Lifting for the glory of God

>lifting for the glory of God
>bulking complemented by fasts
>based Russian foods such as grechka, tvorog, kefir
>carrying your own cross and pushing past the struggles of life

Is Russian Orthodoxy the most Yas Forums religion?

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Based Rasputin
Post wall carpet

Religion is for brainlets. True chads don't need any book of lies to attain greatness

>atheist faggots are either obese, skeletons, and every now and then semi-fit
>becoming increasingly popular to be irreligious
>causing the destruction of countries and civilizations
All christian sects minus all the liberal ones that contradict the foundation of christianity (anti-trinitarianism, etc.) are based. Do not fight among your christian brothers, we have more in common than the jews, muslims, hindus, atheists, buddhists, etc.

You were brainwashed by books, atheists delude themselves more than any religious person

I want to go to an Orthodox church but I don't know which one to go to because overlapping jurisdictions in the US. There's Russian, Greek, Serbian, Antochian, Romanian and other non-canonical churches in my city, lmao.

>atheist faggots are either obese, skeletons, and every now and then semi-fit
Literally exactly the same as religious people

I've been non religious since I was 8. And I studied biology in university. If you have a basic understanding of science it is impossible to remain religious with extreme mental gymnastics. Religion is a byproduct of the evolutionary necessity to pass crucial information to offspring without question and it will continue to disappear as society progresses.


Just another creation myth packaged in scientistic language with all the dogmatic force of any religious narrative.

You don't have to be religious to be disciplined

>causing the destruction of countries and civilizations
Explain exactly how

>not understanding the cornestone of biology
Evolution means is that organisms change over time in response to selective pressure. Congratulations, you are now smarter.

cornerstone* cannot type right now cause of chalky fingers

>True chads don't need any book

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Theologicaly they should all be the same. There are something like 14 autocephalous churches, all in the eucharistocal communion with each other.

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The implications of evolutionism take on a much larger scope in that it forms the basis of a grand narrative. It's an entire worldview which is more than scientific.

he believes a big bang blew up lmao

When you apply evolution to reality you can reach certain conclusions. But all evolution is is just organisms changing over time. And that premise is undeniable.

Retard who's never had to read philosophy and see how his worldview is retarded because of the retarded university system which makes you specify in a very specific area and have fuck all knowledge of anything else. All these scientists who've never studied Philosophy of science in their lives.

I recognize this language, lmao your stupid ass paid money to learn these half-baked pseudophilosophical arguments.

is more cringe even possible

Not even creationists deny evolution by that definition. I don't think any human has denied that since animal husbandry developed.

If anyone, anywhere could provide even a shred of physical evidence of any god, spirit, ghost, angel, etc I would alter my worldview. However that will never happen.

Not speaking on evolution specifically here but I mean you've never actually investigated the validity of your views. The reliability of empiricism which you probably adhere to, problem of induction, validity of the scientific method. Basically you've just accepted things at face value without investigating them which isn't much different from some Fundy Baptist retard which fedoras hate on so much

not going to lie, I'm not religious.
I find it very cucking.
but I don't commit philosophical suicide and depend on science.
science is a minor facet of philosophy, the greater whole should be practiced.
retards that say evolution and DNA are retarded, it has been proven evolution is a fact and DNA is real.
did we come from fucking fish?
I dunno it's just a theory.
when it comes to a question there are two options, there being an answer and not knowing the answer.
in simple terms science allows certain questions to have the same answers.
but to ignore the whole of philosophy is just lazy and retarded.
anyone can remember things that are true and pretend to be a man of science.
but yet a parrot is not as great as a man.
cucking yourself out of being a man? shameful.

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>by that definition
That is the definition. And your response is the problem; millions of people think evolution is something that it is not. And that misinterpretation is cultivated to maintain religion in the masses as to make the people easier to control.

