Where the fuck am I supposed to fit this into my program? If I do it on chest days then it feels like too much work for my shoulders and elbows but if I do it any other day then i'm not giving my shoulders enough rest either

Attached: overhead-press.jpg (1000x560, 135.32K)

You do it everyday like a man

goodbye shoulder health

>chest days
is it 2005?

Shoulder day nigga

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I fucking wish.
Take me back.

I do chest and squats, but in the days that I workout my chest would've been more accurate

Fucking retard

I do it on back & bicep day - sue me.

Bro split is eternal, bro.

Yeah I was thinking of doing that too, but i'm not sure if 1 day of recovery is enough since my shoulders get a decent workout on the day I do chest

Do it on back day like you're suppose to retard.

just do full body 3-4x a week

I actually do this.
Did my shoulders today.

Do it on shoulder day

>what should I do a push motion with
wow so hard to figure out maybe dumb and dumber and are onto something
>but mah shoulders, mah elbows
take care of your joints you fucking faggot. Eat some fish oil omega 3 and samE

>shoulder day

on shoulder day retard use it as main movement

heavy ohp before light bench
light ohp after heavy bench

Do sitting shoulder press on back day. Fuck this gay ohp shit

Are you fucking retarded?
OHP is suppose to be done on back day so that you give your body time to fucking rest you fucking god damn autistic shit.

Bench day is going to include incline bench.
You're going to seriously to full session incline bench and try a full session OHP?

Either you don't fucking lift or you're baiting hard.

Because you try doing 180 OHP for 4x12 right after incline and get back to me nigger.

You do incline on bench day, wait two days, do OHP with back.

>shoulder day

Do this three times per week.

Lat Raises

Best gains of my life doing that

You think acute workout to workout performance matters?

Man the fuck up OP.

OHP is very complementary to your bench. Lighten the load if you have to.

Not him but i'm thinking of doing this

day 1 - Bench/Squats
day 2 - Deadlift/OHP
day 3 - Rest (or arms day)

There's a 1 day overlap since bench already works your shoulders to an extent so i'm wondering if 1 day rest would be enough.

>hurr durr you HAVE TO DO INCLINE ON CHEST day huuuuurrrrr u fucking dyel everyone knows INCLINE BENCH ghoes on CHEST DAY
literally end your life

This is what I do
>Monday - Chest, shoulders, triceps (emphasis on chest aka go heavy on bench)
>Tuesday - back and bis
>Wednesday - legs
>Thursday - chest, shoulders, tris (emphasis on shoulders)
>Friday - Back and bis
>Saturday - rest
>Sunday - legs

this is what I did, but having a leg day made no sense to me since I just did squats and maybe some accessory lifts which means I was done in 30 mins. So I tried squat on Monday and it was fine, but now I have a free day on Wednesday. I was thinking of adding OHP there, but I could just do it on deadlift day

Shoulder day

who the fuck has a shoulder day in 2020 you fucking boomers

Oh man when should I do this shoulder exercise gee idk man maybe on shoulder day.

>Bro Split/Bodybuilding Split
Shoulder day

>Full Body
Any day

>4 day U/L split
One of the upper days

One of the push days

Idk why this is complicated

I do shoulders/legs.

I have lower back problems, so I have been doing seated OHP instead. Seen differing opinions on difficulty of standing vs sitting.

What do you guys think? What is more difficult? What gives you more strength/size gains?

While on the subject does anyone alternating sitting vs standing? I feel like I can do a 45 on each side or more sitting but standing I'm like 25 - 35 (unless I really lower my reps).

Probably because you’ve practiced seated more. I’m stronger standing.

Just hit 115 for reps, I do it everyday because it is my favorite.

Does full body take 3+ hours? I'm doing UL and it takes about 2 to do a full upper. A little less for lower, but I can't imagine cutting many of those exercises out to do a real full body split.

Standing is harder, which I guess would be a more accurate representation of your strength. Sitting is fine though, there's no point of fucking up your back even more

>he sits while doing OHP

On my first day I do sitting dumbells for 4 sets of 10-12 reps. On my second day I go OHP for heavy sets of 1-5 reps

You do in on OHP day retard

Attached: Big Six Training Routine.jpg (640x295, 43.1K)

Rippletits out

It doesn't since you don't do any accessory stuff. You do squats, bench, and deadlift then get out, so it's more of a power routine.

How the fuck are you spending two hours on an upper day

Too many accessories, I guess. But there's a lot of muscles to hit.

If you stick to compound lifts, then you should take about an 1 hour or less. Are you doing isolation exercises?

>Are you doing isolation exercises?
Yeah. I prioritize the compounds first, then move on to more isolations.

How many isolation exercises are you doing on your gym days?

DB incline
Triceps Ext
Maybe some shoulder raises, can SS with curls.

Hits nearly every muscle in upper body and takes less than 90min to get through all of them

I feel like the compounds don't hit some of the other muscles like biceps and forearms enough, so I have some extra ones there. Chest adduction. Maybe rear delts for another exercise.


The rest day after heavy bench day. Get in, do OHP and 2 sets of front/side/rear flies, get out.
t. Ed Coan

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I think you should do it standing and squeeze your ass and abs as much as you can

I do it every day. Most days just with bands though

This isn't actually full body though, there are a lot of muscles you barely work or just don't work at all. Lats and biceps come to mind. You really do need more than just the big four to get an actual full body workout

Pullups are recommended accessories in almost every full body workout

I do UL
Upper Day 1: Chest focused
Upper Day 2: Shoulder focused