/fraud/ with a twist

/fraud/ steroids general, but with a twist. Instead of going to that gay ass plebbit page, you’re free to ask all of your beginner questions here!

If you’re going to ask for cycle advice, make sure to include
>time spent training

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Whata gonna fuck me up the least? What's least detectable?

All steroids are derivatives of test or DHT, so test. That’s why beginners use it, the body doesn’t produce trenbolone lmao.

Start a PED general. That, I would be interested in!

would I benefit from a first cycle? or rather, would it make sense?
>since december 2018
>idk, like 10-14%
>79-81kg, depends


I'm still making good gains and already look really good but I want others to tremble when I enter the room

Let's say I'm a competetive athlete in martial arts and I want to get a boost on performance and recovery without having to jump through hoops to pass drug tests. Anything that isn't tested for/hard to detect that I can take?

You forgot the most important part
>penile length and girth

inb4 b&

Bro, You’re a fucking kid and you’ve only been training for a YEAR. At 16 your T levels are high enough. And on top of that you don’t even know when to inject. Leave

there is a low chance to fuck your test up dude, and you body is still growing.
No ones knows what happens if you take 500mg test with 16.

Do I need AI if I am taking a lose dose of test with mast?

I'd look for something else than test, test is great but there are other roids derived from test with less sides than test

Keep one on standby just in case. Better safe than sorry

Absolute mongaloid

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lmao... get of this board underage fag

Sarms. Especially the newer ones like lgd 3033 and ace. Or use water based shit so it leaves your system quicker

its mongoloid. and i was banned for 30 days on facebook for using the word mongoloid because appearantly its hate speech.

terrible op. kill yourself.

>gatekeeping steroids

it has nothing to do with gatekeeping, the wiki already explains everything any retard needs to know to start roiding. the point of the usual op is to avoid answering the same retarded questions 60 times a thread and garbage like this

>lifting for 7 years
>look like shit
>when I tell people I lift, they look surprised
Bout ready to give up, lads. Getting to that age where it's now or never. Honestly I think I would've started using by now were it not for the fact that these things are difficult to obtain and you have no guarantee of their purity. Literally rolling the dice with whatever you get your hands on. I think if I could just do 8 weeks of test and anavar, hell even just anavar alone, I could at least start to look like I lift and I'd be happy. It's so stupid that this shit is illegal. You should be able to go to your doctor and request pharma grade stuff under his supervision. Junkies can go get clean needless needles paid for by the government so they can shoot heroin safely, but I can't get anavar to test the waters. Fucking ridiculous.

It’s pretty easy to get online with very good sources. Just look around. Do test and var if you want but always test (:

How’s your summer stack looking fellas? Going light this time and using test/mast/var maybe throw something in later

On just 300mg deca 200mg tren.

Recomping hard and completely reversing hairloss from high test runs.

AMA. Fuck test forever.

You sure it wasn’t the tren too? Shed a bit on 300mg of tren and nothing with 800mg of test

Shed hard on 750mg test to the point I panicked.

Currently running the deca/tren only and hair is regrowing like crazy after a long period of what seemed permanent on 150mg test. DHT is the devil.

Veiled Mutt's Law. kek.

Dunno anymore, my last stack was 300 test 500 tren but my goals have changed recently, less focused on bodybuilding and more focused on boxing so I dunno what I'm gonna run next. right now I'm doing test only, just finished a run of cardarine too. not sure if I wanna try eq.

What steroid cycles do oly weightlifters use? I imagine lots of stanozolol but I've heard it's exclusively for cutting weight

>on off majority of last 10 years
>6'7, 230 pounds, 20-25% bf

I plan on fasting for a few months until I get to 10-15% bf and running my first cycle. I've been overworked/depressed last couple of years and I'd like to see the other extreme. Then maybe run a cycle every 5 years or so. Makes sense, or am I being retarded?

Change years to months.
You know you will.

Most of them get bopped for stanozolol, yes

How was cardarine gains?

How do you feel on only deca/tren?

Amazing, better than test/deca or test/tren ever provided.

The one downside is decreased libido but it allows me to focus more.
From thinking about sex every 15 minutes to being content with having sex once a week. No erection problems so that's a plus.

Might give that a shot then I love tren but fuck everything bothers me on it. How’s your mood?

Same as any other tren run.
Colder emotionally but things don't get to me as well. Less lethargy compared to test/tren.

