haven't been here in ages
Transformation thread
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very nice and congratz on escaping skinnyfat
Mid doesn't actually look lean. When you have real low body fat it'll show in your face, always. Not getting that from mid.
All that effort and no abs.
post body
fat to fat to very fat
pretty cool dude
I think I started gaining weight by the time that middle photo was taken sometime in early 2015. I used to have a photo of me looking even leaner, but I lost it. I actually used to be underweight, and look sickly as if I just came out of a concentration camp from eating 500 calories a day for several months on end. I had horrible bulimia. I would only eat one meal a day, and then throw up most of it shortly after. This went on and off for two years. I even stunted my height as a result. I could've easily grown to be 6'5 or 6'6, but i stopped growing at 5'11. I was the tallest in my class, and the bulimia made me stop growing. I still have a slightly bigger head in proportion to the size of my body, but it's not as noticeable now, since I'm much bigger.
Lose the weight asap, your hormonal balance is an absolute mess right now and you risk balding which would make you even more unattractive.
Obesity in men causes balding? I though testosterone does that, and that the aromatase in adipose tissue actually converts a lot of it into estrogen.
you're so pathetic it's embarassing
the part with the height is pure cope
i know a lot of guys who were always taller than me as children but in the end turned out to be 5'10 or 5'11
Looks like about 3 hours in
Post body
I've actually gone on two major cuts in the pas six months, losing a total of 25 pounds. I wouldn't be surprised if I weight a good 310 right now. The most I've ever been is 320. I eat extremely healthy now, and I'm very disciplined with my diet. I'm still gaining fat at a rate that I think is close to 3 pounds per month, unless some of that weight is in muscle, since I have been making pretty good strength gains in the last six months. I'm going to eventually see a doctor to check if I have hypothyroidism or some other disorder that's making me gain fat so quickly.
What we hate most in others is an extension of what we hate in ourselves.
I have an anxiety disorder, OCD, and it's actually common for people with anxiety disorders, especially OCD, to develop eating disorders. My narcissistic grandmother whom I lived with would always bully me and call me a fat pig, hit me, make pig noises, and generally insult me and make fun of me every day ever since as far as I can remember. All of that really hurt me, and gave me a horrible body image, so I started virtually starving myself to lose weigh, and it continued over the course of three years on and off with me spending around two full years eating close to 500 calories a day. I went to a private Catholic school (Almost for free, I'm not from a middle-class family.) that virtually had a zero tolerance policy for bullying, but I couldn't escape the bullying I was receiving from home.
I don't really care about your problems you sorry piece of shit
man up
Lift nigga.
I was one of the last people among my classmates to finish puberty. All throughout high school, I never had any facial hair, only peach fuzz. I didn't grow for much of sixth and seventh grade. I managed to end the bulimia in eighth grade without any professional help after seeing all of my friends, who used to all be shorter than me, tower over me. I actually grew about a couple inches from eighth grade to sophomore year, but I pretty much didn't grow at all throughout the entirety of seventh grade. I was horrified when I discovered that it was the result of my bulimia.
I do, I'm certain I can already bench 365, but I want to wait another week before I try it, because 345 feels really easy. I can already do six reps on 315. Here's an older video of me benching 315 for the first time.
Of course you have powershitter form lol.
Why not compete and go full bloat then?
No girls are attracted to me with the way I look now. When I was a freshman, and for the first half of sophomore year, I only had a small belly, but I had virtually no fat around my neck or a double chin, and a very attractive face, not to mention I was also very strong back then. I could bench press 265 when I was still 15 over the summer before sophomore year. Lots of hot girls were crushing on me, but I couldn't go out with any of them, because I didn't have a car nor the money needed to get a car. It sucked. I could've been getting some hot sex.
If I could lose my fat with minimal to no excess skin, I'd pretty much be Chad. The problem is, I really want to hit a 405 bench before I go on a massive 100 pounds cut.
ok now run.
>Lots of hot girls were crushing on me
This girl had the biggest crush on me throughout freshman and sophomore year. She was always saying the sweetest things to me, touching me, doing nice favors to me. I wish I went on a date with her. She's about half an inch taller than me. This is a photo of her from when were were in high school together.
Here's a photo of me from when I was in high school.
Yeah well he can just work hard and get abs. You will always be a cool guy. Have a nice day.
The mental cope in your post is severe. I'm 27 and have no need for a car so I dont have one. I still fuck thots one the regular. Why do you need a fucking car to date, are you serious? And even if you need a car then, I dont know, date someone who has a car?
thanks, my abs dont show with that pose
>Why do you need a fucking car to date, are you serious?
My only other option would've been to ask a girl to drive over to my place and pick me up, and I though that asking for such a thing would've been an instant turn-off.
God damn bros, you made it!
what the fuck, what kinda diet you need to have and for how long do you need to lift for a transformation like this?
It's called a cab dipshit. They've been around for a while.
Overeating clean food is not healthy. Count every calories you eat by weight in grams
I can guarantee you that not a single female on earth has had or will crush on you
this is "oh you hate spiders? you must want to fuck them" tier
That's actually pretty expensive. I would be spending close to $10 each way.
leave this board you fucking faggot
You are delusional. That girl is like a 7/10 while you are a 5 at best in the middle picture. Women don't date that far down the lobster hierarchy
Jesus fuck you are a special kind of retarded. Just count calories already, before you eat yourself to death. How is this not blatantly obvious to you? You are killing yourself early.
If it’s only $10 in a cab you could have easily biked that distance, you lazy fat fuck.
Okay all that's cool, but nobody cares about your pathetic side until you make it, come back when you touch a barbell, also, I know your relationship to food is fucked up, but literally just cold turkey that shit and stfu for like 2 years, at around a year in you'll have escaped subhuman level and start to like how you look, don't give in, REACH ELITE.
That's some great ass progress bro but our eyes work left to right you ruined the surprise
He's Japanese
Not perfect, but I’m happy
great job man
great progress man, keep it up!
If the bottom pic is your current self I call BS on your bench. Your not strong fat in that pic just fat fat.
Jesus you look 10x better. Any loose skin issues?
Starting weight? Height? End weight?
stop being mean to him you guys
Do you live in a hobbit house or are you just really tall?
your face is extremely hot
thanks user
From special ed to fairly attractive. Crazy improvement, are these really of the sme person?
Looking great as always. One of the few lanklets to have truly made it
You got the strength, but you have to lose the weight man. Disregarding aesthetics, you're doing your health a big fucking disservice. Fix yourself now. You don't want to be at this point 10 years later
From boy to man. Good progress, keep at it.
Good job. Very handsome
I've never seen clavicles that straight.
thanks, good job on losing fat and building muscle
lifting somce two years now with very little breaks
i started to eat consistently more but not with a strict diet. i didnt count macros but
eyeballed my protein intake
the pics are less than 2years apart and i gained about 20kg (fat/muscle)
im tall, 6'6''
S tier clavicles wtf.
why do you have a boner