At what age should I let my son start with weight lifting?
At what age should I let my son start with weight lifting?
>doesnt make him lift from the moment he is born
what an ugly worthless 4/10 slut
luckily she will never date chads like us
Why not start lifting in womb? Just put weights on wifes son belly
I started lifting at 12, but technically my first lift was a 90lb bench press at 60lbs bodyweight when I was 9.
So it's just a woman?
>wifes son belly
I'll take 8
5th pic is her peak
I started exercising when I was twelve and weight training shortly after I turned 13, but you could start teaching your son how to weight train at 12.
3rd pic was the peak, rest is downhill.
Why does she look like she's open immigration and wants a black boyfriend or a Muhammad Mahmoud Alibaba
>what an ugly worthless 4/10 slut
>luckily she will never date chads like us
Hypersexual Chads definitely have sex with 4/10 women if they really care about volume of sex over quality, but 4/10 is usually the farthest down most Chads are willing to go.
>If you're an 8/10 college hunk, as long as you would put some effort into finding girls, you could realistically be able to have casual sex with a different girl every week, granted you would be interested in having sex with girls who are at least 4/10.
>If you're a 10/10 college hunk, as long as you would put some effort into finding girls, you could realistically be able to have casual sex with a different girl every other day, granted you would be interested in having sex with girls who are at least 4/10.
>An 8/10 college hunk who would only go with girls who are at least 7/10 could realistically be able to have sex with a different girl every month.
>An 10/10 college hunk who would only go with girls who are at least 7/10 could realistically be able to have sex with a different girl every week. (The reason why I say 7/10 is because I think that's how attractive you typical middle-class sorority girl is going to be.)
The higher your standards are, the less frequently you will be able to have sex. Some Chads are hypersexual, and would even be even interested in having sex with a few 3/10s if they felt horny enough. You will never see that type of behavior mirrored in women. Women have smaller libidos than men, since the main hormone behind your sex drive is testosterone with dopamine right behind it. Dopamine is the reason why alcohol makes you so horny. Women who take certain strong anabolic steroids actually get much higher sex drives and are more interested in having sex with less attractive guys. You can also observe this in women who are transitioning into men.
Women rate 80% of men as being unattractive and 20% of men as being attractive, while men rate 50% of women as being unattractive and 50% of women as being attractive. This doesn’t take into consideration what percentage of men or women would be interested in having sex with what percentage of women or men. I would imagine that men would be interested in having sex with 80% of women, while women would be interested in having sex with only the best men among the top 20% whom they can get their hands on.
Your sex drive isn’t only determined by your hormones, but also your brain structure. Women love to compare men to all of the other men around them and to all of the men in their life when determining the attractiveness of a man. Women also put things like wealth and status into consideration. Men don’t determine a woman’s level of attraction like that. As long as a girl has a semi-decent body, most men would be interested in having sex with her. The average woman with as much testosterone as a man will still be more selective of men than your average man is of women, even though she still gets an increased sex drive from the testosterone. I would imagine that a male level of testosterone in women would bring their 20/80 attraction ratio all the way up to 40/60, but nothing further than that unless you somehow managed to give a woman professional bodybuilder levels of trenbolone, the monster steroid that’s also know to give men unstoppable sex drives.
I started goint to the gym when I was 13, but by that point I was already doing sports and physical activity for a long time.
For clarity, here's a guide I came up with for determining attraction.
1-3 is ugly to unattractive.
A 1/10 is the ugliest person you see out of at least 200. They are either morbidly obese, or obese with some sort of major facial deformity. 2s are both obese with a minor facial deformity or severely obese. 3s are either obese or they have some sort of very noticeable facial deformity.
4-7 is attractive to fairly attractive.
None of these people stick out, and they are all pleasant to look at. 4s and 5s might not look too healthy and may be a bit skinny or even underweight, but at least they aren't obese and/or have any noticeable facial deformities, but they don't tend to put in any decent effort into looking attractive, with all 4s being what you would naturally consider below-average-looking, but not yet unattractive, possibly even slightly overweight. 6s and 7s all look healthy and look like they put some effort into keeping up with their looks to actively attract others, with 7s being on the cusp of being highly attractive, but not yet possessing any special qualities regarding their looks.
8-10 are highly attractive to shockingly stunning.
There is something special about their looks. They put in a lot of effort into fitness, and their faces are flawless. They are a rare type of attractive. A 10/10 is going to be the most stunning person out of at least 200 people if not much more. They look so close to perfect, that they tend to draw attention to themselves in a similar way to a Ferrari. There is some shockingly sexy quality about their looks that is extremely rare among people.
