How do you guys get your 1g/lb of protein in?
How do you guys get your 1g/lb of protein in?
I eat some chicken
I need to get protein every 4 hours though; hard to eat chicken at school
Eat a fuckton of chicken or beef and take a Pianoman Special of FOUR SCOOPS in my shake
By eating, protein powders are a scam
>I need to get protein every 4 hours
nice meme bro, consider suicide
>muscle protein synthesis is meme
okay dude
It's the total 24 hour intake that matters you fucking retard, show me a single study that says you need to get it "every 4 hours". pro tip: you can't
>A recent study showed that, on average, 24 hour protein synthesis rates are about 25% higher if you space your protein intake out throughout the day
>sample size: 8
>duration: 7 days
lmao do you expect anyone to take this study seriously?
None of your linked studies support your argument. In fact, your second linked study states clearly:
>Recent findings in this arena have been progressive. Nutrient-driven increases in MPS are of finite duration (∼1.5 h), switching off thereafter despite sustained amino acid availability and intramuscular anabolic signalling. Intriguingly, this ‘muscle-full set-point’ is delayed by resistance exercise (RE) (i.e. the feeding × exercise combination is ‘more anabolic’ than nutrition alone) even ≥24 h beyond a single exercise bout, casting doubt on the importance of nutrient timing vs. sufficiency per se.
Face it, you don't know what you're talking about and you're just posting studies that you havn't even read yourself in order to try and prove a point.
1 chicken breast is about 50 grams of protein, so invest in that. Also the Greek yogurt I get is 15 grams of protein per a 3/4th cup
it's actually pretty easy
>Also the Greek yogurt I get is 15 grams of protein per a 3/4th cup
That's terrible
Not really, compared to other yogurts that barely have 10 for 1 cup
Fuck you OP, you sound like a fucking fagot. Go back to facebook, fucking basedboy.
There's no reason to go above 0.83g/lb. All science point out that going beyond that is just wasted protein, you aren't making more gainz
I mean yoghurt in general
I mean why not just drink milk and mix with whey?
Icelandic Skyr is superior to Greek yogurt.
100g acount for around 65kcal and 11g of protein.
Besides, just found out about the snailpill.
100g of Achat snail gives you 15g of protein at 60kcal. Literally better than most wheys. You just need two to basically birth hundreds of slimy protein bars a season. Too bad that I'll ngmi because my longtime companion was a Achat snail.
Go to the shops and by, low-fat cottage cheese, tempura, canned tuna and check out chickpeas and other beans. The first 3 have really good kj to protein ratios.
Quark is also awesome, same calories and protein per 100g as Icelandic Skyr.
Quark + Kefir make for god-tier Overnight Oats, try it if you havn't already.
but I do drink milk. also I only mix it with whey after a workout, I try to eat food rather than rely on protein shakes
Why are you such an insufferable faggot?
>rely on protein shakes
You say that like protein shakes are bad
they're not, i'd just rather not rely on them
But why not?
Because a) you won't get all the micro-nutrients from food in a protein shake and b) more than 2 was starting to back me up so I was getting nasty protein farts. That's why I only take one scoop after a workout, and on some days I skip it all together
>Because a) you won't get all the micro-nutrients from food in a protein shake
You're really worried about that?
Why wouldn't you be? Nothing is stopping you from consuming 10 shakes a day, but you won't feel good doing it
abalone is pretty common where I live and dirt cheap, and delicious too. Steaming and barbecuing it makes it taste like grilled zucchini.
It got 17g of protein per 100g though 105kcal
The cheapest source of protein is a rotisserie chicken. Most grocery stores sell them for quite cheap, and it can last you for 2 days.
Will try it, if I see some on sale. Thanks.
I'll see if I can find it, but the Greek Yogurt I get is 16 grams of protein for 160 calories so i'm content.
I eat a kilo of skyr daily. Doing for about 7 months now and I'm still far from getting tired of it. Though the flavoured stuff might be too high in sugar, if you are worried about that.
The unflavoured skyr is a good way to eat raw garlic and onions, if you prepare it like a tzatziki or with balsamic vinegar and pickled or fresh vegetables.
You just eat it unflavored? Or maybe some fruit/cereal? Redpill me on how to eat delicious skyr
Beans, lentils, chickpeas, s.o.y and seitan.
Protein is overrated, just be sure you eat enough carbs so you can hit the gym hard.
I make these pizzas with around .75lb of ground turkey breast, blue cheese, bbq sauce, and fresh mozzarella. I eat one of those daily and that clicks in at around 125g proton. rest is easily filled by greek yogurt/ protein shake
Yas Forums tell me right now why I shouldn't down fish gelatin everyday? 88g per 100g serving can you even beat that
Bars and powder, my diet is very lousy when it comes to actual food
sounds expensive
Ask me how I know that you look like shit
My local store sells them $10 for a pack of 100g
So 88g of protein for 10 bucks
400g unsweetened greek yoghurt (0.99 eur)
9g protein/100g
200g lean curd (0.4 eur)
20g protein/100g
and then also obviously meat for lunch + 2-4 eggs/day
Just eat more chicken. Like 50% of my daily protein is from it
I was eating a shitload of natural skyr as well until they quit selling those big containers. I moved to a quark instead.
raw eggs, chicken and steak
I don’t trust egghead powders
look at these shills fucking lmao
Based research user
Greek yogurt is about 5.2 calories per gram of protein, while something like ON whey is 4.8, and it isn’t even complete protein. What kind of dumb motherfucker sees a protein per volume ratio and thinks “hmm that’s not good.” Yogurt is already hydrated so no shit it’s larger than whey. Yogurt has far better protein to calorie ratio than milk and whey. It’s also more soluble in liquid than whey because it’s already in water.
Skyr is god tier, along with President's Choice brand Greek Yog, almost every other brand has 1 gram of sugar for every gram of protein per serving
not OP but with Granola/Nuts and/or Fruit and/or Berries
I have a bag of sealed Carnivore Beef Protein.
Expiry: 2 years ago
Safe to eat?
1g/lb is a myth. Follow the clinically supported .6-.7g/lb. A quick Google search will reveal myriad supporting refs.
1lb of chicken and meat pizzas for carbs and extra protein.
I wouldn't.
Eggs are 50c a dozen
Post body
Post body
4 eggs in the morning w/ a protein shake and having a can of tuna + 2 hardboiled eggs for snack gets me there with just about whatever I end up having for lunch and dinner