Muh physical evidence. You're restricting yourself to empiricism without even considering if that's correct. There's major epistemological issues with that worldview. There's arguments on the logical necessity of loads of things which can't be observed not just God and many if these things science itself relies on.

The christian god can be logically refuted but I don't see a rational reason to assume that there are any supernatural beings outside of our perception. If they exist we will find them or they will reveal themselves to us. Until then, science will do just fine at revealing the mysteries of our universe

You're a fucking brainlet. If you actually want to not be an NPC and want to actually question your presuppositions which the scientific method is riddled with get a basic grasp of philosophy up until the 1600s then look into the debates between the rationalists and the empiricists. These are just foundational issues as the problem continues on until today. I doubt you'll do it but if you actually want to think about truth and not just accept what some nigger science man told you you'll do this.

And science isn't just fine on it's own. You can't judge the validity of the scientific method on it's own. You're begging the question. And I'm not even really Christian. Anyway help yourself if you want you're only hurting yourself.

Most contemporary philosophers are atheist though, studying philosophy doesn't necessarily lead you to theism much less christianity

Nice try but you capitalized 'God' in your earlier post. The true NPCs are those who blindly follow what they were taught when too young to know better and lack the mental capability to free themselves. Religion is not necessary to lead a good life or to be a successful member of society. And one day it will stop holding humanity back entirely and I hope I will be around when it happens.

>contemporary philosophers

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If you believe in evolution, where did the first life form come from?

>bro, but what if like, demons tricked u? See, empiricism is succ
You paid actual money for this, hahaha

You arent offering any criticism other than "read philosophy", you sound like a pseud bullshitter

You believe the scientific impossibility that 'nothing' created 'everything'.

>contemporary philosophers

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Go to google and type in primordial soup. You're just the emergent phenomenon of atoms that coalesced because of optimal interactions of their wave functions. It's your fault that you're so unfulfilled that you think that makes life not worth living, quit taking it out on others.

i thought this was 4channel, not reddit?

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Sorry my chemistry degree makes you insecure.

i'm not that guy, retard.
I personally don't give a FUCK how you live your life.
I'm just cringing.

Evolution says nothing about where life came from, only that it changes over time. The logical continuation of evolution is abiogenesis but that is also still unclear. I fully admit that I do not know for certain how life came to be though.

show this is true with evidence and reproducible.

>claims to have empirical knowledge of hypothetical events that occurred billions of years in the past
absolutely religious

>I can take down this big guy by using his mass against him!!
You paid real money for this. I'm just here to mock you buddy, I'm happy with my life thanks to some dead French dudes I read for free.

>russian orthodoxy
have fun being a useful idiot for oligarchs, putin and a patriarch that's ex-kgb

this post was made by greek orthodox gang

I don't worship an incel lol
>can't get friends so he creates humans
>create a paradise for them
>not even his own creation wants to be his friend
>punish humans forever because 1 (one) roastie made the mistake of eating a fruit from his tree (supposedly he's all-knowing but instead of preventing it he just let it happen so he had a reason to kick them out because they wouldn't be his friends)
>forces them to be his friends or they receive eternal punishment
>kill off humans because of incel rage
>has never had sex, son was conceived through magical rape
>is too ugly too show his face
>literally getting spammed with 'post body' but never obliges
>hasn't interacted with the world for centuries
>probably went back to spending all day fapping and crying instead of improving himself

> For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written, He taketh the wise in their own craftiness.

>Evolution says nothing about where life comes from
I know, that’s why evolution is a red herring. It’s more expedient to ask evolutionists where life came from.

He will never tell you because man can never create life. Imagine believing this structured and ordered universe created itself. Complete madness.
> 19 For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written, He taketh the wise in their own craftiness.

Perfect, you show your true colors.

Here is the real reason people believe atheist lies, they hate God and want to walk after their own lusts. They don’t care about truth or love it. If they did they would come to Jesus.

>3 Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts,

>4 And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation.

>5 For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water:

>6 Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished:

>7 But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men.

