I wish pumps were forever

I wish pumps were forever

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I don't see that guy's computer

I laughed so fucking hard holy shit

By his right foot

This kid needs to be more assertive.

What a stupid avoidable situation.

Because it’s inedible m8

While I agree in this case, some parents you just can't talk to. I know a guy whose parents bought him an apartment that was worse than the one he was renting on his own and basically forced him to move into it. While ofc he could have just said no(and should have) his brother did that and they basically disowned him and they don't talk to him anymore.

yeah he could have just easily killed himself at any point.
I wonder if his mom is hot.

Thanks user I'm stupid lol

Just carry around dumbbells in a backpack and bust out some reps in the bathroom

>cutting the cake weird
Also the whole cake looks inedible, just saying. Srsly, what is it made with? Plastic?

Can you kiss me gently
No homo ofc

Those are 100% OP's hands in the bottom right
little fucking lainchan nerd dyels need to be hanged

>haha look at how he cuts the cake

This shit right here, makes me fume

Just take test


Looks a bit too small though, looks like kid's hands. Or maybe that cake is huge

I never understand why parents are like this...
Do they not realize that more than likely it's because of their shitty parenting?

Do they not realize that their continued failure to do anything will only doom their offspring to a difficult life?

Or is it that they just dont care for some reason and are happy with the idea of their offspring being utterly stunted?

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I have read this probably 50 times and it still makes me just as uncomfortable as the first time I saw it

my man

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you can never make it right. he doesn't want to talk to people yet feels awkward when people dont talk to him instead of just enjoying his food. he acts like people joking about him cutting the cake is the end of the world while it's a minor convenience if anything. he would definitely have made a post complaining how his family doesn't care about him if they didn't force him to go to that restaurant. hes just a bitter soiboy

ahh when comics in Yas Forums were good

Autistic enough to be socially inept but not autistic enough to be oblivious to it.

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Completely wrong mindset. This kid needs to learn to become more social. He should take those opportunities like a birthday dinner with the family to develop and hone those social skills. Instead he looked at it as something that’ll be over soon. You’ll never make it with that mentality. Also, 21st birthday? Wtf? You’re supposed to be out with a bunch of dudes trying to get you shitfaced at that age. If that isn’t happening then you fugged something up in your life

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sometimes I think about killing myself just to get back at my mom.
she fucking ruined my life.

You misunderstand.

I meant he should have done what he wanted to do, i.e. planned his own fucking party.

Parents will reach a point where they'll say they did what they could and if their kid is still an autistic weirdo like the OP then it is not their responsibility. You can guide your kid but do you want to force your idea of what they should become on them or allow them to develop on their own, even if they end up becoming some spastic nerd. Maybe that is just part of his personality, other upbringing may have not helped here. That said, clearly with his mom drinking and his real dad out of the picture there was a lot going on that could have fucked him up. Either way, it is an unhealthy attitude to keep blaming parents for how their kids turned out, even if they take a part of the blame.

My mother once gloated that the only way to get my brother who was a toddler at the time to stop putting his teddy past the fire grate into the fire and burning it was to smack his knuckles with a wooden spoon, and that it was justified because it worked.
This was right after she had said that she had never hit us and its wrong and doesn't remember smacking my hand with the same wooden spoon when I was around 8 when I tried to cover my cheeks(which didn't stop her) I know for a fact my mother could've never really cared for us the way she makes out, she definitely is either stupid or wanted to see us fail.

This year SIR's comic strip was rather good though.

>where they'll say they did what they could and if their kid is still an autistic weirdo like the OP then it is not their responsibility
This is dumb logic though, because their adult self is a result of the upbringing the parents bought on them. People don't want to admit they are at fault, especially parents.

I used to hang out with this blondie, I really like her, she always told me that she liked my arms because they're big, once before she arrives to a date I did some one arm push ups in the mall bathroom to pump them out kek.

They don't care, they are lazy.
They tell people their kid is shy constantly to prevent their kid from developing social skills and then complain about how hard everything is for him while simultaneously destroying anything that could ever possibly make the kid feel secure.

I.E. tell the kid certain things will happen and then bail and shit on everything instead. They learn to be completely withdrawn and never expect anything to protect themselves.

