The nature of women

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range ban r9k

Female """""people""""""

Shut your faggot mouth, tourist. Hating women has always been a staple.

You shouldn't be forced to date a loser

Tho it's more apparent in women, I'm in awe at how little self-reflection people have, It's like they're barely even human.

It's just her primitive brain kicking in. She saw her man lose to another man aka her man could not protect her and her possible offspring. Kinda simple stuff.

Dies she have an undefeated record?

Not really entirely Yas Forums related, more incel-y than anything, really.

Also, if you were really such a battle-hardened user you would immediately acknowledge the fact that Yas Forums is gay.

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Even the GOAT Fedor Emelianenko had his face beat up a couple of times

In the future women will be eliminated and their roles will be filled by feminine robots. The world will be a better place for it.

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Brutal IQpill. Women literally crave submission and those who are willing to compensate on some aspect NEVER compensate on the mental.

Haha roasties are seething

Nice fitness related thread

Have sex

It's called hypergamy. If don't know what that this read The Rational Male.

I would dump my gf if she got raped desu

Finna be a yikes from me.

>roasties when someone exposes them for being worthless waste of human trash that has absolutely no value

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>pic rel
You need to find yourselves a ride or die girl bros, they exist, we're all gonna make it bros

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She lost once, because she blew out her knee in a championship match she was running away with. Miriam Nakamoto is quite possibly the greatest female striker of all time.

Why do mutts all have fucked up knees?

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>the nature of one woman
>therefore the nature of all women
I could go a little deeper but I'm not going to bother for a thread that's going to get deleted as soon as the mods wake up. Suffice to say, you're missing a few steps in your inductive reasoning there, user.

So, no.
Women have no individual conscience or intellect, user. They are barely human beings.

>tfw no petite pretty ride or die girl


you're retarded if you think women will want you after you see you get your ass beat

Nice clickbait. If you actually watch the clip there's more to it than "he got beaten, I'm out"

Women are a meme.

do you even try to pretend Yas Forums isnt the dedicated newfag haven?

You're welcome to explain it

You're an incel. All good.

I havent been browsing r9k from probably 3 years its basically a tranny shithole nowadays so you might fit better then than me

Yeah, on r9k you loser

Burn the coal pay the toll

>3 years
Yas Forums has been the designated newfaggot board since 2013

no, everywhere
dumb revisionist tourist

Lol as if you coomers wouldn’t drop your gfs for the next better one that shows interest

Can you blame her? If you get beat up like a fucking pussy infront of your girlfriend do you think shes gonna get all wet and want to fuck you afterwards? She loses all respect and feels like you cant protect her if you cant even protect yourself

This isn’t even remotely true

Honestly,if you aren't perfect you shouldn't be having a girlfriend in the first place.


To be honest, men should be able to punch women for getting uppity, that might get her wet too who knows

Wouldn't know, never been.
If you say so
No, you pathetic beta

Why would anyone go there?
First board I found was Yas Forums

Everyone loses at some point. Most people who are good at something have failed repeatedly.

Far as I know every fighter who has lost a fight didn't get divorced immediately after.

I've seen a few advice seeking ladies on the internet being absolutely shook after having seen their boyfriend beating down another man. even if that man was a legitimate threat. there's no winning with women

No but for real if what she says pisses you off you are a bitch. A litetal bitch who crumbles under pressure. It isn't the fact that the guy lost,it's the fact he lost like a bitch. He didn't tough it out. So of course when a woman,not just her,see's that she can not depend on you then you shouldn't be surpised that she no longer respects you. That's just how it is. If you are so damn worried about being left because you aren't "man enough" why don't you just become more man instead of crying about it? It isn't that hard i assure you.

get back to your board for mentally crippled

Basically says that she didn't care about him taking the beating/losing but that he did take it like a little bitch, not like a fighter should.

it wasn't the loss, she said it was because he didn't go down swinging. idk about fighting because i like my functioning brain, but the way she describes it, he displayed some small degree of cowardice or panic, and that's not good if you claim to be a fighter.

You mean /k/? We are just autistic.

Failure is an important part of life. No one can live up to the expectation of perfection because it doesn’t exist.

There is not problem with being more masculine or killing another human being out of self defense. What women want is to being abused the shit out of.

Just like dudes saying "step on me queen" then women want this from male but multiplied by ten billion.

Lol, what does she know she’s not the one fighting. She completely blamed him for a situation he didn’t even start. What’s worse is that she talks a big game but she could have easily jumped in and kicked the guys ass instead of acting like a little bitch and emotionally ganging up on her man and supporting him.

Holy fuck this woman is psychotic lol
Although to be fair, you should expect a woman whose entire career is based around imitating a primarily male activity (combat) to be extremely poorly adjusted.

My god she ugly.
And it's with make up on
Imagine her without it

>Shape yourself for masochist women pleasure


I think she's fucking hot. Yeah she's not conventionally pretty but that's not a deal breaker for me. I like what I see in her eyes and I like how she accepts no weakness. I think I could feed off that. She's definitely distinct from your average woman and I'm pretty into it.

Not an argument. Sorry.
I don't see how that is a bad thing to want.

Nigger earrings
>cuck in making

That’s basically like op said

It sounds like most pro fighters just go around looking for trouble

I try to avoid anyone who ties their identity to fighting