Why is CrossFit hated? Isn’t it just Olympic lifts and HIIT cardio?
Why is CrossFit hated? Isn’t it just Olympic lifts and HIIT cardio?
Just sounds like a shitty marketing effort.
>Isn’t it just Olympic lifts and HIIT cardio?
In the best of cases, yes. But the vast majority of it is casualized (normalfag-friendly) bullshit where NOTHING is executed correctly, simply for the purpose of luring as many clients in as possible and reaching into their pockets.
High rep olympic lifts quite often, which is incredibly stupid, particularly with novice lifters.
They sacrifice form for cardio
>untrained people attempting to perform highly technical movements as many times as possible in a short timespan
what could go wrong?
Crossfit is snap city for clueless normies.
The entire crossfit gimmick is that they try to do exercises as fast as possible with big weights without any restrictions on form, or following any established guidelines.
If a crossfit trainer says you need to catch a 100kg barbell that is being dropped on your head, you do it. It doesn't matter if you immediately get a slipped disc.
In a regular gym if you are doing pullups you will just grab the bar and you will pull up. If you can't do many pullups you'll use a rubber band, if the pullups are too easy you will attach some weights. You pull up, then you go down. Easy. It's such an easy movement to perform.
In crossfit? See gif.
Gymnasts also do kipping pull ups, there is nothing wrong with that exercise, problem is retards thinking kipping and strict pull ups are the same ( or require same strength )
That's not what a kipping pullup looks like, and gymnasists do it to conserve energy and make whatever moves they are doing look effortless and smooth. It's not an exercise you do because you want to get fit, you also don't do it to make your pullups faster.
This is what a kipping pullup looks like youtube.com/watch?v=eeJbjUTuvyg
It's not some spastic flailing around
yeah, in the gif the form is retarded, but I did like 3 crossfit clases years ago, and we actually were taught to do it exactly like that video you linked
i think there are good crossfit groups, and there are bad, but i dont like crossfit in general, i like my cardio and strength workouts separate, i was just tempted with the idea of crossfit as a time saver ( i train for triathlons usually )
If those groups were good they wouldn't associate with the brand. If they know what they are doing and know how to perform exercises properly, it means they know that the rest of crossfit is snap city, yet they still work for crossfit.
If you have a good crossfit trainer and you work with that trainer for a long time you will trust that trainer. What happens when that trainer gets replaced, or you move somewhere else and join a different crossfit gym? Now you have a new trainer which you trust because you have had good experiences with crossfit, and this trainer fucks your shit up because he has no clue what he is doing.
The crossfit trainers don't exist in a bubble. Even the ''good'' crossfit trainer is going to do damage to you because him just working there is an endorsement for crossfit.
It's just doing everything with terrible form and pretending it's cardio
As someone who actually DOES Crossfit, instead of just shitting on it because they saw videos of people doing butterfly pullups...
It's expensive but very fun. You get a great cardio workout with fantastic variety and lots of skills and movements to learn and perfect. Every day and week is totally different, and each workout is designed to give you a different response (some are short HIIT workouts, while others are high rep, long duration lower intensity, with everything in between).
The injury shit is massively overstated on here (again because no one here actually exercises, let alone does Crossfit). Most people I know at my CF gym get injured running... not doing Crossfit. It's pretty safe as long as you know your limits and don't push yourself too hard. Having good coaches will help a ton too in keeping good form, and they do a great job of watching people and will usually step in if they see someone dying or doing a movement in a risky/poor way.
The community is the strongest part. You get to know people really fast (shared suffering is a good way to make friends), and everyone is super supportive of each other. Every level of fitness feels really welcome. It's really well done class-based fitness.
It's fucking shit for strength though. If you wanna get strong, you need to be running your own strength training on the side. Dont do CF to get strong. Do it to get fit. If you wanna get strong, then look elsewhere or do strength in addition to your WODs. It will probably help your strength training, just due to the volume, but I don't think you'll have good luck doing it alone and trying to get strong.
Lastly, I wouldn't recommend it to someone without a decent pre existing fitness base. I cannot see it being effective for someone completely out of shape, just because its intense and there's lots to learn. It feels more like something you transition into or do in addition to.
Tldr expensive cardio with barbells good for making frens.
>The injury shit is massively overstated
It statistically has the highest injury rate of all weightlifting sports (bodybuilding, powerlifting, weightlifting, crossfit) you dumbshit.
That study has been so widely refuted that Crossfit won a multimillion dollar lawsuit over it:
>multimillion dollar lawsuit
I have no opinions for or against CrossFit but that word alone makes this seem really sketchy
That is only one study that exaggerated the injury rate, but the injury rate is STILL higher than all other lifting sports since doing Olympic lifts while exhausted is a fucking retarded thing to do and an easy way to fuck up form and snap your shit up you fucking dunce. Those lifts are not meant for fucking cardio for novice lifters.
If you want to make 0 gains fast then it's your best option
I don't have much against crossfit myself, but the fanboys and all the retarded fucking acronyms are fucking gay and retarded
>going to the box to do a wod
fuck off wanker
Thats now anecdotal you dumbshit. You have zero proof. If anything, this goes against MY anecdotal evidence that heavy oly lifting injures people more than CF. I do both CF and actual OWL, and I know more people at my OWL gym who are hurt doing it than people who are hurt doing CF. You arent going to hurt yourself snatching 95lbs for reps if you can snatch 180-200 for a 1RM
Also I agree CF isnt for novice lifters. If you reread my initial post, I said that much more or less.
>crossfit can afford the best jewish laywers and can bribe judges
>therefore all evidence needs to be ignored
Crossfit also has won every single lawsuit where they permanently injured their clients
Hey retard, look at this picture. Tell me what happens if one of them drops the bar. What happens to the person hanging onto the bar?
