Didn't see one. CBT (Current body thread). How's my back coming along bros?
Didn't see one. CBT (Current body thread). How's my back coming along bros?
SS+GOMAD and get back to us in 3 months
Nice lat width bro, might want to work your rhomboids and rear delts more. Do you pendlay/barbell row much?
lose like 10-15 lbs
aw fuck, sorry
>t. phone poster
Good lats and abs lower back
Looking solid bro
6’ 185 lbs
Please be my boyfriend, and yes I'm a guy
Same photo as yesterday, 184cm 78kg.
Finally let go of ss. Training hard everyday basically winging it.
4 months in, 5'10"
Am I going to make it bros?
Looking good bro. Keep up the good work.
Yeah I'm fat, lol.
Hope the flu won't ruin my gains
>24 y/o
>97 kg
I don't lift much anymore, switched to MMA and boxing a few years back.
Yes, but you need a program.
Do 4 day bro split. I do C/T B/B L/S and then abs/forearms with some overlap auxiliaries depending on the day.
Like today was abs/forearms but I also had some shoulders.
On rest days I run a mile and do whatever I want. Often it turns into a light full body.
In a couple months I'll switch to pplpplx
Bad pic but my gf saved it when I sent it to here, the mirin felt good
Fuck GOMAD SS I can diddy 4 plate for 5 and squat 3 plate for 5 never do that shit. inb4 weak im not powerlifter
Feedback appreciated
try different wig
Nice legs and arms
DYEL coming through
173 cm ~73 kg
I'm trying to work those back into my rotation. Decided I hated rows a while back and am still working on coming back from that.
Thanks brother
could use some advice, also cb
not too bad and not too fat
nice frame
much better results looks wise than most GOMAD SS
nice flow. wide as a barn.
great ottermode
looking good overrall
back edition? 5'9 150 lbs
Still trying to cut from 210->190
should i cut ?
Slack-jawed faggot.
2 months in 171cm 70kg bw. lifts: bench 75kg 3x5, ohp 52,5kg 3x5, squat 82,5kg 3x5, diddly 100kg 1x7, chin-up 17,5kg 3x5. Kind of fucked up by overshooting my calories and gaining 3,5kg per month instead of 2 I was aiming for.
Swedish accent- fucking juicy
180cm 70kg/ 5'11 154lb (last week before I got sick, probably lower now)
Am I skinny fat or just skinny? I'm trying to eat ~2700 kcal but not sure if that is going to cut it. Sorry for the shitty lighting
6’3” 230 lbs
I know I should cut but I want to get bigger
I stand 4cm shorter than you, yet weigh 5kgs heavier. I consider myself skinny.
Work on your shoulder mobility and train your arms
How the fuck do you guys cut and don't lose motivation to lift. My lofts are already 5-10kg lower and I still need to loose 10kg of bf.
Tbh, I just focus more on the mirror and my pumps while cutting as a motivation. Strength is great and all but for me aesthetics is much more motivating.
please help me
been working out for a little over a year and look like trash
can rep 120 lb dumbbells, and can do 8 pullups max
Me after several months of lifting. Went from 209 to 201. I still need work.
Just cut until you are shredded. You have enough size to do it
I have been fat all my life, strength is the only thing I know, will try to suffer through it.
5'10 160 lbs
Cutting is hell bros I just wanna bulk
Stop eating like shit fatty
Downlight fag is that you?
you look worse than him lmao
5’9 165lb 18yo
been lifting seriously for about 9 months
have I escaped dyel status?
getting there. back could use a bit more width.
Hi Yas Forums I like chess for my cardio on top of not eating past 9 p.m and I think fat sits at bay and a little biking holy mother of jesus love you boys stay strong
Papi stop eating too late that's all and also learn your ruby lopez
cutting until 10%, is there potential to make it this year?
post back
How fucked am I
another pic
Yeah haha, still using the downlight to my advantage, how you been bro, looking good.
Gordon Ramsay mode
Both pics are on the same day, 90kg atm (came from 117)
Shoukd I bulk, maintain or cut?
lil over 4 weeks out.
Under 3 weeks i mean... im hungry and tired haha
Thinking of trying fasting
Nah, I got a chiseled jaw, I don't look like your typical homo, and I can be your lifelong friend and gymbro
This thread is gay as fuck jfc