I'm in 6-7 weeks now, need to get bloods soon to see if I'm not slowly killing myself on this.

Mast is the best compound on earth. Prove me wrong
>protip, you can’t

I'm taking Tamoxifen 40mg/day for my gyno and I'm having terrible stomach pain, bloating and constipation. What can I do to counter these side effects?

I had just come off tren and just started boxing (from never doing cardio before) so it's hard to quantify exactly how much can be attributed to the cardarine and how much is from either dropping the tren or finally getting used to my boxing routine. if we assume everything is from the cardarine then the gains were insane. I went from a 0/10 on the cardio scale to like a 7 if a 10 is running marathons

>Finally hit 1/2/3/4
>Look "good" by normie standards but still look like shit in a baggy t shirt
>If I bulk I lose ally definition
Think I'm closing in on my natty limit

Don't want to pack on massive amounts of mass like piano man but want to steadily up my mass over the next few years, ideally want to peak at 35.
Will run babbys first cycle of Test E 500mg but what's a good cycle after that for a bulk?
Got a good diet, bloods are good, but got a horrid family history of heart disease. Don't want to end up dead from a heart attack nor do I wanna be on a billion steroids. Just want Test + 1 or 2 "clean" steroids max to cycle on.

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Tldr: Something to pack on the mass but keep that "hard" look that won't kill me lol

Give masteron or Winny a try, but go to the doctor compulsively and keep the doses low.

lel you no say bad words any more

I know orals are usually shitty for the liver and other stuff, but would test orals be a good way to get started? Doing research for a book I'm writing.

>Book I'm writing
Lol you're not fooling anyone. Oral only cycles are shit, they're only good to supplement.

>Lol you're not fooling anyone.
Yeah it was more of a joke. lol
>Oral only cycles are shit, they're only good to supplement.
Could you elaborate on that if you don't mind? Why are they shit? Other than the liver problems, I mean. The character in my book may only have access to orals for the foreseeable future. Would it be a waste of time for him to even use them or what?

Sorry forgot you said test orals. Test can't be taken orally because of MUH bioavailability, basically the liver gets rid of it asap if taken oral. Intramuscular and Topical are the only way to ensure decent levels of test get into the blood stream. Topical test is subpar leaving us with IM as the only way to get Test into your body.

I see, thanks for the info bro. Much appreciated.

it's like 4 times weaker than test.

I mean you could technically take an oral only cycle, but essentially they only augment the effect of other steroids. The doses to get a decent effect comparable to an injectable roid would absolutely rape your liver.

Makes sense. Appreciate the info.

Oral testosterone doesn't really exist. It's kinda like those topical gel patches; there is always some new pharmaceutical discovery right around the corner but they have all repeatedly shown to be have issues with bioavailability or elevated liver enzymes or inconsistent blood serum levels and a bunch of other shit. Unfortunately needle is still the only way to do it.

In the event you meant oral anabolic steroids, the reason these don't work is because they suppress your natural testosterone production so all you end up doing is replacing one androgen (your natty test) with another (whatever liver killing oral you decided to take). You can only use oral anabolics if you're supplementing with testosterone as well

Is it a waste to run a full accutane course while on blast? I heard you should come off or go to low cruise dose if you're going to run accutane. Something about how a blast dosage of test will make it harder for the accutane to shrink you oil pores because they are over active/enlarged on gear.

Subq works just fine as well. IM is best for high concentrations of oil, but if you aren't shooting but half a ml or so, subq is the way to go

Can't confirm or deny, but accutane is really harsh on the liver so keep an eye on that.

What's the average monthly budget like for gear?

Not even trolling, the only people i know that kept running cycles are short, sub 6ft, and normie/incel faces

>3 years
>220 lbs
What’s the best beginner cycle for strength I don’t really care too much about aesthetics I just wanna bloatmaxxx, am I too young, I’ve been injured for 1 year out of my 3 years training in total so I think I still have some natty gains to make but maybe in a year or too I’ll leave humanity behind

First cycle should always be The standard 500 test e. Second one you can reduce the test to 300 or so and give dbol a try, and go from there. Don’t do compounds your first cycle

>21 and wanting to pin

Wait till you're 25, you've still got your natural test to burn through before you fry your balls.

Why 500 test right away wouldn’t you want to start small and increase over time

Exogenous test will shut down your natural test no matter the dose. Anything below 200mg per week is basically the dose of test you were making/if not less. You're essentially shutting down your balls for no muscle gain.