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I'm into fit girls only, and they care about muscles a lot

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Begone r9k

You just know they love BBC

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kys and trips

Cope harder, im white

the mutt law is getting very notorious

Literally every woman on earths fantasy. Getting their pussy dominated by BBC

Question, when/why did this become mutts law? I thought it was trannies and hapas posting the bbc shit. Did I miss something?

Kys hapa manlet

the moment i saw that girl in that position i shat a brick

This is a hell of a thread.

there are flags on Yas Forums and it's Mutt's Law because 90% of the time it's Americans

Yup, Americans know first hand how much white women worship Black dick

Im white, I just know my place in the sexual hierarchy - beneath Black men

so fucking cringe

why don't they ever talk about getting pregnant on these shows?

Because birth control exists you fucking mong

Whats cringe is white men thinking they can sexual satisfy a woman as thoroughly as a Black man - thats a yikes from me!

That's just what they tell to make the guys who don't make big cums like me feel better

why can't we have a nice thread without mutts and their cuck fantasies?

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It's not that hard bro...

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Because that would ruin the cognitive dissonance required to get literal prostitutes to do these scenes.

Seething incel

sex is totally divorced from the reproductive act, it's a major turn off to these woman because sex stops being fun and cool and starts being special and consequential. This is why impregnation fetish porn is largely restricted to spinsters whose clock is ticking and not the fresh teens.

Because you don't watch porn for a sex ed PSA. WTF is wrong with you.

It’s alright guy
>Tfw bbc with muscle
>Tfw plowing daughters of white bosses
>Tfw PC culture makes it so no one calls you out, even gives you more money for affirmative action
>Tfw when we wuz kangz becomes a national statement once Harriet Tubman is on the one dollar bill

While you white boys moan autistically about nazi principles, we’re already taking over. Soon there will be no more white culture >=)

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Beautiful girl. Shame shes turned into a whore not a mother and house maker


Black women unironically hate this more than white men

Its crazy how much white women worship Black dick. I fucking hate being a white man, society views me as an asexual financial support animal

Having a white daughter is basically a form of reparations. They all grow up to love BBC

they care a lot

every girl i've been with commented on it in some way and my gf is constantly feeling up my arms and chest

it was to degrading and fettering
why would black women give a shit at all when they are getting rich white cock?
literally only retards seethe or care at all.
willing slave

t. guy that just is.

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The thought of Black men having bigger penises keeps the white man up at night.

amen to that dude. they may not say it too often when you're in the "courting" stages, but it matters a helluva a lot.

well I dunno if I'm white, I'm a hybrid of all kinds, but with white skin.
either way, what keeps me up at night is usually playing video games.
I don't really think about penis as much as people here do, basically never.
Maybe I'll think about MY penis when I have to pee.
have you ever played Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate, it's a really fun game.

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I genuinely feel bad for the people spamming this shit, they're clearly mentally ill and entirely disconnected from reality

That's not why I get the muscles.

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Naw BBCposters are redpilled alphas. Blue pill betas such as yourself cant cope with the reality that Black men are superior in everyway - especially penis size

Why does she have a penis :/

You're such a fucking bigot.

Some femoids have peni

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Triggered white boys cant handle an adult discussion about BBC so their post porn to get the thread removed. Pathetic

Enjoy the ban, bud

God is there more? I squatted heavy today and am in the mood for boys.

God I love going down on twink bussy

Ok actual black guy here
White women loving BBC is a meme
It's only true with super obese women, the fetish community, and white dudes on the internet
I'm almost a 30 yo virgin

Sure white boy, we all believe you

>tfw white people can't be robots
based wizard

is this achieveable natty? post routine

Ok actual white guy here
White women loving BBC is the truth.
Every woman Ive met has admitted to fucking at least one Black man to see if it was true, and they all confirmed it. Black dick is huge

Who isn't?

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I just coom on that shit.
Look at her

>ywn go back to comfy 2016 blackbot threads on Yas Forums
I can't even pay an escort because they don't see black customers
It never even began for me

>I can't even pay an escort because they don't see black customers
There were a couple times when I was browsing for an escort and saw black escort ads where they clearly stated no black men. Most black escorts will clearly state that they love white men in their ads. I guess white men make better clients.

this entire thread is a fucking discord tranny cuck psyops

>this entire thread

Escorts put “No Black men” to make white boys feel special. Most pimps are Black lol, you are getting head and pussy that have had BBC in them 10 minutes before you