Also behaviours you learned as a child are very hard to break in adulthood. There is a reason we have childhoods and its not just because its the way things are. Most people end up like their parents, Why? Because you spent your childhood with them learning from them how to handle life as an adult. Its not that complex.

Kinda agree with you.
People think parenting is telling your kid how to behave, when in fact most of the job is about behaving yourself like you wish he would and setting an example. But then it's not bulletproof.

that story could be me.

yep, and I've been trying for years to correct the bullshit my parents passed on to me. My dad's rage is inside me.

It is not just the upbringing though, because unless they control every part of your life you are still making your own decisions too. They can give guidance and approve or disapprove, but I'd argue most of them will want to give you the freedom to decide who you are, even if they don't like it or know it might cause issues. For example I could try to encourage my son to socialize, spend less time on his computer, be more outgoing, but if that is not what he is comfortable with, I won't succeed. I can't raise him a Chad if he's an introverted nerd at heart.

Nah you can change.
My mother was a narcissistic sociopath the nth degree she fucked me up bigtime...I finally started changing from greasy basement dwelling skeleton when I turned 17. And 10 years later I'm HEAPS better.

But those parent guided their children poorly and then just stopped guiding them period...which means they are liable to latch on to whichever group is readily available. Instead as a parent it's ideal that you push your kids towards other role models that are attractive to your kids. Sports, art, music, hell even STEM. Or VG if they show the initiative.

Yes at some point they have to take responsibility, but I think in most situations when you meet these people, if you spend 30 minutes with their parents you'll understand why they are the way they are.

>because unless they control every part of your life you are still making your own decisions to
not necessarily, parents are colouring their childs mind from the minute they are born. There is no such thing as an uninfluenced person. Whether you know it or not everything around you, especially your parents, is colouring your perceptions of the world and the decisions you make.

Oh, the last kids party I went to the mother cut the cake really weird. It was a rectangular cake but instead of cutting it into logical square or rectangle slices she starts diagonally from a corner and fans out the cuts to make triangles. She keeps changing the angle of the knife so now she's beyond the perpendicular and is making ever longer scalene triangles. It was just bizarre to watch.

I'm not saying the parents didn't make mistakes. My upbringing was completely fucked too and I held a grudge towards my mother for most of my life, but at some point I realized that I was also guilty of shifting all the blame on her for everything that went wrong in my life. You can only get out of this situation when you accept that you are also responsible (not saying to blame). You are not just what they made you and you are very much capable of changing - and chances are you have been able to for a long time.

I simultaneously love and hated my father. I see how his parents were to him and they basically told him that he wouldn’t amount to much. He’s honest, and a hard worker but his anger and self hatred (because she listened to his parents, I didn’t so much) turned outward instead of inward and me and my brothers suffered as a result. My older brothers suffered worse than me, they’re all alcoholics or otherwise dependent on substances. I hated my father for their faults and failures; sometimes feel like blaming him for mine, but you never get better if you always blame others for your lot. I hate to think about it all because it makes me sad sometimes.

I have since realized that my dad was doing the best he could with the limited amount of resources my parents had. I love him and we ride bikes together almost weekly. I just wish my childhood could have been more fulfilling. I’m going to give and teach my future children everything I missed out on. My dad will be a good grandad to them too.

That's kind of sad.

She probably realized the knife wasn't long enough to cut across the cake and instead of dragging it along or cutting from both sides she went for the easiest piece.

Probably never cut a cake before combined with being a fucking retard that has everything done for her.

>Do they not realize that more than likely it's because of their shitty parenting?
No. Have you seen how fucking self-absorbed most people are? If you consider the suffering that shitty retards inflict unknowingly on their children, a good majority of people should be prevented by law from breeding.

Atheists have this line that says "everyone is born an atheist" but that isn't true. Kids aren't atheist or religious when they are born, they are blank slates they don't think there is a god or if there isn't one until someone tells them. If a kid gets told about christianity at his school he instantly believes whoever is telling him, but then he goes home and tells his dad and his dad tells him that is wrong and they are lying to him. So now the child perceives are religion as lying and now even understands other adults even teachers can and would lie to him. As he grows older he learns more and more information that concretes the idea that there is no god based on what his father told him that he probably doesn't even remember happening. Did he decide to be an atheist or did he learn it from his dad? This sort of thing applies in more circumstances than you would like to believe.