>bonds aren't real because they go against my ~world view~ that cost me lots of daddy's money
Here, I read this in 2nd year and it had lots of pretty pictures, maybe you can color them in together:
Once you're done with that you can read this:
Less pictures but it's better than you stuffing hay in test tubes and claiming you created life.
Those principles haven't changed, so you'll finally be well-equipped enough for the wikipedia page you're pretending to be able to outsmart.

also knowing how christianity came from judaism helps, as well as the fact that judaism is a monstrous conglomeration of various local religions in the area thousands of years ago years ago and has evolved a lot. whatever you believe in now isn't what was believed 3000 years ago and they would probably consider you some sort of heretic.
even 2000 years ago as the bible wasn't written until 100-some years after the historical jesus's life.
cool to learn about but obviously not real unless you're a brainlet. and why would christianity be the "right" religion over the hundreds or thousands of other religions? what makes it special?

also you believe in the same god as jews and muzzies lmao.

>structured and ordered universe
[citation needed]
Nice reddit spacing, did the overlords close another one of your little safe spaces because you forgot to use baby speak to talk about how bad jews were?

>I lift for the glory of Rabbi Yeshua King Of The Jews and His People, the Chosen Ones of the Land Of Israel

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check’d and kek’d

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Absolutely Euphoric

it's not retard. see all these farm/domestic animals? i think nobody will argue that they're there as a result of humans selectively breeding them.
in the wild, instead of humans choosing the traits, instead the cows or whatever with the better traits for their environment can pass on their genes better and thus their genes become more prevalent in the population. this is called natural selection. this + other forms of microevolution, including random chance over vast periods of time, think millions of years, can result in a new species of a sub-population remains isolated from another
fossil records showing transitional species

comparative anatomy showing certain skeletal/other features common to closely grouped animals (like how similar bat/whale/human "arms" are, showing we emerged from a relatively recent common ancestor)

and also it's been expiremntally observed, like this one group of fish in this creek these scientists autisticslly studied for decades (don't remember the specifics). also finnish people show a lot of similar and unique characteristics from microevolution for example

darwin's finches, which show how in just a few hundred/thousand years new species formed from this one population of one species of birds that flew over as they separated into distinct niches.

also, vestigial structures. did you know whales have pelvis and leg bones? they're like the size of your hand but they're still there, rememnants of evolution. snakes also have leg stublets. why would an intelligent god leave these?

No, religion is for fags.

>The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good.

Look at one of the many interconnected biological processes that allow you to even write that terrible post for one.

> 18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;

>19 Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them.

>20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse

God blinds the minds of people who deny him often so they cannot be saved and are damned for eternal torment in hell.

> He hath blinded their eyes, and hardened their heart; that they should not see with their eyes, nor understand with their heart, and be converted, and I should heal them.

If this isn’t you onlooker, check out this video to learn how to be saved

>If you have a basic understanding of science it is impossible to remain religious with extreme mental gymnastics

You would be surprised how many scientists are religious, but of course they aren't as educated as some user on the internet.

Also there is a good reason why biologists have the highest unemployment rate among stem students

>>Evolution says nothing about where life comes from
>I know, that’s why evolution is a red herring. It’s more expedient to ask evolutionists where life came from.
based retard. although it's impossible to know for certain, life almost certainly started on a "primordial soup." look up the rna world/primordial soup hypothesis. it has a pretty large amount of evidence showing it's possible life started that way.

I didn't go to college, and i'm not the guy you've been replying to.
You can't just say something is true without proving it. that's not how science works.
see above.
all you've done it though of something and said it's true because it's based on things you know are true.
why can't you just be satisfied with the fact YOU don't know the answer.

*tips fedora*

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God here. Sorry for making you gay.

I do know for certain.
> And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so

That is where life started.

Also let’s say this soup was real, where did those chemicals come from?

>I do know for certain.
>> And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so
>That is where life started.
fucking lmao