What muscles are being trained here?
Look at that, what a beautiful gym to waste on retarded group classes. It's such a shame you can't join one of these places just to lift when they're not doing classes, these gyms sit almost empty like 70% of the time. You have to buy into their fucking cult lmao
Care to tell me what WOD they are doing? All the WODs have cute little names. Tell me what WOD that is.
Protip: you won't be able to because thats probably not a real WOD and its just people being retarded.
Thats not Crossfit. You're running out of arguments. Retard.
Is there a limited amount of officially approved WOD's by the council of DYEL?
Yes. There is actually. What you posted isnt Crossfit
Don't make me HIIT you in the DIIK faget
its hated because its mostly performed poorly, compound lifts can be very technical, and a crossfit class is not the place to do them risk free
Crossfit faggots btfo
They teach doing things as fast as possible while neglecting form, and have a culture that thinks getting hurt from doing this stupid shit is something to brag about.
It says something that the people who won their meme games don't actually exercise with crossfit.
>The community is the strongest part. You get to know people really fast (shared suffering is a good way to make friends), and everyone is super supportive of each other. Every level of fitness feels really welcome.
Try and speak without crossfit cult terminology. Literal cult with their own terms designed to shut down any criticism because only members of the cult know what the fuck you are talking about. Like a scientologist getting in someone's face and going ''WHAT IS YOUR CRIME??''
this is a strongman exercise.
I do agree its a little cultish desu. But I am not sure if this is an issue wirh CF or something that just happens with small niche gyms.
Its pretty telling that you know so little about this subject yet you feel the need to criticize. Most of the critique CF gets here is just parroted memes.
Theres a TON to criticize about CF, but the memes that get repeatd here aren't
i'm not a fan of crossfit cause i don't like that it's held in classes and i don't care about a lot of the things they do
don't know if the injury rate IS as high as stated by some but you definitely see a lot of shit done at crossfit
but you see a lot of shit done by every other group in the gym too
god damn there's an awful amount of cope in this thread
i post this everytime someone asks about crossfit
from this article: vice.com
>"You have rhabdomyolysis," she explained. "That means your muscle tissue is breaking down. What did you do to yourself?"
>"I did a trial CrossFit session."
pic related is a mascot of crossfit's. that should tell you their attitude to health
>unironically posting vice
>unironically thinking THIS article means anything
I think crossfit is utter shite, but this faggot is weak and (pretending to be) retarded. Can't blame this on CF at all.
I've done crossfit WODs on my own whenever I wanted a conditioning session and was bored enough to try so e new shit. It was alright.
The few times Ive taken part in the actual group classes were fucked, though. Last one had a random collection of people of various skill levels, 5 min of instruction, then a timed HIIT circuit of power cleans, box jumps, pull ups and handstand push ups. Shit ended up like some kind of Bird Box scenery suicide freakout.
I dont like crossfit because it's full of crossfit people
Have been thinking of doing crosfitt in my gym classes. got any advice to a beginner going long term?
If you don't have a foundation in the oly lifts, do not do them. Do DB substitutions (DB clean and jerk, snatches, etc) at light weights.
If you do not have the strength to do 8-10 strict pullups, do not even think about kipping/butterfly pullups. Do banded pullups or ring rows.
Overall, just listen to your coaches on substitutions. Don't rush into a full workout with OWL and gymnastics. A good gym will give you lots of substitutions, so do them all. Make everything as least technical as you can for a while.
If you end up liking it, practice OWL and other more advanced movements on your own and work slowly up to them
Good idea, poor execution.
This is the only reason it is disliked.
Also its a terrible spectator sport, autistically terrible.
jesus what a retard. holy hell.
got it chief, ty
I hate that nickname. Call me Chief Tyler, please.
This unironically
It usually is those two things. The problem is that those 2 things dont mix well. Do one or the other at different times to max form and min injury risk
Dame reason powerlifters tell you not to deadlift. Deadlifting is fine but people are retarded and fuck themselves up
No, it's Olympic lifts AS HIIT cardio
What's the point then? You can do more effective cardio, you can do more effective strength training. You can do basic conditioning like bodyweight exercises without going full retard with them. All you're left with is the community and the fun-factor, which are both arguably downsides
CrossFit(TM) is just a business pandering to rich idiots who think the apocalypse is coming and that injury is good. At best you'd get decent Oly lift coaching, but you could just go to an oly gym for that for about the same money and your coach would have more than a weekend of education.
nope crossfit is the fastest way to rhabdomyosis
>It's expensive but very fun
Imagine paying to do cardio, what a fag. Also paying to have friends is gay too.
Case in point.
These fucktards see rhabdo, snapped ACLS and ruptured discs as badges of honour rather than largely preventable injuries.
>skip squats/deadlifts/strict presses
>go straight from meme cardio into Olympic lifts
>wonder why so many crossfitters end up dropping a barbell on their head
Paying to do cardio is not gay. Paying to have friends is not gay. Having sexual encounters with men (excluding kissing) is gay.
>cross shit
>sever your spine
not even once.
Female CrossFitters are fucking gross
No, it's doing HIIT with Olympic lifts
Which is fucking retarded
>The logical hoops you had to jump through.
Look I'm not a fan of crossfit but you're basically saying good trainers are actually bad trainiers because of where they work.
Thats like saying a great doctor who works at a shitty third world hospital is actually a bad doctor.
>OPs pic
There aren't even enough bumper plates on that cage to squat with, is that a OHP specific cage or something?
no offense but yes, what do you expect to go wrong?
the "untrained" meme can be said for you gym goers too.
>good for making frens
don't know about you but here in my country this the official sport of roasties and lefties
doing crossfit to own the trumo supporters