I, too, can only see edible things.

I hope that user is doing okay

>stunt you emotionally since childhood
>traumatize you every time you don't bring excellent grades
>overcompensate your emotionally stunted childhood by developing OCD and schizotypical traits
>parents now retaliate at you because you're obsessed over your school/job and don't spend time with them
>now they throw unasked cringy parties in your honor and give you unwanted shit you didn't ask/need; making you feel worse

Why are parents such cunts?

our monkey brains are too big and we think we have some kind of freewill to cope when really we are just an amalgamation of all our experiences up to that point, monkey see monkey do, prob how your grandparents treated your parents, or parent, there is usually a dominant parent who decides how the kids are raised

parents are responsible 99%
kids do not give a fuck about societal norms but they do give a fuck about what their parents tell them
if you become a shut-in who barely talks its mostly because your parents told you to stay in your room and be quiet

A lot of people were not ready when they had a child, nor have that thing in them to be ones, in fact they never should be parents. Most people on Yas Forums are the product of shit parenting too, the guy in the pic had same fate. Its really disgusting to make fun of your own child, especially in public. Anyone who is a little bit intelligent knows that a failed child is the parent's reflection. You can say that go further to grandparents and great grandparents it doesn't matter, its ultimately up to you. And to spice it up you should LEARN from your parent's mistakes, not copy them like most parents do now.
Boomers were terrible, but now millennials will be even worse, because no one will teach you to fail on purpose, so you can learn from it. They teach you to try and not fail, even when its obvious that their way is a big ass failure.

Atheism is just as much a religion as any other

>parents are responsible 99%
The point is that even if you have shitty parents who are the main cause of you becoming a shitty person you can't just blame them forever. No matter how shit your hand was, at a certain point it is on you to get past your shitty upbringing and fix your life on your own.

DENIAL. Do you know how shitty it feels to admit , really fucking admit to the deepest level, that you are responsible for irreperably fucking one's life?
They can't do it, so they shift the blame to the child that ''is an adult now, bootstraps something something personal responsibility hurrrr''

Fuck boomers fuck abusers. My braindead uni mates have successful happy lives full of connections while I can't experience joy from anything.

>tfw amazing mom but piece of shit dad
who else?

>overly protective and babying mom
>gay alcoholic dad who sugar daddies a trailer trash goblina

>parents are responsible 99%
Whoa, take a look at this millennial pos with 0 self-awareness and concepts of free will.

Its even hard to admit you fucked up yourself, but if you fuck up someone else's life, well that requires incredible amount of courage to face that person, especially your own child. This is why the absent father scenario always leads to suffering. I can't even remember how many times I got the "Wait you can't do that/you don't know that, did nobody taught you?" question. It fucking hurts man, even if I love my dad, and I accepted the things the way they are now, I could never say up straight that he was a good parent, because that's a lie.

Do you also believe poeple who get raped as children should just deal with it?
Just as an experiment, ask your uncle to fuck your ass til it bleeds and tell me how you arent affected because of muh free will

woah look at this faggot with the brain of a chimp
do you want me to try to speak in your language?
alright il try

oogah boogah oof ooof oof wooh wooh oogah boogah

>6 year olds have self awareness and free will
if this bait is how hard you try at things, no wonder you're a failure

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>"Wait you can't do that/you don't know that, did nobody taught you?"
Wikihow.com and pedophiles in aol chatrooms did more for raising me than my father.

I'm morbidly obese and have been since I was probably 11 or 12. I was just kind of fat before that. Both of my parents are fit and obesity is not a trend in my family. It's my fault I'm still a fat socially inept retard but they made me this way.

I love my Dad at least, but he and my narcissistic Mom really fucked me and my brother up.

It seems like your parents spent more time in front of the mirror than with you.

I jump between
>yeah your parents are faggots and are probably why you are so fucked
>stop being a beta bitch and man up

No doubt, but that doesn't mean they don't deserve the blame, just because you accept it and know you are the one who must change what they did to you doesn't mean they aren't wrong or responsible for it.