Obviously, how good someone looks is a bit difficult to quantify, but this should serve as a decent general guide. This guide should be good for people up to the age of 45, beyond that, most people won’t find you sexually attractive unless they have a specific fetish, or unless they’re after your money.
I made this thread to ask about how I can Help my Sons wife get into weight lifting.
Stop derailing thread with image I posted.!!!
Cope more lol
I am 10/10 european black mix
How did it work out for you?
If you weren't a narcissist, you yourself would have no issue having sex with 4/10 women and enjoying it. You're lean, but you don't have much muscle on you.
Quints please
Oh no no no
Your scale has too much ambiguity and redundancy. I have my own:
1: can't fuck, dick will not participate
2: would fuck if nobody saw
3: would be happy to fuck
4: want to fuck
5: this is my fetish
Back to /b shitstain
I secluded myself from society because I only cared about lifting. Perfect body, but no friends. Also I'm a manlet but I suspect it's from cutting weight for wrestling rather than from lifting as a kid.
Oh god I dont want to pedo
When did she change into a whore? Is it the bottom left pic or earlier?
I can convert my guide to fit within yours.
Your 1 matches my 1/10 and 2/10.
Your 2 matches my 3/10.
Your 3 matches my 4/10, 5/10, and 6/10.
Your 4 matches my 7/10, 8/10, and 9/10.
Your 5 matches my 10/10, because I guess a 10/10 would be everybody's fetish.
4 pls
I keep this faggot all over the place.
You dropped these sir.
Here's my new and improved guide.
1-3 is ugly to unattractive.
A 1/10 is the ugliest person you see out of at least 200. They are either morbidly obese, or obese with some sort of major facial deformity. 2s are both obese with a minor facial deformity or severely obese. 3s are either obese or they have some sort of very noticeable facial deformity. The majority of men wouldn’t be interested in having sex with a 1/10 or 2/10, and around half of men would be interested in having sex with a 3/10.
4-7 is attractive to fairly attractive.
None of these people stick out, and they are all pleasant to look at. 4s and 5s might not look too healthy and may be a bit skinny or even underweight, but at least they aren't obese and/or have any noticeable facial deformities, but they don't tend to put in any decent effort into looking attractive, with all 4s being what you would naturally consider below-average-looking, but not yet unattractive, possibly even slightly overweight. 6s and 7s all look healthy and look like they put some effort into keeping up with their looks to actively attract others, with 7s being on the cusp of being highly attractive, but not yet possessing any special qualities regarding their looks. Most men would be happy to have sex with a 4/10, 5/10, 6/10, and especially a 7/10.
8-10 are highly attractive to shockingly stunning.
There is something special about their looks. They put in a lot of effort into fitness, and their faces are flawless. They are a rare type of attractive. A 10/10 is going to be the most stunning person out of at least 200 people if not much more. They look so close to perfect, that they tend to draw attention to themselves in a similar way to a Ferrari. There is some shockingly sexy quality about their looks that is extremely rare among people. Almost all men strongly desire to have sex with an 8/10 or 9/10, and almost all men would have a 10/10 as their top priority if they know they could stand a chance.
>you'll never cum on her glasses
user, you're not very attractive. You actually look at lot like this kid in our class that would always try to talk to the girls and they would only ew away at him.
Good times.
gimme them dubs boi!
man those last 11 post wall pics are just sad
Like 14 min.
Unless ur going for likes, and don't care if your kid dies before 20
yeah because before that happens FBI knocks on your door.
check em
>Like 14 min.
>Unless ur going for likes, and don't care if your kid dies before 20
See this post. I think 12 is a good age, because the boy is already going through puberty, and has a bit of testosterone for putting on muscle mass. If that seems too young for you, then 13. I could already bench 135 for reps shortly after I turned 14, and I started lifting shortly after I turned 13.
You are not at attractive as you think you are, and your personality is garbage.
Do they let kids do weights in middle school these days? When I was a kid, they just stored equipment in the weight room, because the thinking was working out at that age would stunt growth.
A man of culture I see
>you'll never have a cute daughter to lift for
thought this was the pic that showed the age
Rollan for 5
you’re ugly as fuck for an Uncle Tom lol
depends, how awesome do you want him to be
or her, children are natural squatters
i mean, shit
I know this girl
Wont it fuse their growth plates ? also fuck their brain development because they lay their fragile skull on the bench while pressing (shit hurts) ?
>because the thinking was working out at that age would stunt growth.
That's a myth that was debunked literally many decades ago. Some of the best strongmen in the world from the first half of the 20th century began strength training in their early adolescence, and a lot of them ended up being very tall. Steroid use at a young age, however, can stunt growth to a certain extent, unless it's growth hormone. Steroids are very expensive, so if you see an adolescent using them, most likely an adult is just handing them over to the kid for an athletic performance boost.