/nsg/ - No Shit General

What is /noshit/?
>A community of people trying to improve their digestion
What are the benefits of /noshit/?
>Improved digestion health
>Better nutrient absorption
>Decreased food consumption
>Improved use of fiber
How do you survive not shitting?
>We do shit, but only when necessary.
How often should I shit to ensure safety?
>Reccomended amount is once every week to once every two weeks
How do I hold it in?
>Practice. /noshit/, like any other skill, takes time to perfect

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Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/search?source=hp&ei=c0VnXt3WO8O4tAa3poXQCQ&q=ancient greek athletes and raw onions


On day 3
does this get easier at some point?

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Yeah, it starts getting a bit less painful around day 5. Day 5-7 are pretty alright, but day 8 hits you like a truck. I'm currently doing a 9 day rotation, hoping to increase it to 10 by April.

>Released before hitting goal of 7 days
Going to be doing a 9 day streak to make up for it

Stay strong brother

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>just be constipated theory
I member I once spend 1 week without shitting and the shit was so hard that I had to go to the hospital and he inserted a tube in my ass to soften the shit

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>he inserted a tube in my ass
the doctor of course


Immediately thought of Goatse.
Taking a dump right now.

I mog to hell and back

Clearly not. Post body dyel faggot

is this a joke

is this fucking serious or a joke
I'm only asking because this is Yas Forums

You gotta be joshing me

No it's legit dude trust me. Stop shitting, take cold showers, shine a red light on your ballsack and sleep on the floor. Soon you will get a gf.

Sitting here posting from my phone while taking a huge fucking dump in my toilet.

the only true redpill on this board is /nofood/. eating is a waste of time and leads to shitting

No shit

Once you get to day 10 the super powers start

My longest streak is about 3 weeks, whats everyones longest streak?

Most I've ever gotten was only six days :(
I started about two months ago.


If you honestly think this was anything but a joke you should hang yourself for being so retarded

It's not a joke? ever since I started no shit i've felt so good.

I know it sounds really bizarre at first, but it really does work. I've been doing it on and off for about six months now and you really do feel a difference.

It sounds ridiculous if you're used to shitting all day, but if you think about it our ancestors probably endured frequent prolonged periods of not taking a dump. Our physiology's built for it too, with all those meters of intestines. Body fat is not the only storage form of food.

It's crazy how many people shit out their food without giving their body time to absorb the nutrients.

Are plugs cheating? Been inserting one just before bed and taking it out in the morning so I don't shit myself while I sleep. I have been having a lot of intense wet dream because of it so I consider that a bonus.

Yeah yeah we get it, you are kikes making fun of noporn/nofap by making a nonsensical thing like noshit to make it look stupid

is there anything on this earth more satisfying than dropping an absolutely monstrous toilet-clogger at the end of a /noshit/ cycle
if there is I've yet to find it

no bro im being serious i do nofap and noporn also

Hey, this is Yas Forums, you can't rule out anything on this board.

The only kike here is you shilling for the poopindustry.
All those toilet paper sales must be filling your pockets. Even in the face of an epidemic people are hoarding tp when really they would need only ~5% of it.

We call that a "release." I honestly can't think of anything more satisfying than my first release after a 13 day cycle.

I do all three. I used to be addicted to fapping as well.

As long as you don't use it all the time. You want to do it raw for the most part so that you can strengthen your muscles and push on to greater lengths of time. I use a plug the last three or four days of a cycle during the night and whenever I have to do something physical. It's a little awkward telling my wife I need to use the bathroom before we have sex, but she still hasn't seen the plug (thank God). That would be an impossible conversation and I'm scared she won't understand.

>Friend says he shits 2-3 times a day
>tell him I only shit once ever 2-3 days
He told me I have something wrong.

She’d understand, just talk to her. My wife caught me plugging during my second of third cycle. Got her into cycling too.

Don't let crab mentality bring you down. Stay strong brother.

How do I tell her? It's really difficult to explain something like this, my wife is very religious.

NoFap is real

I laughed so fucking hard. This board isn’t for fitness, it’s for pranking gullible idiots into making themselves suffer.

Don’t forget to eat raw onions

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Nobody said it wasn't. This is /noshit/, not /nofap/


Just show her. After you’re done having sex, stand up and turn around. Show her you’re plugged. If she’s anything like my wife she will be a little shocked. But then you can tell her the benefits and show her the .org website.

>all these people in the toilet paper industry trolling

the corona virus is a hoax to make people buy more toilet paper. What are they gonna do when it runs out? My asshole is so fucking buff from holding in logs all day

anyone else been at a friends house and had such a cantankerous shit that it clogged your friends toilet?
>be me getting off of work and gym
>friends are back in town
>they've been playing the new smash bros all day
>buy a small rotisserie chicken from grocery store
>go to friends house and consume entire chicken
>have to shit
>have the hardest,thickest, and longest poo I've had in years
>it clogs his toilet
>he doesn't have a real plunger so I settle for the ornamental one
>spend 20 minutes laughing my ass off while trying to get this huge shit down the toilet while friends worry about me


>eating an entire rotisserie chicken
what the fuck is wrong with you?

This thread triggers me. When I was a kid and even when I was teenager I used to hold my shit for as long as I could. I would shit once a week just like the goals in this thread. I was always angry and couldn't do sports, I was always afraid I'd shit my pants anytime. I used to go some place alone and cross my legs and just hold until the urge went away, but then it would come back later. It was a real problem. To this day I don't know exactly why I did it, it's illogical, psychological stuff, freudian stuff on the need to have control or something.

It was only when I moved out 19-20 that I managed to fix it and shit like a normal human being. For the past few years I'm shitting even more, like three or four times a day, smaller quantities and less stress, I'm totally happy with it. Sometimes I fear that because I held onto it so much and for so many years, I'd have problems when I'm old and not be able to hold my shit.

Anons, take a shit everyday. Enjoy it. Love it. It's pure freedom. Never hold, don't be embarassed, just go when you have to go, eat your fibers and drink water.

>ornamental plunger

This is the first time I've seen someone that did this besides me. When I was a young kid I did the exact same thing. Just wanted to let you know you're not alone.
Have a great night, brother.

I am still not entirely convinced that everyone who posts about squat plugs does so in jest.

It's the sort of thing I'd only say in an anonymous forum. Good to hear I'm not alone, bro. YOU have a great night!



>plays Super Smash Bros
>eats entire chicken
>breaks toilet but can’t fix it like Mario.
You’re gonna make it.

>Sometimes I fear that because I held onto it so much and for so many years, I'd have problems when I'm old and not be able to hold my shit.
Just start an anal keagles routine brah.

Same here, anons. For me it was the problem of having others hear or smell me shitting, which still bothers me today, so I try to avoid shitting at work and other places. But I still shit probably once a day at least, so it's nowhere near as bad as it was.

I hate you all so much

Raw onion is not a meme though.
google.com/search?source=hp&ei=c0VnXt3WO8O4tAa3poXQCQ&q=ancient greek athletes and raw onions

That is the only unironically based part of the story.

Better start fucking some underage boys in the ass, too.

Amen brother. My asshole can snap a drumstick in half.
Some days I want to get sent to prison.

>Believing Persian, Jew, Christian and Leftist propaganda

>ancient greek athletes eating raw onions is legit
>ancient greeks fucking underage boys in the ass isn't
What did they mean by this

It’s just ~1200cals, what the fuck is wrong with you?
