I prefer to lift to this.

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21 inches or less

Hier ihr Schwuchteln

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Based and blue album pilled

I am colossus is one of the greatest workout songs.

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Only good album

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The Backstreet Boys and Hoobastank

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fuck off Yas Forums this album will never be good

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No. slipknot's first album is though

wtf ew

The riffs on this album are brutal.

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And also on this album.

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Nah, this is.

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HTT2 is unironically one of my top 3 gym albums

For me it's

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Actually I listen to this quite a bit when lifting. Based.

unironically, this album. Dialogue is cringe of the highest magnitude. It's obvious that this game had a large budget for sound design, and wasted no expense on the music. Then said "fuck it, it's a kid's game" and hired the cheapest writers and actors for the dialogue.

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